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Snookering - a part of the game or plain bad sportsmanship?

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10:19 Wed 24 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
To be very honest, I never really saw much of a problem with it, whether in funkypool or real pool. When the chance came, I took it.

However, recently I was playing some guy on here, and, well... the chance came a little more than usual. Maybe I was a little unfair on him, but I still felt the reaction was a little hysterical. He said I was "disgraceful" and should be banned from this site. Allegedly he was going to tell everyone what a "dirty cheater" I was and then "I'd never get a game again".

So, what are your views on "dirties"? Are they just a part of the game, or only acceptable up to a point?
Deleted User
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11:22 Wed 24 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've had a few people shout abuse at me for snookering, but considering I play 9ball most often, and I am allowed to win by three consecutive fouls, surely that means it's well within the rules for me to try and get the opponent to commit these fouls.

So yeah, I see no problem with it either.

It's the accidental snookers that get me!
Posts: 2,683
11:26 Wed 24 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snookers are a big part of the game!

If i have 6 balls on the table and my opponent has one, if i have a pot on or a simple roll up for a snooker ill take the snooker anytime, try and get myself two shots instead of one.
Posts: 38,214
11:29 Wed 24 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I say its part of the game!!!

A wins a win no matter how you win and i say do what you have to in order to get it too!! (A win that is....not that i win many but yano!)


Deleted User
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11:29 Wed 24 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah, a lot of pros kick up a stink when they are snookered 'cos they feel like they are being outsmarted by someone with inferior technical ability. However they tend to be hypocritical and use snookers themselves when it suits them
Posts: 455
12:18 Wed 24 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
you play your game !! they play theirs !! you cant tell others how to play.
Posts: 83
23:24 Wed 24 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
People like it or not, Pool, much like Snooker, is a game of stretegy, not a game of potting. I myself snooker, i think there is a quote from Ghandi that sums this up to perfection.

' The only way is the way of the successor, all else is flawed at the time of happening '

If snookering leads to a win, YOU'VE GOT GHANDI ON YOUR SIDE!
Posts: 4,447
02:30 Thu 25 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
A win is a win no matter how it has been achieved. Deliberate fouls and tap snookers is a style of play for some people, and if it helps them win, then why should we say that they shouldn't do it??

The reason why they are the best, is because they can use un-conventional and conventional methods to gain the upper hand... Just tell your opponent to practice until he can beat you
Deleted User
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02:45 Thu 25 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
personally, I prefer an attacking game. But some of the best players on here just snooker - and that how they play.

You will have your bashers, your attackers, your neutrals, your defensives and the all out snookerers.

its his probelm that he cant take the fact that some people like to snooker. Maybe he never thourght of trying the tactic himself.

When I play snookerers, then I play the way they play - then I know I have a chance at beating them at thri own game!
Deleted User
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08:41 Thu 25 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Part of the game. It's frustrating but acceptable - If anyone starts bad mouthing you about it then they're just a bad loser.
Deleted User
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08:56 Thu 25 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I prefer an attacking game, but if I have to go defensive, I will. Some of the best players play defensive a lot, and it works for them because they let the opponent attack, but have the advantage later on with more balls left, for snookers and clearing.

I'll go defensive if I have no other option, or if I'm up against a player who has the skill and opportunity to clear. It's a move you sometimes need to take. It's not an option I like as I prefer to go on the attack, but that will sometimes lose you the game.
Deleted User
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20:29 Thu 25 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
j_a_m_e_s_ said:
you play your game !! they play theirs !! you cant tell others how to play.

Im with James on this

Edited at 02:30 Fri 26/12/08 (GMT)
Deleted User
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05:17 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I always believe in attacking pool. I'm this way with real pool also. But when it is needed snookers are fine. Snookering can be a hard game, people seem to just assume it's the easy way.

keoghz said:

If i have 6 balls on the table and my opponent has one, if i have a pot on or a simple roll up for a snooker ill take the snooker anytime, try and get myself two shots instead of one.

If you got a pot on and they only got one ball left you should be able to clear it with one no problem so no idea to try and snooker and risk them back at the table, just keep them off it and they can't win.
Deleted User
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05:21 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
egotistical said:

If you got a pot on and they only got one ball left you should be able to clear it with one no problem so no idea to try and snooker and risk them back at the table, just keep them off it and they can't win.

sometimes you end up right on your ball and you cant get a good shot or you snooker yourself!

but if I knew I had a 90% chance of getting 2 shots as a back up, then who wouldnt take it?
Deleted User
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05:26 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
But if it's as simple as 6 balls all in the open why risk giving your opponent a chance at a fluke? That happens a lot and folk moan it's lucky when they shouldn't have given their opponent a chance.
Deleted User
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05:32 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
its a risk they take and its a risk that works most of the time!...90% of the time
Deleted User
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05:56 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
You should be able to clear an open table 100% of the time.
Deleted User
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05:56 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well above 90% of the time anyway.
Posts: 5,373
07:02 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snookers are very much part of all the games on this site.

It is not bad sportsmanship in ANY situation what so ever.
Posts: 5,373
07:03 Fri 26 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
_andyh87_ said:
Yeah, a lot of pros kick up a stink when they are snookered 'cos they feel like they are being outsmarted by someone with inferior technical ability.

I've yet to see any pros complain about snookers.

Most pros realize the simple fact that playing snookers most of the time requires more skill than potting.
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Snookering - a part of the game or plain bad sportsmanship?

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