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15:41 Thu 5 Mar 09 (GMT)
i got a costomisable shield wit 3 slots
and added
break hp limit
hp +30%
hp +20%
and equipped it wit tidus
as no1 else has over 5500 hp
and added
break hp limit
hp +30%
hp +20%
and equipped it wit tidus
as no1 else has over 5500 hp
Deleted User
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16:24 Thu 5 Mar 09 (GMT)
Auron gets to 9999 the fastest
My Auron has 19550
Tidus has 15200
Yuna has 16430
Yuna is the most powerful person i have.
Her Holy does 65000
Flare does 59000
She mugs for 21000
My Auron has 19550
Tidus has 15200
Yuna has 16430
Yuna is the most powerful person i have.
Her Holy does 65000
Flare does 59000
She mugs for 21000
Deleted User
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16:24 Thu 5 Mar 09 (GMT)
Which part of the story are you at?
007jb1 said:
i got a costomisable shield wit 3 slots
and added
break hp limit
hp +30%
hp +20%
and equipped it wit tidus
as no1 else has over 5500 hp
and added
break hp limit
hp +30%
hp +20%
and equipped it wit tidus
as no1 else has over 5500 hp
Which part of the story are you at?
Deleted User
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10:00 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
Which part of the story are you at?
i can complete it any time i want
did it 20 times already
psyco05 said:
007jb1 said:
i got a costomisable shield wit 3 slots
and added
break hp limit
hp +30%
hp +20%
and equipped it wit tidus
as no1 else has over 5500 hp
and added
break hp limit
hp +30%
hp +20%
and equipped it wit tidus
as no1 else has over 5500 hp
Which part of the story are you at?
i can complete it any time i want
did it 20 times already
Deleted User
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10:10 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
You completed the story and Tidus only has 5500? When i got to Yunalesca, Auron had 8200
Deleted User
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15:18 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
no tidus has 13689
and always hits 9999 (for now)
and always hits 9999 (for now)
Deleted User
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17:12 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
You don't have the Cadalbog yet? That's the easiest to get
Deleted User
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18:06 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
i no 4 got the chest and now have 2 defeat dark bahamut
and 4 da chocobo race i got exactly0:00:0 but it wont give me the piece wot do i do
i had 36 seconds and got 12 ballons
and 4 da chocobo race i got exactly0:00:0 but it wont give me the piece wot do i do
i had 36 seconds and got 12 ballons
Deleted User
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18:29 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
You have to have the cloudy mirror (which you obtain from the chocobo race under the Remein Temple) Then you have to go to Macalania and go up the glowing path to the "tree thingy" and turn it into the celestial mirror. Then (without leaving the calm lands) you have to get 0.0 in the chocobo races, then go the to northwestern corner, walk along the top until you see a little path. Go down and push the glyph. The chest will appear unavailing the Cadalbog. Do you have any of the other dark aeons? I doubt you have a Jap version...the dark aeons and penenance are only available on the jap version...but regardless of which version, you don't have to beat any dark aeon to get the legendary weapons. The hardest (in my opinion) is getting the Venus Sigil for Lulu....I've only been able to dodge 87 consecutively
Deleted User
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18:40 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
yes u do if u 4get the part of da catablog r wot eva u have 2 go back and can only do so by defeating bahamut
psyco05 said:
You have to have the cloudy mirror (which you obtain from the chocobo race under the Remein Temple) Then you have to go to Macalania and go up the glowing path to the "tree thingy" and turn it into the celestial mirror. Then (without leaving the calm lands) you have to get 0.0 in the chocobo races, then go the to northwestern corner, walk along the top until you see a little path. Go down and push the glyph. The chest will appear unavailing the Cadalbog. Do you have any of the other dark aeons? I doubt you have a Jap version...the dark aeons and penenance are only available on the jap version...but regardless of which version, you don't have to beat any dark aeon to get the legendary weapons. The hardest (in my opinion) is getting the Venus Sigil for Lulu....I've only been able to dodge 87 consecutively
yes u do if u 4get the part of da catablog r wot eva u have 2 go back and can only do so by defeating bahamut
Deleted User
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18:45 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
What you mean? You can go to the calm lands whenever you want to. If you leave, you have to beat the races again, but Dark Bahamut has nothing to do with anything
Deleted User
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18:48 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
it dose 4 da second (or first) piece of the catablog
Deleted User
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18:49 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
You're not talking bout the actual weapon? You're talking about the sigil?
Deleted User
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18:58 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
Wow. I've been trying to get the International version forever and i cant find it. I'm gonna check Ebay soon. The only thing i can tell you: Good Luck
Deleted User
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19:01 Fri 6 Mar 09 (GMT)
lol after all that im none th wiser ah well such as life
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