Funkypool vs Funkysnooker (done properly)
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10:38 Wed 8 Apr 09 (BST)
Well done on getting some more games finished.
Snooker Matches
egotistical vs fastboysam
crazzymadman vs fastboysam (aka crazy_dave)
alone699 vs ste_efc
_mewtwo_ vs ste_efc
_niall_ vs linkin_park (mooney_147)
_niall_ vs kaison
bastilha vs iamtheworst
smithbit vs n_e_r_d
horse10000 vs mrmagic
Pool matches
8ball us
_niall vs kaison
8ball uk
smithbit vs linkin_park (mooney_147)
alone699 vs linkin_park (mooney_147)
9ball us
horse10000 vs nomercy1986
horse10000 vs ste_efc
keoghz vs nomercy1986
Funkypool 83-108 Funkysnooker
15 games left to play this season, with a possible 30 points available (pool are currently 25 behind) so still mathematically possible to win (oh dear god)
Edited at 15:45 Wed 8/04/09 (BST)
Missed game off
Edited at 15:50 Wed 8/04/09 (BST)
Edited at 15:57 Wed 8/04/09 (BST)
Snooker Matches
egotistical vs fastboysam
crazzymadman vs fastboysam (aka crazy_dave)
alone699 vs ste_efc
_mewtwo_ vs ste_efc
_niall_ vs linkin_park (mooney_147)
_niall_ vs kaison
bastilha vs iamtheworst
smithbit vs n_e_r_d
horse10000 vs mrmagic
Pool matches
8ball us
_niall vs kaison
8ball uk
smithbit vs linkin_park (mooney_147)
alone699 vs linkin_park (mooney_147)
9ball us
horse10000 vs nomercy1986
horse10000 vs ste_efc
keoghz vs nomercy1986
Funkypool 83-108 Funkysnooker
15 games left to play this season, with a possible 30 points available (pool are currently 25 behind) so still mathematically possible to win (oh dear god)
Edited at 15:45 Wed 8/04/09 (BST)
Missed game off
Edited at 15:50 Wed 8/04/09 (BST)
Edited at 15:57 Wed 8/04/09 (BST)
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10:38 Wed 8 Apr 09 (BST)
As said on snooker both played better at opposing games well done for playing
Funkypool 83-108 Funkysnooker
15 games to go!
Edited at 16:35 Wed 8/04/09 (BST)
Funkypool 83-108 Funkysnooker
15 games to go!
Edited at 16:35 Wed 8/04/09 (BST)
10:43 Wed 8 Apr 09 (BST)
Alex i have 16 games down on my list (duble check the game for me) I could be wrong
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10:49 Wed 8 Apr 09 (BST)
Yeah youngjeezy has played str8shooter at 8us mate
11:29 Wed 8 Apr 09 (BST)
Now wonder i was getting confused alex
alexander said:
As said on snooker both played better at opposing games well done for playing
Funkypool 83-108 Funkysnooker
15 games to go!
Funkypool 83-108 Funkysnooker
15 games to go!
Now wonder i was getting confused alex
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04:15 Fri 10 Apr 09 (BST)
Latest Result
ste_efc 2-1 zero_pulse
Nice one john and josh!
Funkypool 86-110 Funkysnooker
13 to go!
pool can still win this lol!
ste_efc 2-1 zero_pulse
Nice one john and josh!
Funkypool 86-110 Funkysnooker
13 to go!
pool can still win this lol!
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09:35 Fri 10 Apr 09 (BST)
And another
Funkypool 86-112 Funkysnooker
iamtheworst 2-0 ladysapphire
Yes it does mean snooker have officially won but lets all play for pride give as good as we get.
Lets for the tonne of points!
12 to go
Deadline is wednesday
If you dont want this to ever end! then well tough but please sign your names here.
We will have a good laugh I promise
Funkypool 86-112 Funkysnooker
iamtheworst 2-0 ladysapphire
Yes it does mean snooker have officially won but lets all play for pride give as good as we get.
Lets for the tonne of points!
12 to go
Deadline is wednesday
If you dont want this to ever end! then well tough but please sign your names here.
We will have a good laugh I promise
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12:35 Sun 12 Apr 09 (BST)
Was a bit busy winning tournies yesterday lol
Nice one there colin!
