9 ball runouts problem
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17:25 Thu 19 Jun 08 (BST)
That's irrelevant tho - I completely agree that it would be stupid to introduce a stat that encourages players to abandon the main goal of the game; pottting the 9 for the win as soon as possible.
janmb said:
That's irrelevant tho - I completely agree that it would be stupid to introduce a stat that encourages players to abandon the main goal of the game; pottting the 9 for the win as soon as possible.
17:26 Thu 19 Jun 08 (BST)
And again - you can't because the weighting system corrects for this very fact. But not starting that one again, there's definitely nothing either of us can say about that which haven't been covered at least 10 times by now
arcade_fire said:
and there we get back to the old argument about how you can gain a false ranking status in those games depending on who you play
And again - you can't because the weighting system corrects for this very fact. But not starting that one again, there's definitely nothing either of us can say about that which haven't been covered at least 10 times by now
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17:33 Thu 19 Jun 08 (BST)
And again - you can't because the weighting system corrects for this very fact. But not starting that one again, there's definitely nothing either of us can say about that which haven't been covered at least 10 times by now
well it can be - but nevermind - lets agree to differ
Edited at 22:33 Thu 19/06/08 (BST)
janmb said:
arcade_fire said:
and there we get back to the old argument about how you can gain a false ranking status in those games depending on who you play
And again - you can't because the weighting system corrects for this very fact. But not starting that one again, there's definitely nothing either of us can say about that which haven't been covered at least 10 times by now
well it can be - but nevermind - lets agree to differ
Edited at 22:33 Thu 19/06/08 (BST)
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17:53 Thu 19 Jun 08 (BST)
Loolz u tell him nick
nick said:
Technically it is a run out (as far as I'm aware).
Loolz u tell him nick
07:42 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
Runout is a term that applies to all of cue sports, not any one in particular, and therefore the definition must be the same for all.
There are many rules sites out there all with varying ways or wording it, but, put simply, a runout is to play to a win without your opponent visiting the table.
In the case of 9ball, whether that be clearing all the balls or a 1-9 combo, you have runout the table.
What is also clear from looking at various club pages and youtube, is that many people have their own interpetations of what a runout is, but for site purposes we need a dependable standard definition that covers all the games.
Edited at 17:42 Thu 19/06/08 (BST)
Completely agree, must be the same for ALL game types,an 8 ball runout, is all of your balls plus the black. therefore shouldn't 9 ball be all 8 balls plus the 9? ;)
spinner said:
cowuube said:
knowledge, but billiards is not the same game as 9 ball.
Runout is a term that applies to all of cue sports, not any one in particular, and therefore the definition must be the same for all.
There are many rules sites out there all with varying ways or wording it, but, put simply, a runout is to play to a win without your opponent visiting the table.
In the case of 9ball, whether that be clearing all the balls or a 1-9 combo, you have runout the table.
What is also clear from looking at various club pages and youtube, is that many people have their own interpetations of what a runout is, but for site purposes we need a dependable standard definition that covers all the games.
Edited at 17:42 Thu 19/06/08 (BST)
Completely agree, must be the same for ALL game types,an 8 ball runout, is all of your balls plus the black. therefore shouldn't 9 ball be all 8 balls plus the 9? ;)
07:44 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
double post, ran out of words on previous post..
the definition of a runout is clearing all balls possible. 'running out the table ' refers to running out of balls to pot. on a combo... you still have balls available to pot, meaning there are more shots that are possible to play, resulting in no runout.
the definition of a runout is clearing all balls possible. 'running out the table ' refers to running out of balls to pot. on a combo... you still have balls available to pot, meaning there are more shots that are possible to play, resulting in no runout.
07:54 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
Run out means winning the game without missing , if it's 2 shots or 8
Edited at 12:56 Fri 20/06/08 (BST)
Edited at 12:56 Fri 20/06/08 (BST)
08:03 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
This is from wikipedia concerning Earl Strickland:
'Strickland once ran 11 consecutive racks against Nick Mannino during the first PCA tournament in 1996 where there was a stipulation that anyone who could break and run 10 racks would win US $1,000,000. Jimmy Mataya, who was present at the event, witnessed Strickland's last shot, a tough nine-ball combination in which Earl showed no fear and "fired it in with authority" to win the prize.
Note the section where it mentions the last game was a nine-ball combination.
For me a runout is preventing your opponent from getting to the table. You could do this by clearing the balls to the 9-ball or combo your way through, maybe leaving a few balls on the table. Each method can require skill and clearing the table isn't always the hardest and most skill inducing method.
'Strickland once ran 11 consecutive racks against Nick Mannino during the first PCA tournament in 1996 where there was a stipulation that anyone who could break and run 10 racks would win US $1,000,000. Jimmy Mataya, who was present at the event, witnessed Strickland's last shot, a tough nine-ball combination in which Earl showed no fear and "fired it in with authority" to win the prize.
Note the section where it mentions the last game was a nine-ball combination.
For me a runout is preventing your opponent from getting to the table. You could do this by clearing the balls to the 9-ball or combo your way through, maybe leaving a few balls on the table. Each method can require skill and clearing the table isn't always the hardest and most skill inducing method.
