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a way to stop newbies on forums repeating ideas over and over.

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23:24 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
People, we have all seen it.

People who have racked up 100 games, jump onto forums and the first thing they do is put in an idea which has been mentioned a million times already.

I think a good way to stop this would be that to create a new thread, one must have 100 posts under their belt.

That means that their name is known by a few by the time they get to 100 posts, and they then should have seen other ideas come in.

I have seen some great ideas come from people with 10 posts....but the majority come up with ideas that have been talked about time after time.

Its not their fault, they just have not used the search forum feture. But I think a good way to have cleaner and more better forums, we should have it so you must have 100 posts before you can create a new thread.

It works well that you cant join forum untill 100 games, so lets step it up a little to have a benchmark for creating a new thread.
Posts: 1,190
23:50 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
whats so bad about repeating ideas.. bringing ideas from the past that might have been forgotten about.. i dont see the big deal in this really.. i mean if someone happens to find the old topic then they just simply reply to the post with the link to the old thread.. simple problem, with a simple fix. no use in making the solution bigger then the problem actually is.. im starting to thing afl is just posting random suggestions until he finally gets one that will be used.. gl
Deleted User
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00:05 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree with misterchyme whats the point in not having old suggestions bought up if they are boguht up again would it not mean that they are a god idea threw someones elses eyes besides an idea could of gone off topic and been capped and they cant post about that topic.
Deleted User
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04:02 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
ok....I remember that we had heaps of new threads a month or so 3 of them suggesting that rooms would have rank limits on them!!

just saying....I think that newbies to forums need to have some experiance before jumping on and throwing in a pointless idea.
Posts: 66
04:13 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
You'd have to account for resetting and deleting of accounts, but actually aflumpire.... I like the idea. (throws up) Which is odd since I'm sure its another stab at me. But I also think that a thread that has not been posted on in a allotted time should be removed and that there should be a limited number of pages. That way things could be brought up from a fresh point of view (i.e. nominating the 9) so anyways kudos. Now let me go read your response to my thread and be mean to you.
Deleted User
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04:30 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
monstrmac1 said:
You'd have to account for resetting and deleting of accounts, but actually aflumpire.... I like the idea. (throws up) Which is odd since I'm sure its another stab at me. But I also think that a thread that has not been posted on in a allotted time should be removed and that there should be a limited number of pages. That way things could be brought up from a fresh point of view (i.e. nominating the 9) so anyways kudos. Now let me go read your response to my thread and be mean to you.

thanks for finally posting on another thread!

but no, im not just targeting you (although it may seem that way)

its not only you...there have been others in the past who bring up pointless threads with less than 100 posts under their belt.

In fact monstrmac, You are not in the category of pointless threads that im talking about....just repeated ones. (im been nice here )
Deleted User
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05:01 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:

People who have racked up 100 games, jump onto forums and the first thing they do is put in an idea which has been mentioned a million times already.

Ask yourself why has it been mentioned a million times - because its a good idea? If so, and there is constant demand for it, why has it not been done?

You should realise this board is just for sounding off, the proportion of good ideas v's good ideas getting actioned is tiny, history shows this.

I'm not criticising the site or staff, I realise the work involved but lets have some realism about what this board actually achieves.
Deleted User
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05:05 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
but I would rather 50 posts on one thread instead of 10 threads on the same topic!

your missing my other side of this.....its so new comers to the forum can at least get a name for them selves before coming up with what would be a pointless idea 8 times out of 10!
Posts: 66
05:28 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Perhaps a mandatory search of the topic that you entered. For instance if I click "new topic" and type in "rank restrictions on rooms" then it will automatically search the forums and give you thread titles that contain any of those words. You would then have the option of posting on the one that best suits you or creating a new post. It could be abused by simply ignoring the results, but it should definitely cut down on the amount of duplicates.
Deleted User
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05:31 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
monstrmac1 said:
Perhaps a mandatory search of the topic that you entered. For instance if I click "new topic" and type in "rank restrictions on rooms" then it will automatically search the forums and give you thread titles that contain any of those words. You would then have the option of posting on the one that best suits you or creating a new post. It could be abused by simply ignoring the results, but it should definitely cut down on the amount of duplicates.

good idea! you are one of the very few who have very good ideas with less than 100 posts!
Posts: 66
05:37 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks affy, now that we're done here lets start a political thread or religious thread. I'll get to 100 quick. You think I'm vicious abuot 9 ball?? lets start talking about world affairs. he he he
Deleted User
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05:42 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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07:26 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
You should be able to post ideas if you have 1 posts or 100 posts. This is a game for enjoyment and I've noticed some people just love social aspect of the funkypool forum and play the odd game, so it would lower members because some sign up only to join in the fun of the forum. So loose members just because a few threads have been mentioned before? It happens on every single forum I go on, things get repeated! but you just listen to the advice given and leave the people who look after the forums help the newer members around. Also you must remember there are a lot of young people on these forum and we all know that you don't bother reading rules when you are young.

I'm not sure if, when you sign up to be able to post it tells you to the rules, but I think the rules should be placed in front of you in bold when you apply for the rights to post, along with the sticky threads. Probably still would not make much of a difference though.
Deleted User
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07:30 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
But it's only two minutes to read the rules on every forum which explains the search feature, so I think it is one of those fussy ideas. You should really expect repeated threads are going to happen with many members and new members posting every day.

Edited at 12:32 Fri 25/04/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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07:43 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
yep its not hard just to make a post saying it's been repeated.

And it would'nt take long for a moderator to delete/cap the thread.

Its that simple.
Deleted User
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10:03 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think there's anything wrong with an 'old' idea being 'created' again! There is a constant influx of new users so it never hurts. It's not like we're pushed for space!
Deleted User
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10:25 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
lot of people complain about alot of things just shows how easliy people get annoyed
Deleted User
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11:23 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
misterchyme said:
whats so bad about repeating ideas.. bringing ideas from the past that might have been forgotten about.. i dont see the big deal in this really.. i mean if someone happens to find the old topic then they just simply reply to the post with the link to the old thread.. simple problem, with a simple fix. no use in making the solution bigger then the problem actually is.. im starting to thing afl is just posting random suggestions until he finally gets one that will be used.. gl

totally agree with you mysterchyme
Posts: 5,373
12:17 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
People, we have all seen it.

People who have racked up 100 games, jump onto forums and the first thing they do is put in an idea which has been mentioned a million times already.

Personally, threads like this one bothers me a lot more than newbies reposting frequent topics.

There's no amount of traffic on this board that suggests the need for avoiding topics being revisited, and often revisiting topics with new people posting their opinions and questions helps add new angles to an older topic.

Most of the time, those threads get capped with pointers to older, similar threads - and some times they remain open.

In either case you have the option not to read whatever topics you don't like or don't find interesting.
Posts: 10,415
13:51 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
^^^^ what he said ^^^^

lmao- i cant believe you of all people created this thread

Edited at 18:51 Fri 25/04/08 (BST)
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a way to stop newbies on forums repeating ideas over and over.

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