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Nominating the 9 ball

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Posts: 19,967
07:03 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
but would the lag affect the feature i.e. you click the pocket and it doesnt register
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07:41 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
monstrmac1 said:
lag is a separate issue

FINALLY!!! He agrees with another person!

monstrmac1 said:
..... a magnified problem with this new feature . .......

so what, you have talked to nick and negotiated a deal or something that your 'plan' comes into place!
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07:45 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
monstrmac1 said:
Aflumpire you have just went from ridiculous to dumb. I just read your post 5 secs ago and already I can tell you that the "International Champion of Champions" tournament is a called match (on ESPN).

dude, I dont get popcorn and say 'oh cool, the pool is coming on, how exciting!....just from the games I have seen, there has never ben nomination or repostting (only if the 9 was fouled).

monstrmac1 said:
I also have a few posts under my belt contrary to aflumpires' belief

40 isnt a big number.

Yes, maybe on funkysnooker you may have a few posts but your still new to funkyPOOL forum.
Posts: 5,373
10:35 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
40 isnt a big number.

Yes, maybe on funkysnooker you may have a few posts but your still new to funkyPOOL forum.

Without having any idea of whether that is the case, keep in mind that he may have more than this account. If he's former achievements are anywhere near what he claims, that would seem likely.
Posts: 19,967
14:28 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
aflumpire said:
40 isnt a big number.

Yes, maybe on funkysnooker you may have a few posts but your still new to funkyPOOL forum.

Without having any idea of whether that is the case, keep in mind that he may have more than this account. If he's former achievements are anywhere near what he claims, that would seem likely.

Well why doesn't he include this in his claim
Posts: 1,630
16:46 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Now now everyone play nicely Lol i've lost track of this thread...
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17:35 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah, this is heading off fault. But im just saying, he hasnt had as much experiance on pool as some ohters. Snooker doesnt count towards anything on pool.
Posts: 8,939
17:54 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
monstrmac1 said:
Spinner, lower ranked players ARE more likely to fluke. It shouldn't even be a debateable statement.

Nope. Players of lower ability (lets not confuse ability with rank - two totally seperate issues) are clearly LESS likely to fluke, simply because they are not so skilled.

It can't get any simpler.

monstrmac1 said:
If you are planning to make two balls at once then fine you can, no problem. If one of those is the 9, or even MIGHT be the nine, then fine, just nominate it, no penalty needed.

So it's if you completely fluke the ball into the pocket you nominated?

I thought the idea was to eliminate flukes, not encourage them?


Posts: 66
20:15 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Spinner I"m more confused by your post. How is a lower ability player less likely to fluke? Fluking is typically caused by missing your intended pocket and since the higher ability does this less, it means they fluke less. This feels like the 100th time but here it goes again, "THE IDEA IS NOT TO ELIMINATE FLUKES". there I said it. Why do you keep going back to this over and over. There's NO WAY that nominating the 9 would encourage flukes, and there's also NO WAY it would eliminate them.

When It comes to my posts why does it matter how many I've had? I have over 100 on funkysnooker but I'm sure its not that much compared to some. I also post on various other messages boards. Basically the claim that I am new to the funkypool boards is an attempt to invalidate any point I have made. This is just ridiculous, if I make a good statement it shouldn't matter how many posts I've had.
Posts: 66
20:18 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
monstrmac1 said:
lag is a separate issue

FINALLY!!! He agrees with another person!

monstrmac1 said:
..... a magnified problem with this new feature . .......

so what, you have talked to nick and negotiated a deal or something that your 'plan' comes into place!
WOW!! a new level of pointlessness. Instead of criticizing how I've stated something, why don't you use all that energy to find some new real point to add to your debate.......perhaps because there isn't anything left in your arsenal that I have not already debunked, defused, and demolished
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20:40 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
monstrmac1 said:
..... and there's also NO WAY it would eliminate them (flukes).



if there is no way to get rid of them, then why only half do the job?

if your going to make something better, then make sure that the whole problem is erased, not just half of it!

it will just be a pain in the butt, confusing to new players and decrease the popularity of 9 ball.

'If it aint broke, dont fix it'

Thats what im looking at here.

If we are only going to solve half the problem, then it only makes things worse.....I would rather none of the problem solved than only half of it.

and I have never seen you comment on any other forum issue on funkypool...only your own.

Edited at 01:42 Fri 25/04/08 (BST)
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21:36 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:
monstrmac1 said:
Spinner, lower ranked players ARE more likely to fluke. It shouldn't even be a debateable statement.

Nope. Players of lower ability (lets not confuse ability with rank - two totally seperate issues) are clearly LESS likely to fluke, simply because they are not so skilled.

