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ignore chat feature ?

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13:58 Mon 2 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
zodiac said:
good idea but pointless....all you got to do is keep your eyesight above the chat screen

The point is that you shouldn't have to

Your argument, no offense, is basically the same as "it's ok for someone to run a car full of C4 into your house because you could have built a bomb shelter in the basement".

thats an extreme and not too relavant because you cant pull a shelter up around your house like you can pull the window down
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10:29 Wed 11 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
lol i like this guy^^^^
Posts: 5,373
17:06 Wed 11 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
justsumgirl said:
I have asked ppl if its off putting if i talk when watching, (think maybe Lisa Goonies can vouch for me there)..its their game ur in so its only polite to ask if they mind!

You should never feel guilty for chatting. That's one of the reasons why this feature is so needed: People shouldn't have to watch their steps so closely, just like the active players shouldn't have to put up with distractions (if indeed they don't like chatting while playing - which of course a lot of players actually do - myself included)

Adding a suppress chat feature would serve both purposes: Players get to choose whether or not to have a chat going on while playing - AND chatty people get to chat all they like without having to watch their step to avoid stepping on toes.

It's a pure win-win scenario - there are no losers here so no reason in the world not to have this feature.
Posts: 5,373
17:12 Wed 11 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
war_criminal said:
PS Isn't resetting your stats taking it a bit far... just to get better %'s or other reasons??explain?

While not being particularly relevant for this topic, it's in most cases a matter of players who want to make a statement about not acknowledging the rank or stat systems for various reasons and/or simply want their stats anonymous.

Personally, I never understood why they have to play ranked games and constantly reset instead of simply playing friendlies, but that's just me.

Edited at 22:13 Wed 11/06/08 (BST)
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13:43 Tue 17 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I have been in 2 finals where people have started trying to put me off just because they want the other person to win. stuff like counting down whenever i pot a ball or saying stuff like "you have to be an idiot to miss this shot" etc etc. its very hard to ignore everyone, especially in a speed tournament with a 10 second shot clock.
I agree with allornothing, give us an ignore chat option so we can just play our games in peace ( especially finals ). Or alternatively have the mods when available watching the finals so that if anybody starts with this form of cheating then they can be dealt with.
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ignore chat feature ?

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