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16:58 Sun 21 Sept 08 (BST)
idk but this is fun to have a clan tabloid
17:37 Sun 21 Sept 08 (BST)
While clan captain mich_is_back (A) sample tested positive for using a regulation banned mouse pad, his (B) sample is currently being tested, and if the results match he to could be ejected from all forms of funkypool competition.
Does this mean ITZ need a new player?
if they do, got to wait till week 5
madmiketyson said:
chip_fork said:
While clan captain mich_is_back (A) sample tested positive for using a regulation banned mouse pad, his (B) sample is currently being tested, and if the results match he to could be ejected from all forms of funkypool competition.
Does this mean ITZ need a new player?
if they do, got to wait till week 5
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16:26 Mon 22 Sept 08 (BST)
Nannerville Villains is actively seeking and spying on all members classified as free agents.
Johnakie conspiciously deactivated while I was sleeping.
We would like someone tall, dark, and handsome.
Maybe some funky pool skills, too.
If you are interested, please contact me at 1800-Numba1-stunna.
Thank you,
Nannerville, Usa
"Home of the Golden Break"
Edited at 21:39 Mon 22/09/08 (BST)
Nannerville Villains is actively seeking and spying on all members classified as free agents.
Johnakie conspiciously deactivated while I was sleeping.
We would like someone tall, dark, and handsome.
Maybe some funky pool skills, too.
If you are interested, please contact me at 1800-Numba1-stunna.
Thank you,
Nannerville, Usa
"Home of the Golden Break"
Edited at 21:39 Mon 22/09/08 (BST)
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04:16 Tue 23 Sept 08 (BST)
ITZ CAPTAIN has been banned!
ITZ CAPTAIN has been banned!
04:19 Tue 23 Sept 08 (BST)
ItZZZ was only a matter of time before the previous banned user was going to be banned again!
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04:31 Tue 23 Sept 08 (BST)
looks at reflection.... adjusts a few stray hairs... writes down angie's number.....
princess25 said:
Nannerville Villains is actively seeking and spying on all members classified as free agents.
Johnakie conspiciously deactivated while I was sleeping.
We would like someone tall, dark, and handsome.
Maybe some funky pool skills, too.
If you are interested, please contact me at 1800-Numba1-stunna.
Thank you,
Nannerville, Usa
"Home of the Golden Break"
Edited at 21:39 Mon 22/09/08 (BST)
Nannerville Villains is actively seeking and spying on all members classified as free agents.
Johnakie conspiciously deactivated while I was sleeping.
We would like someone tall, dark, and handsome.
Maybe some funky pool skills, too.
If you are interested, please contact me at 1800-Numba1-stunna.
Thank you,
Nannerville, Usa
"Home of the Golden Break"
Edited at 21:39 Mon 22/09/08 (BST)
looks at reflection.... adjusts a few stray hairs... writes down angie's number.....
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07:56 Tue 23 Sept 08 (BST)
well i've never been in a clan and i don't know much about them but this is porbably a bad thing....
07:57 Tue 23 Sept 08 (BST)
"ItZ" never goos when your captain is banned
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10:24 Mon 29 Sept 08 (BST)
Hello Clanners,
Now I know that we have had some news since Warpath was banned or did you all just miserably fall off the face of the earth?
Can someone PLEASE fill me in on the latest gossip? Quit Slacking!
Please submit your editorials here by the end of the day! (MAKE DEADLINE OR YOU ARE ALL FIRED)
Boss Lady
Nannerville Press Newspaper
Edited at 15:27 Mon 29/09/08 (BST)
Hello Clanners,
Now I know that we have had some news since Warpath was banned or did you all just miserably fall off the face of the earth?
Can someone PLEASE fill me in on the latest gossip? Quit Slacking!
Please submit your editorials here by the end of the day! (MAKE DEADLINE OR YOU ARE ALL FIRED)
Boss Lady
Nannerville Press Newspaper
Edited at 15:27 Mon 29/09/08 (BST)
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11:29 Wed 1 Oct 08 (BST)
Major News!
At 23.12 last night (30th September 2008), a statement from madmiketyson confirmed that Electric Eliminators have folded.
The Eliminators had been struggling financially since the season started, and were unable to pay their players. Some players left the clan after payment arguments, top of the list being marcos_no1. Soon after, team captain ryanparton retired from pool, and replacement captain mufc2008 and fellow player world_champ left the team over pay disputes.
A statement from mufc2008 said "We haven't been paid in ages. This is a difficult time for our players, and most of us have no confidence in the owners. They are not paying us, and it is really annoying us. Some players haven't even bothered turning up for training it's got so bad. Those of us who still thought ourselves as part of the team have decided to let the team fold."
Meanwhile, madmiketyson also mentioned his thoughts on Electric Eliminators. "They are in financial ruin, they have no planning, half their players don't even know the season has started. They are a financial wreck, and it was in the interests of most poolers to see the clan fold. They caused major problems to the league, and it was making the league harder to run than it already was."
So, Electric Eliminators have folded. Thankfully, no other clan looks in financial ruin, and no clan looks anywhere near folding.
At 23.12 last night (30th September 2008), a statement from madmiketyson confirmed that Electric Eliminators have folded.
The Eliminators had been struggling financially since the season started, and were unable to pay their players. Some players left the clan after payment arguments, top of the list being marcos_no1. Soon after, team captain ryanparton retired from pool, and replacement captain mufc2008 and fellow player world_champ left the team over pay disputes.
A statement from mufc2008 said "We haven't been paid in ages. This is a difficult time for our players, and most of us have no confidence in the owners. They are not paying us, and it is really annoying us. Some players haven't even bothered turning up for training it's got so bad. Those of us who still thought ourselves as part of the team have decided to let the team fold."
