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Combo Tourny

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Posts: 10,415
19:56 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
A tournament with a twist-

The game will be 8ballUS- You can only pot balls using combo shots and doubles- Games will be a race to 3- A third person must watch each frame and act as a judge- both players must agree to the choice of judge- the judge will rule in any shots that were not combos or doubles.

If you pot a ball without using a combo or double and it is technically a legal shot so the game doesnt recognize the foul you must pot the white or not hit anything (whichever is easier) so the other player has ball in hand.

The judge must make the decision to give ball in hand for a foul shot- For the ease of judges decisions the games must be on at least a 30 second timer...

No set format for it yet- ill see how many people enter- if we only get a few then a mini league might be best- if plenty enter then a knockout cup would probably be better
Posts: 10,415
19:59 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
A combo will be defined as the cue ball hitting a ball on a legal shot and not going straight into a bag- it must hit another ball and then either- go in the pocket, push the other ball into a pocket, fluke a ball into a pocket. The white ball can also hit a ball after making contact and knock it into a bag as long as it is not a straight pot.

A double is defined as hitting a ball off any cushion and then sinking into a bag- although its called a double- trebles, quadruples etc are fine.
Deleted User
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20:04 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
ill join mikeyy m8
Deleted User
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20:05 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah sounds a laugh, i'll play
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20:07 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
wouldnt 9 ball be better to use, less balls easier for judge?
Posts: 10,415
20:10 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
it would be but theres a lot of luck involved with the combo aspect of the game already- i play this game with people sometimes at UK and US and its a laugh lol- shouldnt be too difficult for the judge to see if its a legal shot and im sure most people will be honest as only decent players are gonna wanna enter this
Deleted User
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20:11 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
okie dokie, im in anyways
Posts: 9,456
20:37 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mike not me to comment, you do a great job

Is this going to start when the others tourns finish

I think other tourns great so far

Posts: 10,415
20:38 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok so Far-


Ill set an upper limit of 16 though ill doubt well get that many- Probably do fixtures on Friday
Posts: 10,415
20:41 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
Mike not me to comment, you do a great job

Is this going to start when the others tourns finish

I think other tourns great so far

It can run alongside the team tourny as thats only 1 fixture a week and this will be a maximum of 4 fixtures if i get 16 or if it has to be a league there will be a max 8 people so a max of 7 fixtures

The doubles tourny is in the last stages (just wating for kev to play two matches and the final is complete)

I dont think it will be a problem starting it when there is enough people mate

Edit: Are you in?

Edited at 01:42 Wed 26/03/08 (GMT)
Posts: 9,456
20:43 Tue 25 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mike >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Didnt think so

Add me mate

Deleted User
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01:40 Wed 26 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah ok, ill be in for a bit of fun.......

but message me when we start!
Deleted User
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03:54 Wed 26 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
sounds good! Im in
Posts: 2,737
05:57 Wed 26 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
Ok so Far-


Ill set an upper limit of 16 though ill doubt well get that many- Probably do fixtures on Friday

When did I say i wanted to join sheesh!!
seeing as this is our game i guess ill join

P.S yes we have it patented, and we recieve royalties for every game of it thats played
Posts: 10,415
07:38 Wed 26 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
G, anything i create you are automatically entered by the computer

In so Far

Posts: 10,415
14:22 Wed 26 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right im thinkin.....a mini league with either one group of 8 or two groups of 4.

If we go one group of 8 then there will be a fixture each week and everybody playing each other once in a race to three.

If we go two groups of 4 then everybody will just play the other group members once in a race to 3. The top two from each group go through to the semis and then a final.

What would people prefer to see happen?

Still open to new entrys though so if you are interested stick ya name down
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14:28 Wed 26 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
i'll play - gonna be tough playing flumpy though with time zone issues - but nevermind
Posts: 10,415
14:29 Wed 26 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
As the sole represntative of the southern hemisphere i imagine aflumpire will know hes gonna have to make more of an effort than most to play...hopefully
Deleted User
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14:30 Wed 26 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
how do you pot your last solid or stripe and the black?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:31 Wed 26 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
by a double i presume - sorry re-read it - doh!!! lol
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Combo Tourny

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