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08:25 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
Completely agree, must be the same for ALL game types,an 8 ball runout, is all of your balls plus the black. therefore shouldn't 9 ball be all 8 balls plus the 9? ;)
It is the same - you win the game without your opponent getting a shot!!
the definition of a runout is clearing all balls possible. 'running out the table ' refers to running out of balls to pot. on a combo... you still have balls available to pot, meaning there are more shots that are possible to play, resulting in no runout.
except you dont have balls available to pot because in 9 ball, in effect, balls 1 through to 8 exist only as a means of getting to a point where you can pot the 9 ball to win, at any stage of the game and by using any legal means available
It is the same - you win the game without your opponent getting a shot!!
the definition of a runout is clearing all balls possible. 'running out the table ' refers to running out of balls to pot. on a combo... you still have balls available to pot, meaning there are more shots that are possible to play, resulting in no runout.
except you dont have balls available to pot because in 9 ball, in effect, balls 1 through to 8 exist only as a means of getting to a point where you can pot the 9 ball to win, at any stage of the game and by using any legal means available
08:38 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
It is a run out whether there are 8balls left on the table or one ball. All i am saying is there is a difference between potting 1 or 5 or whatever and potting 9. Im not saying it isnt a run out if you combo just that it should be called a combo run out or wahtever. What orchid suggested was what i meant. However, i realise there is nothing that can be done about this now with people having hundreds of run outs :)
08:40 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
Well while we're at it, lets discuss the 8 ball run outs too...
An 8 ball runout is clearing all your balls on your first visit to the table ( And/or if you don't pot, clearing all of your balls at any visit thereafter). This can occur at any time during a rack, not just from the break.
Example - Player A, we'll code name him Dave.
Player B - code name Steve.
Dave breaks, pots 2 yellows, 1 red. he pots a red on his folliwng shot (therefore dedicated for the rest of the rack)... he pots all red, and misses a tough black.
Steve comes to the table, with 5 yellows remaining, and the black. Steve proceeds to pot his 5 yellows, and successfully pockets the black.
This is a runout, on 8 ball :). A runout is not dubbed by preventing your opponent getting to the table, the 'run-out' is done by clearing the table. if a 9 ball is combo'd then the table uis not cleared. Therefore no runout.
An 8 ball runout is clearing all your balls on your first visit to the table ( And/or if you don't pot, clearing all of your balls at any visit thereafter). This can occur at any time during a rack, not just from the break.
Example - Player A, we'll code name him Dave.
Player B - code name Steve.
Dave breaks, pots 2 yellows, 1 red. he pots a red on his folliwng shot (therefore dedicated for the rest of the rack)... he pots all red, and misses a tough black.
Steve comes to the table, with 5 yellows remaining, and the black. Steve proceeds to pot his 5 yellows, and successfully pockets the black.
This is a runout, on 8 ball :). A runout is not dubbed by preventing your opponent getting to the table, the 'run-out' is done by clearing the table. if a 9 ball is combo'd then the table uis not cleared. Therefore no runout.
08:41 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
a run out means the opponent doesnt get a shot mate- not that the table is cleared.
08:44 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
i've played county 9 ball and 8 ball, for the past 7 or 8 years. played on the same club team as Liam White, who was the England under18 captain at the time. and also a school buddy of mine :). same for mitchell dixie and jordan white. I know how an 8 ball run works, and i would ask for another player, ( Colins? ) to support on this subject.
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08:50 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
yep agreed with madmike - what you are talking about is clearing up/a clearance (whatever you want to call it) and not a run out - and on your events page in your profile for 8/uk8 it will actually say that you 'broke and cleared up' or something along those lines rather than saying you 'ran out' - but its still a run out - ie your opponent doesnt get a look in
besides in 8 ball you are required to pot all your 'designated' balls but in 9 ball none of the balls are designated therefore are not required to be potted.
besides in 8 ball you are required to pot all your 'designated' balls but in 9 ball none of the balls are designated therefore are not required to be potted.
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08:53 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
I play 9 ball in top tournaments here in Ireland, and we have various collections of stats which consist of run outs, GB's etc. In our tournament rules, a run out in 9 ball is classed in terms of the the person who breaks winning the game without their opponent taking a shot, regardless of how many balls are still remaining on the table.
I have 59 in tournament play this year, though I think maybe only 2 of them came from combinations
I have 59 in tournament play this year, though I think maybe only 2 of them came from combinations
08:55 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
its like you're telling ronnie o'sullivan that his 147's don't count because he plays both handed...kinda ridiculous.
as for the 9 ball runs, seems no conclusion can be brought. but the 8 ball ones can.
as for the 9 ball runs, seems no conclusion can be brought. but the 8 ball ones can.
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08:57 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
well done niall - i think part of the reason is that in real pool (and snooker too) a combo/plant is a lot more difficult to make than it is on here where you are able to look down on a table from above to assess your angles
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09:04 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
Yep that's true, combos in real life are only ever considered when it is deadset, and there is nothing else on, well at least at a high standard of play anyway. Whereas combinations on here are made for fun, just part of the game
09:19 Fri 20 Jun 08 (BST)
DONT change 9 ball or anything
Edited by forum moderator nick, at 22:31 Mon 27/02/12 (GMT)
Edited by forum moderator nick, at 22:31 Mon 27/02/12 (GMT)
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9 ball runouts problem
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