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A Proper Clan Event At Last

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Posts: 10,415
08:00 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Funkys Finest vs Ultimate Alliance

_alex19933_ vs stueyy
ladysapphire vs pro_i_am
cityfan84 vs paolo84
ex_champ vs _champ_ (lmao at that fixture)
ste_efc vs dugarry
the_goonies vs poolviper

Funkys Most Hated vs Clan Untouchables

crazzymadman vs mich_is_back
pool_bird vs _nick87_
d0rkyduck vs madmiketyson
pinkyloo vs quick_pot
ss_potter vs 1ukeldinho
cuequeen vs virtuoso107

Blockheads vs Uni-sex

hightops vs keoghz
horse10000 vs arcadian
nathyboy vs walker666
robdut vs pr1ncess
dhall114 vs zodiac
sporting vs weirdo_1

Previous Fixtures-

Clan Untouchables 41-28 Ultimate Alliance

1ukeldinho vs paolo84

Clan Untouchables 33-14 Uni-Sex

quick_pot vs pr1ncess
1ukeldinho vs zodiac

Funkys Finest 37-23 Funkys Most Hated

_alex19933_ vs crazzymadman
Posts: 1,223
08:01 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
What the hell happened to niallo

Why is names bold on the top 50

crazzy away how long?

Do i have to play crazzy before stueyy?

Are winning then?

What games are left to play?

What is replacement thingies?

omg lol!
Posts: 1,102
08:02 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Mike come online, have a few "ideas"
Posts: 561
08:02 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
2 words alex, Carm down lmao!!
Posts: 1,223
08:03 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Nathy you didn win any tournies what happened?

how many overall fixtures are left?

Whats happening with all these new clans?

im not starting again lol
Posts: 561
08:04 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
come online and i shall explain
Posts: 10,415
08:04 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
_niallo_= deleted. he is back as _niall_ and still in the clan but not an active member in this league. Cost us 10 points lol.

Names in bold on top 50 so you can see whos online

not sure when crazzys back. Think he is away for 2 weeks =S.

You can play whichever you see online first.

Your clan is winning as everybody else has had deductions taken lmao. We have games in hand and could mathmatically overtake you with them despite our deduction

The games left to play are at the top of this page.

Replacements is fairly self explanatory i would think lol
Posts: 1,223
08:12 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
okay thanks names are decent like that

Posts: 1,102
08:16 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Message to all clan captains:

You will all need to start building your clan to more players, you will immediately need 7-8 players overall so captain plus 6-7.

From next season:

You will need 12 players (I think its 12, will see mike about it) So if you start finding now, you wont lose out on the players you want so much.

Also a few changes coming in next season all will be revealed at the end of this season, when everyone is ready for next.

Edited at 13:24 Sat 30/08/08 (BST)

Edited at 13:32 Sat 30/08/08 (BST)

Edited at 13:33 Sat 30/08/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,223
08:38 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
mmm so this is scrapping the grading

12 will be tough but fun

How many clans are you hoping for
Posts: 1,102
08:43 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
As many want to join

If you take the amount of players on FP, an divide by 12 to get the amount of possible clans theres 4383 possible clans so it shouldnt be too hard to find say 8?

Edited at 13:46 Sat 30/08/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,223
08:48 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
And this is all set in stone?
Posts: 10,415
08:58 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
At the minute we are just bouncing ideas around.

The general idea is that if one person from your clan doesnt play and you get a 10-0 defeat then that would be harsh if it was the decider with the game locked at say 34-34.

If you had another player you could swap for who was already in your clan you wouldnt lose the game withoput playing. Would also be useful for holidays. Then if your away you can nominate another clan member to play in your place.

12 isnt a minimum number- its a maximum number. With the other events coming in there is more scope for increased sizes.

At present nothing has changed, but all clans are allowed a max of 12 players- only 6 will be able to compete in the main clan league but everybody can compete in the other clan events.

I think for next season the minimum number should be 7 but if people wanna play with 6 and risk deductions/forfeited games thats their call i guess.

But as i said at the minute we are just considering loads of suggestions from all the people involved in the event
Posts: 1,223
09:04 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
To be honest

funky's finest have been the most reliable clan at the moment.

I like the sub option and will certainly find 1 subsitute but i think that should be it for us

touch wood!
Posts: 1,223
09:05 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Caught up with all this now

Messaged mine

When is crazzy back by the way?
Posts: 257
09:38 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey MMT you?ve made a mistake unfortunately. You didn?t add in sporting game vs d0rkyduck in the 1st week.
You?ve got:
Blockheads 42-31 Most Hated

robdut 10-4 pinkyloo
egotistical 7-8 cuequeen
sporting vs d0rkyduck
hightops 8-8 crazzymadman
horse10000 10-3 pool_bird
nathyboy 7-8 ss_potter

Ultimate Alliance 39-41 Blockheads

poolviper 8-7 hightops
_champ_ 3-10 horse10000
ryanparton 7-7 nathyboy
stueyy 5-8 robdut
paolo84 10-0 egotistical
dugarry 6-9 sporting

Blockheads 73

You see what i mean, sporting won 8-5 v d0rkyduck, adding everything up we should have 91. Then minus the 10 for egotistical = 81



Untouchables *cough cough cheats cough cough* haha onli jokin

Edited at 14:55 Sat 30/08/08 (BST)
Posts: 2,683
09:56 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 1,630
10:00 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Stueyy vs __alex19933__

8 ball: 1-2

He seems to have disappeared :S Just stopped playing towards the end of the match and now isn't replying, but I gotta go so gonna have to finish the match later
Posts: 1,102
10:01 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
sporting said:
Sporting 8 VS D0rkyduck 5

UK 3-0
US 3-1
9-ball 4-2

gg's mate.
I hate 9-ball

He's correct mike!
Posts: 2,683
10:02 Sat 30 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  

New player as mich asked is _psmon_
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A Proper Clan Event At Last

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