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A Proper Clan Event At Last

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19:14 Sun 14 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
nope deadline for all games is 09:00 on monday 15th september

anything after that is void, need to get ready for season two that everyone is so eager to start
Posts: 19,967
02:51 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
no opposition online
to the boards go my games
Posts: 1,102
06:17 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
All game results from now on will be decided by myself and madmiketyson, when the lazy so and so gets up and phones me.
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08:38 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
hi mike, have i got time to finish my game against zantetsukenz, i havent been on all weekend due to being in bed ill. only just logged in now? have not seen him online since we started playing and he had problems with connection.
Posts: 19,967
10:40 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
dang imissed you by literally seconds
i pmed you but whilst i was typing youwent from browsing to offline
Posts: 1,630
11:24 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Think it would have been too late anyways..

Any results posted now are void, and that was the case since 9 this morning lol.

Bit gutted at the amount of games played by my clan, but suppose I didnt make much effort to encourage them this last week due to being busy...

Never mind lads, next season

Edited at 16:25 Mon 15/09/08 (BST)
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11:29 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm sorry mate..

As you know I had trouble with both players deffentaly _psmon_..
Posts: 1,630
11:41 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah mate no worries, I didn't mean that for you, as you contacted me loads of times seeing if I could help...

There was not much you could've done so don't worry bud
Posts: 10,415
11:56 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Funkys Finest 48-30 Uni-sex

Blockheads 50-36 Most Hated

Ultimate Alliance 29-51 Untouchables

Ultimate Alliance 39-41 Blockheads

Funkys Finest 45-34 Funkys Most Hated

Uni-sex 21-51 Untouchables

_psmon_ 0-10 smithbit

Funkys Finest 50-30 Ultimate Alliance

ex_champ 7-7 _champ_
the_goonies 7-7 zantetsukenz

Funkys Most Hated 39-40 Uni-sex

pinkyloo 5-10 pr1ncess
funky_dave 10-0 _psmon_

Blockheads 41-44 Clan Untouchables

sporting 7-7 virtuoso107

(this 1 decided by asking egotistical, _alex19933_, stueyy and mich_is_back, asked nathyboy too but he never answered ) ((everyone said 7-7 bar one so i went with that!)
Posts: 561
11:57 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Alrite i was away
Posts: 19,967
12:03 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
others coming up?
Posts: 10,415
12:19 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Blockheads 51-31 Uni-sex

hightops 8-9 keoghz
nathyboy 5-7 pr1ncess
horse10000 10-2 arcadian
sm_rat 10-0 _psmon_
robdut 9-7 walker666
dahall 9-6 weirdo_1

Funky's Finest 37-47 Clan Untouchables

_alex19933_ 7-8 mich_is_back
__anaconda__ 8-8 madmiketyson
ladysapphire 6-8 _nick87_
ex_champ 6-7 smithbit
db1 6-9 king8ball1
cityfan84 4-7 quick_pot

Most Hated 43-43 Ultimate Alliance

crazzymadman 7-9 stueyy
pool_bird 5-7 paolo84
cuequeen 7-8 zantetsukenz
pinkyloo 7-6 _champ_
d0rkyduck 7-8 pro_i_am
funky_dave 10-5 dugarry

Blockheads 33-49 Funky's Finest

hightops 10-5 _alex19933_
horse10000 5-10 bastilha
robdut 4-8 dav3m
sm_rat 6-8 db1
dahall 3-10 alvinglenn
sporting 5-8 ladysapphire

Clan Untouchables 51-30 Most Hated

mich_is_back 10-3 crazzymadman
madmiketyson 9-6 pool_bird
luke_ 8-6 iron_made
egotistical 10-2 _benze_
virtuoso107 4-8 geavesie
_nick87_ 10-5 anorak

Uni-sex 30-48 Ultimate Alliance

keoghz 7-9 stueyy
arcadian 0-10 paolo84
walker666 8-7 zantetsukenz
pr1ncess 7-7 _champ_
_psmon_ 0-10 pro_i_am
weirdo_1 8-5 deuce2

edit: fixtures in bold decided by a pools panel of 4 members. fixtures in italics decided by me

Edited at 17:23 Mon 15/09/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,630
12:26 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
:O I looked a few mins ago and Ultimate Alliance had beaten Most hated!!

lmao ..

Nice work mate, hopefully means alliance dont finish at the bottom of the pile haha
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12:28 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Woooo go nick and luke, tut tut mike lmao

Posts: 10,415
12:31 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
All Final Results-

Funkys Finest 48-30 Uni-sex

Blockheads 50-36 Most Hated

Ultimate Alliance 29-51 Untouchables

Ultimate Alliance 39-41 Blockheads

Funkys Finest 45-34 Funkys Most Hated

Uni-sex 21-51 Untouchables

Funkys Finest 50-30 Ultimate Alliance

Funkys Most Hated 39-40 Uni-sex

Blockheads 41-44 Clan Untouchables

Blockheads 51-31 Uni-sex

Funky's Finest 37-47 Clan Untouchables

Most Hated 43-43 Ultimate Alliance

Blockheads 33-49 Funky's Finest

Clan Untouchables 51-30 Most Hated

Uni-sex 30-48 Ultimate Alliance

Final clan table-

Clan Untouchables 244
Funky's Finest 229
Blockheads 216
Ultimate Alliance 189
Most Hated 182
Uni-Sex 152
Posts: 561
12:36 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Blockheads 3rd wohh

Hopefully now their are improved teams and more teams next season, this is going to be interesting
Posts: 1,223
12:37 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
That will do for us quite happy with that for a first season
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12:43 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I know i only played one game after joining late and only contributed 10 points but woooooooooo well done lads.

Posted Image

Oops, and everyone else.

Edited at 17:52 Mon 15/09/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,630
12:44 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Woop woop..

If i create an imagination in my mind where at the end we get split into two divisions of 3, Ultimate Alliance would have won the division 2!!

Woop woop..


good season everyone
Posts: 561
12:50 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Good season everyone, nice playing u all

Roll on next season
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A Proper Clan Event At Last

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