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How many runouts?

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13:42 Fri 18 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
soooooo...this is going well for me
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07:12 Sat 19 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Steven you haven't dominated the UK table, you've not stood out as the best player at any point while I used to play often, still, you're not bad

And i think i've had more run outs than you would have done too

Edited at 12:13 Sat 19/04/08 (BST)
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08:21 Sat 19 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Steven did dominate the uk table squeezy if you remember correctly, at 4am when everyone good had gone to bed
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08:51 Sat 19 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
snotnoodle said:
Steven did dominate the uk table squeezy if you remember correctly, at 4am when everyone good had gone to bed

class! Funny stuff noodle!
Posts: 681
09:49 Sat 19 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Nah no chance squeezy , im 2nd now and i was 1st when i deleted plus i've had quite a few on other accounts, plus god knows how many when i used to keep re-setting lol.

And are you forgetting this was 2 yrs ago??? and you've only got those still hehe and ive got another 27

Edited at 14:55 Sat 19/04/08 (BST)
Posts: 681
09:56 Sat 19 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
smithbit said:
soooooo...this is going well for me

same here mate lol
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18:05 Wed 30 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1 in 5 months for me now

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20:10 Wed 7 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
_steven_ said:

for well over 4 years i've dominated most of the leaderboards when i was using steven159, so to say he is better is naive. Not got the time with work anyway haha.

Edited at 22:12 Tue 8/04/08 (BST)

i havent been on this site in a while ... i just browse thru and see this ..

i bolded and underlined the text im gonna take an arguement about

i dont seem to remem you dominating while i was around

i admit . for the past . what 8 months i havent played this, and you may have dominated the high scores from there, but when i was on last . you was always trying to overtake my rank :P

get steph or jsg to msg me on msn :D if theres a reply to this plz :D ty all
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20:34 Wed 7 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
_steven_ said:
lmao , and smithy i'll have a go at that and you can try and beat my maximum on uk then

While gerrys at it .. steven you try and beat mine :P

Edited at 01:38 Thu 8/05/08 (BST)
Posts: 681
20:42 Wed 7 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I will do, just not got the time lately lol. aint saw you on in ages anyway mate
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21:11 Wed 7 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
lol im doing brill , i see in my absence some1 got a bit more big headed :P

just reading through this thread :P
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23:06 Wed 7 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
You weren't always top either danny

Even when you could decide on one username for more than 5 minutes

Give u a game sometime m8, I've become fairly hopeless at it now
Posts: 104
18:10 Thu 8 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
oops soz thought i was logged in on my acc. (ste) i'll post now

Edited at 23:11 Thu 8/05/08 (BST)
Posts: 681
18:12 Thu 8 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
As i was trying to say in the above post, Danny sure loved his low ranks hehe

Edited at 23:12 Thu 8/05/08 (BST)
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11:38 Fri 9 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
is using multiple accounts . which are used by several people against the rules??? :P


and steven i never played low accounts as much as you m8 , i remem when me and onua looked up your history and you played upto 650s for 10 games :O

lowest i played was like a 740 . and not for more than 3 games :P

and if ya wanna accuse me of loving playing low ranks to gain what ive had ... then please accuse me of playing 850s and winning 10-0 2 years ago which ppl suspected me of cheating for :O

also . last time i played you , i won 4-1 and you left because i took to much rank off you :P

end off :P

dave hun . i was up 1st rank a hell of a lot more than steven is or ever has been . :P
and yes . we need to get bk to the stage where we was both 930+ rank and playing eachother :P
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11:45 Fri 9 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree you've been higher than him for longer, however you were'nt always top

I was there quite often, as were people such as:


+ Many others for short stages.

Btw it's nice to see that your head hasn't shrunk either
Posts: 681
11:46 Fri 9 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah fair enough you won 4-1, i just logged on i joined the wso i think, no practice = lose lol, plus i won you 5-0 before that you remeber?

and I've been 1st ON uk A LOT more times than you, ever since this site was made, squeezy knows that because he has aswell

Your a newbie compared to most on here. Get ya rank back up then

Edited at 16:53 Fri 9/05/08 (BST)
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11:54 Fri 9 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
You've beaten me soundly in the past

I as I have to you.

And steven you have been 1st less than I have, less than 6pack_jay and less than steven_up.

With regards to you and danny I'd say around about equal with him maybe edging it. EDIT: If you dont include the last 6 months*

He's also played well over 10k wins worth of games so I dont think he's a newbie compared to anyone.

Edited at 16:54 Fri 9/05/08 (BST)
Posts: 681
11:57 Fri 9 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
6pack_jay nah thats just taking the beep lol, i remember being 1st loads of times before jay even played this game. Are you counting the days where the ranking points was 100.0?

I remeber before you became a moderater you was 1st with about 98 rank and i played you for the very first time and won you 3-0 and you called me a b#$%^d lol, still remeber that to this day even though its been about 4 years haha

maybe we can play sometime bring back the glory days lol

Edited at 17:01 Fri 9/05/08 (BST)
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12:10 Fri 9 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Raiden was 1st quite often way back then...

Cant remember it clearly that far back though.

And I dont remember that but could well of happened

The abuse u could hurl out was fun before the filter was introduced

Since the new ranking system was introduced though, Me, Trickshot + Steven_Up were the top 3 for about 6 months straight. Then there was a period for about 7-8 months where I was top for ages then danny overtook me for about 3 weeks, then deleted, I was then top for about a month, then faded out, 6pack_jay was top then for about 8 months. Then he faded out.

Since then I haven't kept a close eye on it. Although since the new leaderboard of 'Highest Rank' You've been at the top more often than not.
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