Funkypool 88-113 Funkysnooker
11 games to play wednesday is the deadline might send out one last batch of messages on monday night.
Nice one there colin!
Funkypool 88-113 Funkysnooker
11 games to play wednesday is the deadline might send out one last batch of messages on monday night.
20:28 Sun 12 Apr 09 (BST)
Snooker Matches
crazzymadman vs fastboysam (aka crazy_dave)
alone699 vs ste_efc
_niall_ vs linkin_park (mooney_147)
_niall_ vs kaison
smithbit vs n_e_r_d
horse10000 vs mrmagic
Pool matches
8ball us
_niall vs kaison
8ball uk
smithbit vs linkin_park (mooney_147)
9ball us
horse10000 vs nomercy1986
horse10000 vs ste_efc
keoghz vs nomercy1986
Funkypool 88-113 Funkysnooker
11 Games to play - stalk them you lot come on
Snooker Matches
crazzymadman vs fastboysam (aka crazy_dave)
alone699 vs ste_efc
_niall_ vs linkin_park (mooney_147)
_niall_ vs kaison
smithbit vs n_e_r_d
horse10000 vs mrmagic
Pool matches
8ball us
_niall vs kaison
8ball uk
smithbit vs linkin_park (mooney_147)
9ball us
horse10000 vs nomercy1986
horse10000 vs ste_efc
keoghz vs nomercy1986
Funkypool 88-113 Funkysnooker
11 Games to play - stalk them you lot come on
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13:39 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)
Result in
Regular snooker
_niall_ 0-2 mooney_147
Well done for playing guys so close to this finishing.
Will let it go untill thursday morning where I will call it to finish.
Funkypool 88-115 Funkysnooker
10 to go.
At the end of this there will be two scores really. The played one which is couting all played results only.
The other is the official score this will include the default scores I will put in these will be on how often the opponent has logged in, how often they have tried to play and if that doesnt split them it will go on ability.
I will be very fair ive got to know quite a few of you and have watched your log ins intently. Even if snooker have won it doest really matter but I like things to go off officially.
Regular snooker
_niall_ 0-2 mooney_147
Well done for playing guys so close to this finishing.
Will let it go untill thursday morning where I will call it to finish.
Funkypool 88-115 Funkysnooker
10 to go.
At the end of this there will be two scores really. The played one which is couting all played results only.
The other is the official score this will include the default scores I will put in these will be on how often the opponent has logged in, how often they have tried to play and if that doesnt split them it will go on ability.
I will be very fair ive got to know quite a few of you and have watched your log ins intently. Even if snooker have won it doest really matter but I like things to go off officially.
15:01 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)
Sorry guys, I was half asleep and found it hard to stay interested tbh lol, he played well though
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05:44 Wed 15 Apr 09 (BST)
lol no problem keoghz pulled you out.
And no sorry its nearly finished robbean mate.
Funkypool 90-115 Funkysnooker
9 to go never know might get another played today!
And no sorry its nearly finished robbean mate.
Funkypool 90-115 Funkysnooker
9 to go never know might get another played today!
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07:42 Thu 16 Apr 09 (BST)
All results of Fortnight 5
Snooker Matches
egotistical 0-2 ste_efc
egotistical 2-1 fastboysam
egotistical 2-1 nomercy1986
_mewtwo_ 1-2 ste_efc
_niall_ 0-2 youngjeezy
_niall_ 0-2 mooney_147
str8shooter 2-1 youngjeezy
str8shooter 0-2 mooney_147
ladysapphire 0-2 iamtheworst
Pool matches
8ball us:
str8shooter 0-2 youngjeezy
crazzymadman 2-1 youngjeezy
_niall_ 2-0 youngjeezy
8ball uk:
egotistical 2-0 mooney_147
alone699 2-0 mooney_147
9ball us
_mewtwo_ 1-2 nomercy1986
keoghz 2-0 nomercy1986
ladysapphire 2-0 ste_efc
Remaining games and defaults (based on how often they were online and tried to play)
Snooker defaults
crazzymadman 2-1 fastboysam
alone699 1-2 ste_efc
_niall_ 2-0 kaison
smithbit 0-2 n_e_r_d
horse10000 2-1 mrmagic
Pool defaults
8ball us
_niall_ 2-0 kaison
8ball uk
smithbit 0-2 mooney_147
9ball us
horse10000 1-2 nomercy1986
horse10000 2-1 ste_efc
Works out pool get one more point didnt plan for it thats how it turned out.
