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Posts: 1,630
14:07 Sat 6 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
If official leagues were introduced i know exactly how to make it work

Do go on
Posts: 1,102
14:11 Sat 6 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
stueyy said:
madmiketyson said:
If official leagues were introduced i know exactly how to make it work

Do go on

You constantly have mich_is_back at the top!
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15:22 Sat 6 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
reggaemon said:
I'm not sure official leagues would be any more successful than the unofficial ones. At the end of the day, most people aren't online all the time, and their day doesn't revolve around funkypool. IE they come on for a few games every once and a while. I don't think two people could be relied upon to schedule a game and both show up.

there are plenty of successful unofficial tournaments. If you actually read through the events forum and the clan forum then you would see that. Plenty dont work but its mainly the hosts fault. If official leagues were introduced i know exactly how to make it work

I looked, haven't seen a complete one in 6 months or so? at least by completion all enthusiasm has fizzled out.

If the leagues took place over a short time (4 hours or something) I think it would work much better.
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15:23 Sat 6 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
reggaemon said:
Actually on top of that:

I think that in killer it should be 'quick game' only. It seems you could be waiting a day to gather enough players while theres 4 games without enough players. does this sound logical?

No. Sometimes i fancy a quick game of killer and if i was thrown into a ten man game id be a bit upset. Especially if i couldnt create my own that would start quicker

good point. Click 'quick game' options to join a 4 ball, 10 ball or whatever is available. If none appropriate are available create your own specifying number.
Posts: 8,940
15:42 Sat 6 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
On the subject of leagues - most that complete just now are those with "regulars" as both organisers and compeditors. Many people are happy to post with "I want in" but don't follow it up for any number of reasons.

Official leagues would have the advantage of strict guidelines as to when to play or face a forfiet, wheras casually organised leagues invariably end up in an argument in those circumstances.

Put simply, like official tournaments, official leagues will *always* run to a conclusion.
Posts: 1,102
15:52 Sat 6 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
reggaemon said:
madmiketyson said:
reggaemon said:
I'm not sure official leagues would be any more successful than the unofficial ones. At the end of the day, most people aren't online all the time, and their day doesn't revolve around funkypool. IE they come on for a few games every once and a while. I don't think two people could be relied upon to schedule a game and both show up.

there are plenty of successful unofficial tournaments. If you actually read through the events forum and the clan forum then you would see that. Plenty dont work but its mainly the hosts fault. If official leagues were introduced i know exactly how to make it work

I looked, haven't seen a complete one in 6 months or so? at least by completion all enthusiasm has fizzled out.

If the leagues took place over a short time (4 hours or something) I think it would work much better.

Look at MMT's mini leagues... successful for 3 seasons 4th season underway...

There is a major clan even underway at the minute and has been going 2 or 3 weeks and has already had 1000 posts on it, and hasn't hit its peak yet...

To say that these are unsuccessful is completely outrageous In my opinion.
Posts: 1,102
15:59 Sat 6 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I would like to be able to carry on your visit to table after an opponent leaves It really gets on my nerves when on for runout or 7 baller
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16:38 Sat 6 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay well I apologise if you feel I am 'outrageous' I meant no harm. All I'm saying is that if official leagues were to come about the fact that users aren't always online, and often enthusiasm fluctuates, are all issues that need to be addressed. Don't you agree?
Posts: 10,415
17:17 Sat 6 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
haha not outrageous- just misguided. Plenty of leagues/cups get finished. Its all down to the host, if you have a rubbish host then people arent bothered to play. People (especially me) dont like to join events that dont finish and waste my time playing games for half a league.
Well run events are very popular and im sure if you asked about that is the response youd get from most regular forum goers.

As spinner said, i tend to have the same people in all my tournys, but the new clan event has brought plenty of new people into the open. Im already finding out who is reliable and who is a timewaster and from that i will know who to let into future events.

Official leagues would indeed face those questions- users that arent always online is easily solved as not many people are on 24/7. Messages that were auto sent on fixture day and appeared as your homepage when you logged in would ensure people knew they had games.

Auto notification/invites when both players are online solves them missing each other.

Weekly fixtures always work better and if people miss the deadline then the server could surely work out who had spent more time online. Although that isnt the be all and end all of DQS.

I got plenty of ideas for this subject.

Also Mich: that continue game after opponent leaves should be easy as snooker has it. I think that would be a great addition as it proved on snooker
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09:31 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
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13:17 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
More powerful spin? are you serious.
Anyways i believe you should be allowed to use BS on the cushion.
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13:52 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
um i would like ......ur.....a tounrny that is not knock out but group stages but its speedy.
Posts: 1,630
14:26 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
mattie234 said:
um i would like ......ur.....a tounrny that is not knock out but group stages but its speedy.

Not such a bad idea that!

Don't see how it would be speedy seeing as you'd have to play every player in you're group atleast once lol..

Maybe that's something for the official leagues.. who knows
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14:50 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
dansier said:

Anyways i believe you should be allowed to use BS on the cushion.

We will need a 3D system for that to work.
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15:48 Mon 8 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Multi user PM'S would be good..
A new pool game :)
More golf holes :)
Different coloured cushion for what rank you are

And as i said ages ago mods/admins having different coloured names so they are more visable..

And a few weeks ago i think matt brought up a option of being able to listen to music while we play..

And a reset button for killer !

And also more catogrys for the forum..

And a new them would look good

I could go on for ever trying to make it a quick post..

Edited at 20:48 Mon 8/09/08 (BST)
Posts: 272
05:36 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Messages: Staff only; Friends only; Everyone; None

Cues: different styles e.g colours and patterns

Cloths: able to choose your own colour

Game Types: create a "funky" custom setup

Profiles: Customisable profiles

As pro said, more golf holes

Killer: various setups and rules
Posts: 257
04:51 Tue 16 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i think the US "LAG" shot, not lagg as in getting lag, but the shot that determines who breaks at the start, it is a fundamental shot in US games, and maybe in UK not sure though.

what happens is before a game gets started 2 white balls are placed in the break area, then both players hit there cueball, down the table and back up getting as close as possible to the top cushion, then the closet to the cushion breaks

Posts: 257
04:56 Tue 16 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
To determine the order of play, players (representing only themselves, or teams) each simultaneously shoot a ball from the kitchen (or in British games, from the baulk line) to the end rail and back toward the bottom rail. Whichever shooter's ball comes to rest closest to the bottom rail gets to choose who breaks the rack. It is permissible but not required for the lagged ball to touch or rebound from the bottom rail, but not to touch the side rails. Lagging is usually a two-party activity, though there are games such as cutthroat in which three players might lag. In the case of a tie, the tying shooters re-lag. The lag is most often used in tournament play or other competitions. In hard-break games like nine-ball and eight-ball the winner of the lag would normally take the break, while in soft-break games like straight pool would likely require the loser of the lag to break, since breaking would be a disadvantage. See also string-off.

Proper definition from wikipedia
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12:54 Tue 16 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
robdut said:
To determine the order of play, players (representing only themselves, or teams) each simultaneously shoot a ball from the kitchen

This isn't just women's pool y'know

Edited at 17:56 Tue 16/09/08 (BST)
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14:08 Tue 16 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
mich_is_back said:
I would like to be able to carry on your visit to table after an opponent leaves It really gets on my nerves when on for runout or 7 baller

I fully agree with this one. I think it should be like the snooker. I like how you get to keep playing until you have finished your break, and then you automatically get the win. Should be the same for 7 Ballers/runouts on the Pool site. I guess the only problem would be fouling the black, but seeing as you've already won by default, it shouldn't matter.
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