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Snookering - a part of the game or plain bad sportsmanship?

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07:04 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
_andyh87_ said:
Yeah, a lot of pros kick up a stink when they are snookered 'cos they feel like they are being outsmarted by someone with inferior technical ability. However they tend to be hypocritical and use snookers themselves when it suits them

you can say that about anyone mate

And yes snookers are a big part of the game, accept it.. deal with it
Deleted User
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08:12 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I say if there is no rule stopping you from doing it i don't have a problem taking advantage
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09:16 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
janmb said:

Most pros realize the simple fact that playing snookers most of the time requires more skill than potting.

Very true Jan.

Also the art of good snookering play is is taking advantage after your opponent fouls/escapes. That's when you should judge how good a snooker it is.
Posts: 83
09:20 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
disagreed, i for one, play snookers half the time because i don't trust my potting. If i have 7 balls left, opponents on the black, i'll lay a snooker that they simply WONT get out of.

Oldest law of humanity in the living world..

" Two heads are better than one "
Posts: 12,185
11:35 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Causing quite a stir this post, however I agree with most that irrespective of how a game is won, whether it be through "Tactical" snookering, remains the same result! If I as Lars has mentioned, were down to an opponent with majority of balls left on the table and a snooker was available, then I know what option I would settle for...

If you win 9 ball by 3 snookers, then I would say it was good play not letting your opponent have a decent shot...

Afterall it is part of the game and you have not committed any offence by doing this.
Posts: 4,751
13:08 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
This debate has come up quite few times before - it's nice to see most people on here agreeing that snookering is fair game, or even finding it an enjoyable aspect.

Pool is more than just potting.
Posts: 4,447
15:57 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
nick said:
Pool is more than just potting.

True! You normally have a beer with it down the pub

But snookers can never be seen as unfair! If players can stop you having a shot so they can win, then so be it. Kudos to them! It requires skill and judgement and it can sometimes go wrong. Also, if no other shot is playable, then what's the logical option?

The only reason why players don't like snookers is the fact that they cannot escape them. Practice makes perfect. Learn to escape them and get on with it.

Also, most people who complain about snookers being unfair are hypocrites. If THEY get the chance to snooker, they will make no hesitation in taking it. They just whinge and whine because they are not winning. That is bad sportsmanship.

You will find the best players in the game EXPECT snookers to come their way, as it is totally part of the game. The best players only get annoyed at THEMSELVES when they cannot escape it!

I personally think that snookering people in order to give you the upper hand is a perfectly viable way of winning.

Dad said:
A win is a win, no matter how you achieve it.

In the end, only the result matters.
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20:24 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've always enjoyed being snookered, much to the annoyance of many
Posts: 5,373
04:08 Sat 27 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
14r5 said:
disagreed, i for one, play snookers half the time because i don't trust my potting. If i have 7 balls left, opponents on the black, i'll lay a snooker that they simply WONT get out of.

If your opponent gives you the table with a 7-0 scenario like you describe, it's his/her own fault.

Playing a snooker when you have 8 balls to hide behind and a single ball to cover is not that hard, granted. Then again, in the scenario you describe, the game should already be decided (in your favour). Getting the table when you have 7 balls left, with the opponent only one, should be a win 95% of the time at least.
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12:07 Sat 27 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited by forum moderator nick, at 13:32 Sun 28/12/08 (GMT)
Posts: 31,220
12:48 Sat 27 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
In straight pool,
which is God's pool,
, although it's technically impossible to snooker someone, playing safeties is an integral part of the game. The same with the other types of pool on here, in which case the safety is prepared using the balls not available to be hit by the snookered player.

As for the guy who threatened to report you for cheating (page 1, post 1), you should have encouraged him and provided him with instructions in how to, so that he could have got an official response from the site.

Edited by forum moderator nick, at 13:34 Sun 28/12/08 (GMT)
Deleted User
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15:59 Sat 27 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snookers are part of the game like it or not!, I used to play snookers alot, but tend to be more attacking now. I dont see why people complain about it. As said previously, "pool is more than just potting". I'll snooker regardless of what someone says, i don't mind being on the recieving end either..all part of the game.

Edited by forum moderator nick, at 13:35 Sun 28/12/08 (GMT)
Posts: 83
06:53 Sun 28 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
janmb said:

Then again, in the scenario you describe, the game should already be decided (in your favour). Getting the table when you have 7 balls left, with the opponent only one, should be a win 95% of the time at least.

Precisely, hense my win % over 95%? :)
Posts: 4,751
07:37 Sun 28 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
an1hony, clooneman, _st1even_ please don't name and shame on the forum, I considered temporary suspending your posting rights for this "clever" attempt to get round the rules.
Deleted User
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08:40 Sun 28 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
It was a bit of good willed humour, not everyone is so intent on breaking rules for the fun of it.

You obviously didn't read it because clooneman or _st1even_ didn't name and shame anyone.
Posts: 4,751
12:22 Sun 28 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
True, I got fed up of reading after making out the first post... if so, apologies to cloone and steven.

You however
Posts: 31,220
20:18 Sun 28 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Apologies if I have erred... but I don't remember what I wrote and I think I might simply have invoked the same of the person who created this topic, and not the subject therefore, i.e. no naming and shaming was committed by me. I think.

Nick, what did I originally say?

EDIT: Wait wait wait, I know what I did, I hid the message "I am class lol" in the message in the same way that the previous message had had something hidden in it.

P.S. I am class lol

My conscience is clear, yeah!

Edited at 02:20 Mon 29/12/08 (GMT)
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Snookering - a part of the game or plain bad sportsmanship?

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