Meanwhile, madmiketyson also mentioned his thoughts on Electric Eliminators. "They are in financial ruin, they have no planning, half their players don't even know the season has started. They are a financial wreck, and it was in the interests of most poolers to see the clan fold. They caused major problems to the league, and it was making the league harder to run than it already was."
So, Electric Eliminators have folded. Thankfully, no other clan looks in financial ruin, and no clan looks anywhere near folding.
11:50 Wed 1 Oct 08 (BST)
nice update from the lad on work experience at the newspaper
hes my golden boy now, ill be giving yoda all the top scoops and all the exclusive interviews
hes my golden boy now, ill be giving yoda all the top scoops and all the exclusive interviews
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16:16 Wed 8 Oct 08 (BST)
8.42 PM GMT, 8th October 2008
Local player mufc2008 re-joins nutters fc
In a controversial move this evening, it was announced that mufc2008 has rejoined nutters fc on a short term contract. Muff had been at the nutters before the season started, but during the last day transfer antics, he changed his mind to join Electric Eliminators, who have now folded.
Many nutters fans spoke out against this at anger of impressive team captain pot_the_lot, but pot wouldn't let this stop her signing the muffster.
A statement from pot said "Muff has rejoined on a short term contract. He said he has seen the error of his ways, and wanted to come back. As our ex-player sylish retired (without informing anyone), we had a space in the clan again, and I have accepted mufc2008 back in. Some fans are disappointed at this, but I felt it was the right choice. I still have full backing from the team, even those who disagreed with the signing."
A few nutters fans have given muff the name "Traitorbhoy", which is a well-known name for a footballer named Kenny Miller, who seems to constantly changes teams (that are rivals, Celtic and Rangers). However, this doesn't worry muff, as he told the press:
"Like that bothers me. I'm just here to play pool, and was happy with the offer pot gave me. A decent wage and some playing time is all I want."
Continued next page
Local player mufc2008 re-joins nutters fc
In a controversial move this evening, it was announced that mufc2008 has rejoined nutters fc on a short term contract. Muff had been at the nutters before the season started, but during the last day transfer antics, he changed his mind to join Electric Eliminators, who have now folded.
Many nutters fans spoke out against this at anger of impressive team captain pot_the_lot, but pot wouldn't let this stop her signing the muffster.
A statement from pot said "Muff has rejoined on a short term contract. He said he has seen the error of his ways, and wanted to come back. As our ex-player sylish retired (without informing anyone), we had a space in the clan again, and I have accepted mufc2008 back in. Some fans are disappointed at this, but I felt it was the right choice. I still have full backing from the team, even those who disagreed with the signing."
A few nutters fans have given muff the name "Traitorbhoy", which is a well-known name for a footballer named Kenny Miller, who seems to constantly changes teams (that are rivals, Celtic and Rangers). However, this doesn't worry muff, as he told the press:
"Like that bothers me. I'm just here to play pool, and was happy with the offer pot gave me. A decent wage and some playing time is all I want."
Continued next page
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16:16 Wed 8 Oct 08 (BST)
So, mufc2008 rejoins nutters fc. Will he stay loyal to this clan made up of mainly good friends, or will he betray them once again? Only time will tell.
Written by a little green lad named yoda.
Written by a little green lad named yoda.
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16:38 Wed 8 Oct 08 (BST)
I blame all the big wigs for the finacial ruin.
They only think of there big bonus and not the little fry at the bottom of the pile. before you know it the team has gone.
They only think of there big bonus and not the little fry at the bottom of the pile. before you know it the team has gone.
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05:56 Sun 12 Oct 08 (BST)
Some random time GMT, 12th October 2008
mufc2008 leaves nutters fc
Just days after rejoining nutters fc, mufc2008 has left them again. This is the third time this season that the muffster has joined a clan and left, twice being nutters fc. Muff was unavailable for comment at the time.
This move outraged pot_the_lot (a.k.a. Steph), who had offered muff a decent contract and wage, and who gave him a second chance. Steph commented on this move, saying "This is just terrible. I gave him the chance and he blew it. Most of the nutters (players and fans) thought this would happen, but I still gave him the chance."
When asked about making another signing in place of mufc2008, Steph said "No, I think I will just stick to eleven players for now. It's a big enough squad, and I'll probably just wait till next season before bringing in anyone else."
The only other nutter who commented on muff's move was yoda, who's only words were, "Is there going to be any food after this press conference? I'm hungry!"
So, mufc2008 moves again. Nutters fans aren't bothered, nutters players will live on. As for muff? Only time will tell.
Written by a little green lad named yoda.
mufc2008 leaves nutters fc
Just days after rejoining nutters fc, mufc2008 has left them again. This is the third time this season that the muffster has joined a clan and left, twice being nutters fc. Muff was unavailable for comment at the time.
This move outraged pot_the_lot (a.k.a. Steph), who had offered muff a decent contract and wage, and who gave him a second chance. Steph commented on this move, saying "This is just terrible. I gave him the chance and he blew it. Most of the nutters (players and fans) thought this would happen, but I still gave him the chance."
When asked about making another signing in place of mufc2008, Steph said "No, I think I will just stick to eleven players for now. It's a big enough squad, and I'll probably just wait till next season before bringing in anyone else."
The only other nutter who commented on muff's move was yoda, who's only words were, "Is there going to be any food after this press conference? I'm hungry!"
So, mufc2008 moves again. Nutters fans aren't bothered, nutters players will live on. As for muff? Only time will tell.
Written by a little green lad named yoda.
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