Seem very fair to me feel free to argue them but I wouldnt as snooker still win.
Snooker Matches
egotistical 0-2 ste_efc
egotistical 2-1 fastboysam
egotistical 2-1 nomercy1986
_mewtwo_ 1-2 ste_efc
_niall_ 0-2 youngjeezy
_niall_ 0-2 mooney_147
str8shooter 2-1 youngjeezy
str8shooter 0-2 mooney_147
ladysapphire 0-2 iamtheworst
Pool matches
8ball us:
str8shooter 0-2 youngjeezy
crazzymadman 2-1 youngjeezy
_niall_ 2-0 youngjeezy
8ball uk:
egotistical 2-0 mooney_147
alone699 2-0 mooney_147
9ball us
_mewtwo_ 1-2 nomercy1986
keoghz 2-0 nomercy1986
ladysapphire 2-0 ste_efc
Remaining games and defaults (based on how often they were online and tried to play)
Snooker defaults
crazzymadman 2-1 fastboysam
alone699 1-2 ste_efc
_niall_ 2-0 kaison
smithbit 0-2 n_e_r_d
horse10000 2-1 mrmagic
Pool defaults
8ball us
_niall_ 2-0 kaison
8ball uk
smithbit 0-2 mooney_147
9ball us
horse10000 1-2 nomercy1986
horse10000 2-1 ste_efc
Works out pool get one more point didnt plan for it thats how it turned out.
Seem very fair to me feel free to argue them but I wouldnt as snooker still win.
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07:43 Thu 16 Apr 09 (BST)
We must congratulate our sister site funkysnooker on winning this event.
The final score not including unplayed games was:
Funkypool 90 - 115 Funkysnooker
The official score including defaults was
Funkypool 102 - 126 Funkysnooker
Not a complete thrashing but they have won fair and square.
I hope you have all enjoyed competing in this event and well done on getting the majority of the games played. Overall 87/96 games were completed which is a fantastic achievement.
Special thanks to co leader crazzymadman and snooker captain virtuoso107 nice one guys.
I am genuinely sorry for tormenting you I didnt give you much warning how I would be so I didnt scare you off. However I doubt we would of had much success otherwise. I will be using that technique in up coming events I make.
Feel free to leave comments for a couple of days pool will take it on the chin.
I will send out messages notifying you all of the finish and a small version of this message.
Next event im attempting to host is "funkysnooker clan leagues" a big step up bit I believe it can be done.
On pool I will be doing small events in time nothing big like this for a while.
Hope to see you in that if not im hosting another one of these with a similar format at the start of 2010 unless someone beats me to it.
ggs all round take care
Edited at 14:45 Thu 16/04/09 (BST)
The final score not including unplayed games was:
Funkypool 90 - 115 Funkysnooker
The official score including defaults was
Funkypool 102 - 126 Funkysnooker
Not a complete thrashing but they have won fair and square.
I hope you have all enjoyed competing in this event and well done on getting the majority of the games played. Overall 87/96 games were completed which is a fantastic achievement.
Special thanks to co leader crazzymadman and snooker captain virtuoso107 nice one guys.
I am genuinely sorry for tormenting you I didnt give you much warning how I would be so I didnt scare you off. However I doubt we would of had much success otherwise. I will be using that technique in up coming events I make.
Feel free to leave comments for a couple of days pool will take it on the chin.
I will send out messages notifying you all of the finish and a small version of this message.
Next event im attempting to host is "funkysnooker clan leagues" a big step up bit I believe it can be done.
On pool I will be doing small events in time nothing big like this for a while.
Hope to see you in that if not im hosting another one of these with a similar format at the start of 2010 unless someone beats me to it.
ggs all round take care
Edited at 14:45 Thu 16/04/09 (BST)
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06:40 Sat 18 Apr 09 (BST)
Well done mate very good effort! well done guys for getting the games played too!
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Funkypool vs Funkysnooker (done properly)
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