It can't get any simpler.

in my opinion this is wrong surely how is it possible to skillfully fluke as the definition of a fluke is an "unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome" unless somehow i am able to use my skill to have a an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome.

however flukes are part and parcel of funky,they are frustrating when it happens but to be honest it evens it self out.
Posts: 66
22:23 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
monstrmac1 said:
..... and there's also NO WAY it would eliminate them (flukes).



if there is no way to get rid of them, then why only half do the job?

if your going to make something better, then make sure that the whole problem is erased, not just half of it!

it will just be a pain in the butt, confusing to new players and decrease the popularity of 9 ball.

'If it aint broke, dont fix it'

Thats what im looking at here.

If we are only going to solve half the problem, then it only makes things worse.....I would rather none of the problem solved than only half of it.

and I have never seen you comment on any other forum issue on funkypool...only your own.

Edited at 01:42 Fri 25/04/08 (BST)
Well you've kept me pretty busy. Unfortunately I do spend more time on the snooker forums, it doesn't really matter because your only using it as excuse to skirt the issue.
Posts: 66
22:28 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Here's the real disagreement, you think that adding a nominating feature would cause the problems you listed above. I think they will NOT cause the problems you listed above. We both have decent evidence and arguments to back up our claim. The truth is, for me, nominating the 9 IS THE WHOLE PROBLEM. So there's not another half to fix. I beleive all players of high ability would support this new feature. I also believe that many players of low ability would support simply based on the fact that the highe ranked players would play them. I know that I would play any rank if only they had to call the 9. Anyway that's all I got. I'm exhausted with repeating myself, and since the same poorly debated points keep coming up in your posts I don't see the point of going on. I offered to do a long Q&A and nobody sent me a message, this usually means that the naysayers are simply disagreeing so that they don't have to admit their wrong. Peas out
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22:48 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
monstrmac1 said:
I beleive all players of high ability would support this new feature

of course they would...because they would always win! its like offering high earning rich people a tax cut so they dont pay tyhe price for ohter peoples things (in this case, losing)

monstrmac1 said:
I also believe that many players of low ability would support simply based on the fact that the highe ranked players would play them.

I agree with you, but the problem is that the lower ranked players will always lose!

Then you get what I would call 'The Trench'. You will have all these players at a low rank and then a big jump to all of these players at a high rank

Like I sya again, this leads to more accounts reset, loss of interest in 9 ball for those who are not good at it and a domination in tourmanets by the good

People jump online to have some fun....not to play by official rules of pool which were probably made up at a pub when they were drunk!

(read on)
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22:51 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  

I joined funkypool because of the easyness to use the mouse and to start playing straight away. It took me a bit to get to know 9 ball a it is for most people as many have never seen a game of 9 ball played.

You are not the only one repeating yourself.

I think that we have to agree to disagree and im becoming annoyed with your cockyness to this issue.

I still stand by my first post on this thred which you didnt like!

Remember mate, you are new...not only to pool forums but also to snooker forums (100 posts isnt that many). On forums, sometimes you just have to give into the majority. The marjority is against you.

We have told you all of the avenues and you have nothing new to add either.

I think its time that we agreed to disagree. This has gone for 8 pages (nearly 9)....the last few pages has been utter bickering and us just repeating ourselves (you included)

Edited at 03:52 Fri 25/04/08 (BST)
Posts: 66
23:17 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Why does it matter if I'm new?? I'll answer IT DOESN'T. Its only a reason for you to try to belittle me so just stop, it makes you look bad.

And I'm not convinced the majority is against me. Maybe on this thread but there are 1,000's of players on this site.

You are the one who tries to debunk me based on some irrelevant fact. Just quit trying something you can't win at. Just let spinner do the talking for you. At least he has some good points.

With the nominate feature you could still just use your mouse and play straight away... call me when you turn 10 and we'll talk about it over ice cream.
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23:19 Thu 24 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
ok...I had a little too much time on my hands so I did some researching.

3rd resource down, 3rd definition.

Fluke: "an accidentally successful stroke, as in billiards." you have seen the definition, we can relate this to so many things.....some in sport, and others in everyday life.

It happens.....people win on flukes, people lose on flukes.

Most people just go ' a little peeved off but oh well'... and they forget about it after a couple of minutes....but in this case, we have a person who thinks that flukes should become extinct.
Posts: 1,190
00:27 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i fluked 2 dollars on a lottery scratch off ticket
Posts: 66
01:57 Fri 25 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:

Most people just go ' a little peeved off but oh well'... and they forget about it after a couple of minutes....but in this case, we have a person who thinks that flukes should become extinct.

Since you obviously haven't read any of my posts here's the previous quotes about the extinction of flukes as it relates to nominating the 9

"This feels like the 100th time but here it goes again, "THE IDEA IS NOT TO ELIMINATE FLUKES". there I said it"

"Flukes WILL still happen no one has said they wouldn't, yes they are a part of the game, but the game would be improved if this particular feature was implemented."

"Spinner, If you read some of the other posts on here I have said the point is not to stop flukes entirely. Its just to make it less flukey."

"It wouldn't eliminate luck completely so new players could still win, it would just minimize it. and I think lesser players would enjoy getting games easier."
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Nominating the 9 ball

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