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ignore chat feature ?

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Deleted User
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14:07 Sat 31 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
ok,well here's the problem can't there be a feature such as "ignore chat" when in a vital game.

the reason i say this is because i was on the black and "name removed" and "name removed" where running a live commentary. anyway i lost and the opponent cleared but my point is surely there should just be a solution so that's why i suggest the "ignore chat feature" should be implemented.

any feed back would be great thanks.

Edited at 19:08 Sat 31/05/08 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
14:11 Sat 31 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep, this has been suggested a few times and is a good idea IMO.

If it bothers you a lot at the moment, however, you can simply move the window down so the chat area is hidden you're sorted.
Deleted User
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14:13 Sat 31 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah would still be nice to have that option though.

Like you could still be made aware of announcements and when there is fouls etc etc.
Posts: 8,940
14:25 Sat 31 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah, if implimented this would apply only to members chat. All system messages would still be viewable, as would chat from mods.

The last time it was mentioned, the idea of still alowing chat from those on your friends list was mentioned.

Any thoughts on that?
Posts: 5,373
14:26 Sat 31 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep, would definitely be good
Deleted User
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14:32 Sat 31 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:
Yeah, if implimented this would apply only to members chat. All system messages would still be viewable, as would chat from mods.

The last time it was mentioned, the idea of still alowing chat from those on your friends list was mentioned.

Any thoughts on that?

Yeah could be like a few differet types of ignoring, like ignore all, ignore non-friends etc etc.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:46 Sat 31 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
good idea but pointless....all you got to do is keep your eyesight above the chat screen
Deleted User
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16:15 Sat 31 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
zodiac said:
good idea but pointless....all you got to do is keep your eyesight above the chat screen

Kidding me, right?

Easy said than done I'm afraid.
Posts: 1,223
08:14 Sun 1 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah name removed was me and zantetsukenz we are chatter boxes but i would of talked in pm if i knew it was bothering you buddy
Posts: 19,967
09:57 Sun 1 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i feel sometimes people use the chat box as an excuse but all you have to say at the start if it bothers you and we would, as alex says, happily oblige and use pm

Edited at 14:59 Sun 1/06/08 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:11 Sun 1 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
There is one thing that annoys me.

The pm's while your in a game you are just about to take a shot and then a pm pops up i know there is a pm ignore option but if it did not pop and just flash orange at the bottom like msn that would be great
Deleted User
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11:17 Sun 1 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Completely seperate idea to the one this thread is mentioning but brilliant.

In fact....
Posts: 5,373
17:22 Sun 1 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
zodiac said:
good idea but pointless....all you got to do is keep your eyesight above the chat screen

The point is that you shouldn't have to

Your argument, no offense, is basically the same as "it's ok for someone to run a car full of C4 into your house because you could have built a bomb shelter in the basement".
Deleted User
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17:50 Sun 1 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
The point is that you shouldn't have to

isn't the point that if you are playing the game and, more to the point, taking it seriously then you should have to - concentration is the secret to any successful player in any game/sport
Posts: 5,373
19:07 Sun 1 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
arcade_fire said:
isn't the point that if you are playing the game and, more to the point, taking it seriously then you should have to - concentration is the secret to any successful player in any game/sport

That's one point of view. One I don't share, but definitely one I can acknowledge.

It depends entirely on how you view this game I guess. In MY view, a game belongs to the players and should be dictated by their preferences when it comes to anyone else in that game room (including the very presence of the latter in the first place)

In a different view (like yours) tho, you *could* draw parallels to real life sports, where competing on a high level more or less always involves having to deal with the distraction of a crowd.

Then again, if you want to get more narrow and compare it to real life POOL, the crowd is generally polite and keep quiet - and if they don't they are out-of-there quicker than you can say "foul on the black" lol

(and I'm out at sea for a week so pardon in advance for slow response on the reply I'm sure you are already working on )
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:23 Mon 2 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
(and I'm out at sea for a week so pardon in advance for slow response on the reply I'm sure you are already working on)

lmao apology accepted

my comment was actually a tongue in cheek one aimed at all those who take this game far too seriously and seem to forget that there really is nothing at stake and that its just for fun
Deleted User
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04:36 Mon 2 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
arcade_fire said:
(and I'm out at sea for a week so pardon in advance for slow response on the reply I'm sure you are already working on)

lmao apology accepted

my comment was actually a tongue in cheek one aimed at all those who take this game far too seriously and seem to forget that there really is nothing at stake and that its just for fun

I couldn't agree more arcade, what amazes me is that there are even people willing to cheat to get to the top of the rankings etc and furthermore I guess that they are ever allowed back onto a fun website after adopting that approach at any stage!

Back on topic however, I even had someone open a PM in a 10 second game so I couldn't see the black ball and a random shot lost me the game so there are bad sports out there but I say best to just get on with it and smile at those who take it that far!!!!

PS Isn't resetting your stats taking it a bit far... just to get better %'s or other reasons??explain?
Posts: 38,214
05:58 Mon 2 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
*Guilty Look*

Ok ive pm ppl during a game to put them off..BUT.. only when am having a laff with mates am in game with (They laff too!) Id not do it in a serious game or anything.

I have asked ppl if its off putting if i talk when watching, (think maybe Lisa Goonies can vouch for me there)..its their game ur in so its only polite to ask if they mind!

If your going to watch a game, and you find theres others you know watching and want to chat to..PM THEM! that way ur not putting the players off.

Overall, wud still be good to have the option feature like Carl mentions.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:55 Mon 2 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
A turn off chat feature should have been introduced years ago, its a family friendly site so surely this feature should be implemented asap.
There's a lot of kids play this site so a turn off chat feature would give parents a piece of mind that their kids won't be subjected to abuse and bad language.
A know there's contact us before everyone starts banging on about it,turn off chat would nip it in the bud and it wouldnt have to be reported.
An idea, hows about when chat feature turned off you still have a list of the usual two letter abbreviations gg,wp,ty,ul etc
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:23 Mon 2 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
war_criminal said:

PS Isn't resetting your stats taking it a bit far... just to get better %'s or other reasons??explain?

not sure why it's of interest to you or relevant to this thread but anyway........

There is a personal reason but it's not to gain any form of advantage at all.

I also think resetting figures of wins 13 (87%) losses 2 (13%) and tournament wins 1 shows that it's most certainly not in order to improve some meaningless stats.
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ignore chat feature ?

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