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A Proper Clan Event At Last

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Deleted User
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13:23 Tue 30 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I'd like to voice (type) my concern about Electric Eliminators.

They don't have a captain, about half their players have left, and most of the remaining players barely know the season has started. They are in a terrible state right now, amongst a lot of confusion, and problems. If this keeps going on, more problems will occur, and it barely looks like things will get better.

Something needs to be sorted out here.
Posts: 10,415
13:25 Tue 30 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah im looking for a captain for them now.

Anyone interested?
Posts: 7,324
13:29 Tue 30 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
ill do it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:37 Tue 30 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 10,415
17:39 Wed 1 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Update >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The next set of clan league fixtures will be released on monday.

We have had a few problems with the site and colin is currently working on solving these, and its coming along well.

On sunday i will send out pools panel games to the pool panel and then monday the next fixtures will be released.

Any questions before saturday night will be hard to answer as im away. egotistical might want to help you but he has no obligation to.

If you need to know anything message me and ill reply to as many as possible saturday/sunday.

Look forward to returning to 8played games for each fixture =D
Posts: 638
01:23 Thu 2 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
When are the tables going to be updated by?
Posts: 638
17:18 Sat 4 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
salsa said:
When are the tables going to be updated by?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:23 Sat 4 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I want to know as well
Posts: 561
04:31 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Funkys most hated:

onua0767 is in 9 ball individuals?

he hasnt got a picture logo thing, so how are we suppose to know if hes in a clan or not?

and hes best at 8 ball uk, so why isnt he in that?

and a newbie in 8ball us and 9 ball

can i ask why is he in 9 ball?

Edited at 09:37 Sun 5/10/08 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:37 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Mich has messaged me on the few occassions he has been online, just I have had them the next time I have been online because It has been showing me as browsing and I'm not here!

We both have been trying, it just has not come together yet.
Posts: 638
05:03 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
nathyboy, play him in 9 ball, why you moaning, you got a better chance of winning.
Posts: 10,415
09:09 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Im back

tables not updated at the minute?

Soon as i see colin ill let ya'll know whats happening
Posts: 9,456
11:56 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
nathyboy said:
Funkys most hated:

onua0767 is in 9 ball individuals?

he hasnt got a picture logo thing, so how are we suppose to know if hes in a clan or not?

and hes best at 8 ball uk, so why isnt he in that?

and a newbie in 8ball us and 9 ball

can i ask why is he in 9 ball?

Edited at 09:37 Sun 5/10/08 (BST)

I have taken over his 9 ball, he joined the clan to late o join 8UK becuase people had already played, he is out off our clan.
Posts: 9,456
18:29 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Im not one to complain i will start with saying that both MMT and Mich/Stu/Col have done a great job to get this going. My honest opioion is that it has gone to big and going to be hard to finish in the time line. And i think we need to do it in stages, get the league played first and then move over to individual games and then maybe a cup league, im still trying to get all games played like most captains but i think we need to change the format slightly. this might help to get games played. Anayway just my advice!

Edited at 23:30 Sun 5/10/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,102
18:34 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree we need to do it one step at a time as a lot of people are getting confused or frustrated! However as this being our first MAJOR season so give it time, we are all trying our best and will change what needs changing in due time
Posts: 10,415
18:40 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
Im not one to complain, i will start with saying that both MMT and Mich/Stu/Col have done a great job to get this going. My honest opinion is that since MMT went away for two days we have fell apart. It feels like it has gone to big and going to be hard to finish in the time line, but really it just needs mike to give it his full attention for a couple of days. I realise that there is a new website released hopefully wednesday and everything will be updated then with all gixtures being correct. I think we need to leave it exactly as it is, get the league played at the same time as the individual games and then even add the long awaited cup. I'm still trying to get all games played like most captains but i think we need mike to spend tomorrow sorting out the mess we have all got into. This might help to get games played. Anyway just my advice!

Thats what you meant crazzy eh

The new website will coincide with a small reshuffle of things. I may make one or two exceptions for people who are now deactivated/banned because of the recent confusion.

All will be well on wednesday when Col has finished the site rejiggyerythingymibob and i have sorted through all the mess of clan chat
Posts: 9,456
19:17 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok Leaders and Lords i was just saying

Posts: 1,102
19:26 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
You forgot the "I love you both" bit ffs!!!
Posts: 10,415
08:35 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh ye, Praise be, for i am the lord and my wordeth is the trutheth.

Ye all bow down

Lol, wednesdays new site release should clear up most problems.

Id like all clan captains to check their players status.

If you have anyone who you feel needs replacing then let me know. Ill see what i can do
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:17 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok so when does week 2 start????

And whats happening with week 1's outstanding games i think they have had long enough to play these tbh.
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