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Funkypool vs Funkysnooker (done properly)

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14:21 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers buddy
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16:35 Thu 26 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
alexander said:
Another result in

Original Snooker

madmiketyson 0-2 damee

we will let him off as damee got a break of 128 at the start was on fire lol

Funkypool 67-92 Funkysnooker

Oh come on thats lazy, you copied and pasted

2nd game was only a couple of points in it, ggs ul mate
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02:37 Fri 27 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
pmsl sherrup you

Yeah it was a lot closer didnt give adam justice for 2nd frame

16 remaining come on you lazy lot you have no excuse i have completed every single game i have had including players like "luckypot" who are rarely online
Posts: 9,456
05:18 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Very disappointed!!!!!!

Not much movement happening, might be because off the clans & world cup games etc. but anyway here is the list off games that still need playing.

Snooker Matches

Arcade snooker

egotistical vs fastboysam
crazzymadman vs fastboysam
_mewtwo_ vs tinotoon
alone699 vs nomercy1986

Regular snooker

_niall_ vs luckypot
sporting vs the_kop

Original snooker

smithbit vs n_e_r_d
horse10000 vs mrmagic
bastilha vs iamtheworst

Pool Matches

8ball us:

madmiketyson vs n_e_r_d
_niall_ vs the_kop

8ball uk:

alone699 vs fastboysam
egotistical vs luckypot

9ball us:

bastilha vs tinotoon
horse10000 vs tinotoon
keoghz vs iamtheworst
_mewtwo_ vs nomercy1986

Bonus Fixures

madmiketyson vs n_e_r_d (original snooker)
alone699 vs luckypot (8ball uk)
Deleted User
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05:27 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah well its the last lot and the weekend come on guys!

Otherwise you leave yourself with to much work to do last round of fixtures

crazzy fancy doing a whip round of messages with fixtures?

Im off out in a second unless you have i wouldnt get one cause i have played all mine
Posts: 10,415
11:57 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Beaten 2-0 by Mark at original convincingly.

Beat myself 2-0 at US8 even more convincingly by lining up his last shots for him

Least I got em done at last, alex might leave my inbox alone now

Sorry lads, well off form just at the minute
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12:05 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
You need some lman training again don't ya!

unlucky lol.
Posts: 10,415
12:11 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I need some time to play this game again versus anyone, always too busy to just play a couple of ranked games or a tourny
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12:12 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Need to get your priorites right mate

You know funky must come first
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12:19 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
alone699 vs fastboysam


Good guy, good games!.!
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13:17 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done josh mate nice work.

Wednesday is the deadline this week

Funkypool 70-98 Funkysnooker

Here is a couple of stats for you

Total games played: 70/96 73% to 1.d.p

Total Unplayed games: 26/96 27% to 1.d.p

Total Snooker games played: 33/48 69% to 1.w.n

Total snooker games unplayed: 15/48 31% to 1.w.n

Total pool games played: 37/48 77% to 1.w.n

Total pool games unplayed: 11/48 23% to 1.w.n

Most played games in snooker: original 9/12 75% to 1.w.n

Most played games in pool: 8ball us/uk 9/12 75% to 1.w.n

Players who have finished all games:

alexander (pool team)
madmiketyson (pool team)
kaison (snooker team)
virtuoso107 (snooker team)
quick_pot (snooker team)
Deleted User
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13:05 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Zero_pulse (pool) vs Fastboysam (snooker)


Frame 1: fastboysam
Frame 2: zero_pulse
Frame 3: zero_pulse

Overall winner zero_pulse

Good games bud, very unlucky on final frame
Deleted User
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13:15 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Nicely done well done mate.

So you know a couple of those stats are incorrect but there close enough all unplayed games are on my paper copy.

This was an unplayed game i said that can be played so well done guys.

Funkypool 72-99 Funkysnooker

Main notice is virtuoso107 has replaced the_kop for youngjeezy. With immediate effect so i can maximise youngjeezy time for playing them. I will message all people with fixture changes.
Posts: 2,683
14:06 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
youngjeezy vs keogh (reg snooker)
2-0 to jeezy wd and wp
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14:08 Mon 30 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice response well done for playing

Funkypool 72-101 Funkysnooker

Well done for reaching century mark snooker
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02:46 Tue 31 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
wooooo monday morning everybody rise and shine!

We have 24 games unplayed which is the perfect amount but hey make it easier for yourselves play a couple more and you will have less for the final fortnight

New fixtures well recycled fixtures out on wednesday by the way.
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14:04 Tue 31 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Due to some *dodgy goings on* which I will not say, but you might work, it out a couple of results have been retracted.

And a couple of fixtures are added from wednesday you wont be able tell as they wont be shown seperate.

The actual score now is:

Funkypool 70-97 Funkysnooker
Deleted User
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02:44 Wed 1 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Right here are your last round of fixtures. All of your unplayed games feature here.

Snooker Games


egotistical vs tinotoon
egotistical vs fastboysam
egotistical vs nomercy1986
crazzymadman vs fastboysam (aka crazy_dave_)
alone699 vs tinotoon
_mewtwo_ vs tinotoon (aka zero_pulse)


_niall_ vs youngjeezy
_niall_ vs luckypot
sporting vs youngjeezy
sporting vs luckypot
_niall_ vs kaison


bastilha vs iamtheworst
smithbit vs n_e_r_d
horse10000 vs mrmagoc

Pool matches

8ball us:

sporting vs youngjeezy
crazzymadman vs youngjeezy
_niall_ vs youngjeezy
_niall vs kaison

8ball uk:

smithbit vs luckypot
egotistical vs luckypot
alone699 vs luckypot

9ball us

_mewtwo_ vs nomercy1986
horse10000 vs nomercy1986
horse10000 vs tinotoon
keoghz vs nomercy1986
bastilha vs tinotoon

Messages will be sent out tonight i should get a replacement for bastilha tonight as he hasnt logged in for a while.
Deleted User
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15:29 Wed 1 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Havent had a lot of time to message I forgot I had my effort session tonight.

Im knackered now so will message tommorow morning.

Come on guys pathetic so far!
Deleted User
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07:51 Thu 2 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Due to bastilha disappearing I have made a replacement.

Please welcome to the team the pool legend, the one, the only ....


Thanks for helping us out hun do us proud.

With immediate effect she will be playing bastilhas fixtures.
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Funkypool vs Funkysnooker (done properly)

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