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Deleted User
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06:01 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)
Haha i don't poke you to say hi several times per day, twice at the most! Because shoulders are supposed to be tougher than ribs!
Deleted User
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06:52 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)
No, but you poke me several times for each hi! Well they are, just not all that much tougher in my case...
Deleted User
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18:29 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)
Well it's not like i can poke you once in the shoulder to say hi! what if you dont' notice it? So you're a rare case, i can't be blamed for that (A)
Deleted User
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19:33 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)
Haha I'm sure there's no not noticing your pokes! No you can't, but you can be blamed for exploiting the fact!
Deleted User
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19:44 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)
Hmm, well then i have no excuse do i? if only that would stop me poking your shoulder Haha that is true! although i think i'm comfortable with the blame of that
Deleted User
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19:57 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)
Haha no, I guess you don't! mean it won't stop you?! Any way I could make you uncomfortable with it, maybe over-exaggerate how bad it really is for me?
Deleted User
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20:03 Wed 18 Mar 09 (GMT)
Nope! i'm going to keep saying hi to you through pokes of your shoulder! Haha but if you exaggerate how bad it really is for you, i'll just continue because i know you're exaggerating, how could it all of a sudden become so much worse for you?
Deleted User
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07:18 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)
What lucky shoulders I have then(!) *straps on some shoulder pads* What about if I slowly increase it then, like I'm more fragile as I'm getting older? Would tht work better?
Deleted User
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07:35 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)
Haha! now that's a way to stop me poking your shoulders! *gets too distracted by laughter to even think about poking your shoulders* Haha nope, because seeing as you've suggested it here, i'm just going to assume you're faking it
Deleted User
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07:46 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)
What's so funny? If it saves me from the poking it's worth it! ...I really should stop running my ideas past you before I try them
Deleted User
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21:05 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)
Haha oh nothing, it's just that you don't often see fashinable triangles such as yourself out in shoulder pads.. which is a shame. Oh no you shouldn't stop, so much easier for me to foil them given you tell me all i need to know about them
Deleted User
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22:05 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)
Well it's not often fashionable triangles spend all their time being poked either! Which is exactly why i should stop, as if you don't find it easy enough to foil me without my helping you!
Deleted User
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22:10 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)
So you're going to risk becoming an unfashionable triangle just to protect your shoulders from brusing or becoming mush are you?.. quite a high price to pay i'd say Haha but if you help me, then i barely have to do any work, and can begin enjoying the next plan you have!
Deleted User
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22:13 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)
Yes, yes I am, I can always become fashionable again but once you're through with my shoulders there'll be no getting them back! Well it's you who's forcing me to pay it... But you shouldn't be enjoying any of my plans, they should make you tremble in fear!
Deleted User
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22:21 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)
Haha are you sure you can? i mean once you go with the shoulder pads, will you even be taken seriously for your taste in fashion again?! :O.. are you sure? you just miraculously developed arms, why not shoulders?.. Haha i never made you wear the shoulder pads! Haha right, because anything you do could make me tremble in fear?(!)
Deleted User
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22:26 Thu 19 Mar 09 (GMT)
I might be able to, if I change my name, maybe grow a moustache and dye my hair I already developed the shoulders, can you regrow yours hmm? You did, if you didn't poke my shoulders I woudln't have had to take such a drastic measure! I might be able to, we just haven't found what it is yet!
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