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increased character limits for more 'senior' forum members???

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04:39 Tue 24 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
hmm...bit of a mixed bag here lol....
well then how about if the extra characters could only be used on general chat and game queries??


I mean *smiles sweetly* Not Gen Chat, trust me extra characters are not needed there.

I'm sticking by what i say, no special rewards for anyone, we all get treated the same, and just the extra characters on Queries/Shouts/Poems.


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16:41 Tue 24 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
ul_son said:
Im not dismissing any ideas. I said i thought the notion of having an extra 200 charcters in a forum post when you can write on anyway, being regarded as a REWARD was pathetic..

Edited at 00:46 Tue 24/06/08 (BST)

thats not pathetic....dont you ever get fustrated because you know your going to write a 1000 character post but in the end its going to be 1020...and you rather it in the one post??

look, its nothing much I know, but these people have put loads of time into the forums and suggesting ways to make the game better (unless they are on fun and games )....

can you think of a better way to give a thank you to these people??

I see no harm in it...I look at people with 2,3,4,5000 posts and look at how many I have done and how long its taken me to get to 900 and whatever posts.....a damn long time!

it doenst have to be big....200 characters, an extra ablility....something at least! (after 1000 posts)
Deleted User
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16:47 Tue 24 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
why not just increase charecters for all, this would stop spamming in order to be "rewarded" and mean that everybody is treated fairly.
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16:54 Wed 25 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep i agree no one should be treated differently.
Posts: 5,373
17:02 Wed 25 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry if I missed it, but I think you are all missing the essential point here: WHY forum post size is limited in the first place.

I don't know, but I would assume it's either related to

- server storage (seems unlike tho, since text takes virtually no space at all anyway - not even as much as is written here)

- forum "tidyness", as in forcing people to be to-the-point and don't mess around the bush.

I personally fail to see any valid reason to keep forum post size as low as it is today, but that doesn't mean such a reason doesn't exist
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increased character limits for more 'senior' forum members???

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