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22:31 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha! don't forget to dye your moustache if you dye your hair! although, wouldn't having a moustache be just as bad as the shoulder pads you wore? No i can't, but then again i'm not a triangle, i thought you might be able to do it Haha well it's not my fault you having shoulders that are easy targets! it was either that or noogies! Haha oh and i'm sure it's jsut around the corner right, i can sense something that would make me tremble in fear because of you

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22:55 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha thanks for that,i'd have been bound to forget if you hadn't reminded me Depends what kind of moustache I went for, I reckon I could bring the handlebar back in to fashion... Well funnily enough I don't want to try and find out if I can, what if I can't grow them back? yes it is, nobody else seems to have your problem of attacking my shoulders! well I'm glad you picked the poking then, your noogies have done enough damage already! haha you mock now, but it could be closer than you realise!

Deleted User
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23:10 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh no problem, anything for a triangle trying to get back into fashion haha oh no! you couldn't! surely that would be one of the worst possibilities of moustaches you could choose! If you can't grow them back, then we get you titanium shoulders! or maybe hope for a miracle? Maybe others don't see what i see? when they look at your shoulders they see shoudlers.. when i see them, i see another way to annoy you. See! now you can appreciate the shoulder poking, right?.. Haha yeah right! you're one person i would be the least terrifed by!Posted Image

Deleted User
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23:16 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Especially since it's your fault I'm going out of fashion in the first place! What's wrong with a good handlebar? What would you recommend instead then?! but you wouldn't enjoy poking titanium shoulders as much, would you? And hoping for a miracle, great advice(!) Well couldn't you try looking at my shoulders and seeing shoulders then? And what makes you think it annoys me? doesn't bother me in the slightest A little I suppose, amazing how you can make me see that what you're doing is the best option for me... Which will only make it all the more terrifying when it comes to pass!

Deleted User
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00:23 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha it's not my fault you choose the shoulder pads over other things! Haha it's like the rats tail! not cool at all! i recommend a disguise that doesn't involve the ol' handlebar moustache! I probably wouldn't no, although if it means bugging you with shoulder poking, i'm sure i'd adjust! haha what? i couldn't think of anything that would be of more help :$ I could try, but for some reason i don't think that would work at all! Hmm, the fact you're trying to stop me form poking your shoulder? it's a sign i'm doing well! Haha, thanks! i didn't think you would see it that way but i'm glad you do! Haha right, i'm naive to be so flippant about the terror that's in store for me!

Deleted User
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08:34 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
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09:16 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well what else could I choose? It's the pads or letting my shoulders be turned to mush! Ooh, what abot a handlebar moustache with a rat's tail? Sounds brillant! Anything other than the handlebar doesn't really narrow things down! So not even having such tough shoulders would deter you?! ...You might actually have a point there, nothing short of a miracle will persuade you to stop Why not? They are shoulders after all, perhaps imagine it's someone other than me whose shoudlers you're looking at? Oh yea, I'm trying so hard to make you stop aren't I? Well how could I not? if I'm going to being picked on either way, might as well be the one that's slightly less bad for me! Oh you are, you just don't realise it yet! Posted Image

Deleted User
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20:24 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha i would have picked the mushy shoulders if i were you! Haha oh no! how would you show your face in civilised society again?! it'd look like you'd spent too much time with the bogans! haha yes it does, it means you have so many option to choose something better! it's not restirictive! nope! nothing will ever deter me from harming your shoulders haha ooh, did you just realise it was futile? did it just hit you? Haha i coudl try doing that, but it'd you! they wouldn't look like normal shoulders for long Haha you are! titanium, cushions, shoulder pads, that's a lot of work. Haha that's the right attitude! it's going to happen, so you can only hope for the better outcome! haha ooh, i'm really beginning to get frightened now! Posted Image

Deleted User
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21:50 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
But with mushy shoulders all my shirts would han goff my arms all wrong, would ruin my fashionableness anyway! Well at this rate will have spent too much time with the bogans - 5 years is more than enough for anyone to survive! What about you choose for me then if it makes it that much better, especially seeing as I obviously have bad taste in facial hair... haha, how lucky my shoulders are to have you(!) Yes, yes it did, I'm surprised I managed to keep it at bay this long! Why? My shoulders aren't any different to anyone else's, shouldn't be that hard to pretend! Oh those are all for show, it's not like I've managed to use any of them to actually stop you, have I? Haha well I was bound to learn that sooner or later, managed it quite quickly for once! Haha I can see, there's so much terror in your eyes I'm feeling bad(!) Posted Image

Deleted User
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22:06 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha, surely this would be a better way of losing your fashionableness if you had to lose it anyway? Haha oh right, so after spending so much time with them, it'd be too much to hope for that you don't get some characteristics of there's? Haha hmm, do you need any facial hair to hide your true identity? maybe the change of hair colour, and maybe some shades woudl be enough? Haha what? someone had to be the one to suffer at my hands? why not you and your shoulders? ooh, you did do well! naivety or optimism i wonder No theyr'e not, but i know they're attached to you, which makes them different! haha no you haven't but then, you never manage to use things to stop me, so i just thought that was happening againPosted Image oh you did! didn't take you long to realise it, unlike other times.. Haha what? it's not my fault i can't pretend you're scary Posted Image

Deleted User
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22:46 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I guess, but if you left my shoulders alone I wouldn't have to lose my fashionableness! I think so yes, no matter how much I try to avoid them, some of it'll rub off Well it would help I think, though i could start with dyeing my hair and some shades, see if that works Why did someone have to suffer? Most people manage to go without making anyone else suffer! Because my shoulders have never done anything to deserve this?! Haha thanks, if only I could've done even better! Which do you think is more likely, hmm? my shoulders are doomed by association? that's not really fair on them, is it?! Well maybe that's because I'm not trying too hard to, but I could stop you if I really wanted to? *shifties* Haha I know, hopefully this means I'll start learning all my lessons quicker! Yes it is, how har could it be to pretend I'm scary, wouldnt take that much effort surely?! Posted Image

Deleted User
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22:48 Fri 20 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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03:58 Sat 21 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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17:59 Sat 21 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's true, and we're brought back to the fact i can't leave them alone.. so you still lose your fashionableness because of my lack of control! Ooh, you have to at least hope something good rubs off from them.. if they have anything good that is That's probably best, although next time i go into a store, i'll see if they have fake 'taches.. maybe you could have a new identity with a purple one! Because.. umm.. just because i think i'll go with.. haha ah that's true, but most people don't get as much enjoyment as i do form making you suffer Mwuhahaxx. Haha no they haven't, but that doesn't mean they needed to do something to suffer. Oh i'm not sure if it was possible to do better than you did.. you already know you're not going to like my answer, don't you? Yep! that's exactly why! no it's not fair.. but who needs to be fair to shoulders anyway, right? Posted Image Oh you're right, i'm sure if you tried you could stop me, you just can't be bothered doing so, right? Posted Image Do you think it'll mean that or is it a lucky one-off i wonder.. Haha incredibly difficult to do! and remember, i'm good at pretending and have an over-active imagination - so for me to find it difficult to imagine you being scary.. shows a lot about what you really are Posted Image Posted Image

Deleted User
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21:52 Sat 21 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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05:06 Sun 22 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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02:34 Mon 23 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha yea, I guess no matter what happens my fashionableness is going out of the window... Thanks for adding that last bit in, as if I wasn't feeling bad enough about some bogan-ness rubbing off on me! Ooh purple would be great, no one would realise it was fake at all(!) Oh well that's a wonderful argument why, please carry on(!) And you can't find anything else to enjoy even more, so that I don't have to keep suffering?! ...I guess with you they don't, would explin why I have to suffer so much too I might've been able to, a little optimism can go a long way! Haha yep, how could I not know I wouldn't? Posted Image Well you don't need to I suppose, it would just be nice if you were... That's it exactly, I don't see why I need to stop you, it's not too bad as things are now Posted Image I'd prefer to think it was the start of me learning quickly! Haha thanks for that(!) Maybe you just don't want to imagine I'm scary, you make it difficult for yourself? *shifties* Posted Image

Deleted User
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20:29 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yep! i guess there's nothign you can do, maybe take some pictures of your fashionable clothing and things so you at least have the memories Haha sorry, i thought it was necessary, should i have left it out? (A). Haha what? Billy Connoly had a purple 'tache, and his was real, you could just say he was your role model? There's nothing to carry on with, i thought my argument was good as it was, nothing more to add *shifties* Haha nope! not a thing! this is the most enjoyable things i can possibly think of which means sorry, you have to suffer! haha that's true, at least you finally have some idea about why.. right? Oh but i thought you didn't really believe in the work of optimism, so how far can it get you? haha i don't know, maybe if you were in denial? or hopeful? or being naive about it?Posted Image I'm sure it would be.. it's just actually getting that to happen that's the problem i think.. It isn't?! :O then this means i have to make things worse! so that it is really bad! Posted Image Ah right, i guess that would work, just have to see if it is the start.. What? it's not my fault you're too nice to be scary!Posted Image Haha maybe i don't, although if it was for this, i could try, and still get nowhere with it i think.Posted Image

Posts: 31,220
22:31 Wed 25 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
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01:59 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
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