New Dedications Thread!!!
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20:51 Thu 7 Feb 08 (GMT)
well done m8 keep them coming
allornothing said:
i would like to dedicate my uk 8 ball tournament win to
quick_pot,aronwann(pm of congrats),blink182rip,_psmon_,kev,cool_ryan,alex19933,lewis007,
steph,paula,john,stella and to nick for a creating brilliant site.
Edited at 02:35 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
quick_pot,aronwann(pm of congrats),blink182rip,_psmon_,kev,cool_ryan,alex19933,lewis007,
steph,paula,john,stella and to nick for a creating brilliant site.
Edited at 02:35 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
well done m8 keep them coming
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20:53 Thu 7 Feb 08 (GMT)
well done allornothing u played well ul quick_pot
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00:42 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
dedications for those whom i played in my 2 consecutive tourny wins (uk ball and 9 ball)
slick, sharkshooter, _inspiration, katie_bug ul in uk final, janssen, and ladysapphire who was in the final of 9 ball tourny - wp but ul!
thanks all - sam
Edited at 06:44 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
slick, sharkshooter, _inspiration, katie_bug ul in uk final, janssen, and ladysapphire who was in the final of 9 ball tourny - wp but ul!
thanks all - sam
Edited at 06:44 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
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01:07 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
WD cool_ryan..outplayed me in the finals
Edited at 07:42 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
WD cool_ryan..outplayed me in the finals
Edited at 07:42 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
01:09 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
any way id like to dedicate my 8ball US torny win to:
ukay_champ ul finalist
carl and ciaran
soz if i missed anyone out cheeers all!
Edited at 07:43 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
ukay_champ ul finalist
carl and ciaran
soz if i missed anyone out cheeers all!
Edited at 07:43 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
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02:17 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
well there goes another final wd shepmiester...who won the 8ball uk now i have 2 consecutive finals which i lost 8 ball us
8 ball uk
congratz both
8 ball uk
congratz both
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05:08 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
8 ball marathon to 9ballfun, very good final 5-1 didnt really reflect how close it was.
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05:11 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
Well Done dr35d3n
Very Well Played
Edited at 11:11 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
Very Well Played
Edited at 11:11 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
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07:06 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
i dedicate my 78th us 8ball 7 balling to,
rob, lisa, jo, al, gerry, tally, paula, carl, nick87, madmike, james, alex, ryan, keith, davyb1, kim, linz, crazzymadman, ste, ste efc and katie_bug.
all the mods and admin
rob, lisa, jo, al, gerry, tally, paula, carl, nick87, madmike, james, alex, ryan, keith, davyb1, kim, linz, crazzymadman, ste, ste efc and katie_bug.
all the mods and admin
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09:22 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
Thanks matey! Well done
Edited at 15:23 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
adidas said:
i dedicate my us 8ball torny win to.
_talented_ who sadly had to go and didnt make final, ul mate, we have had 2 good finals before was looking forward to this,
rob, lisa, jo, al, gerry, madmike,nick87, carl, paula, keith, dan, ste, james, ste efc, alex, ryan, kim, linz, crazzymadman, davyb1 and katie_bug...
all the mods and admin .
thanks for all the pm's. judgement, speed2 plus others in dedi already
Edited at 19:47 Thu 7/02/08 (GMT)
_talented_ who sadly had to go and didnt make final, ul mate, we have had 2 good finals before was looking forward to this,
rob, lisa, jo, al, gerry, madmike,nick87, carl, paula, keith, dan, ste, james, ste efc, alex, ryan, kim, linz, crazzymadman, davyb1 and katie_bug...
all the mods and admin .
thanks for all the pm's. judgement, speed2 plus others in dedi already
Edited at 19:47 Thu 7/02/08 (GMT)
Thanks matey! Well done
Edited at 15:23 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
13:03 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
id like 2 dediacate my 10th UK 8ball GB 2:
n soz if i forgot any1!
Edited at 19:05 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
n soz if i forgot any1!
Edited at 19:05 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
13:28 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
wooooo well done kev
adidas said:
i dedicate my 78th us 8ball 7 balling to,
rob, lisa, jo, al, gerry, tally, paula, carl, nick87, madmike, james, alex, ryan, keith, davyb1, kim, linz, crazzymadman, ste, ste efc and katie_bug.
all the mods and admin
rob, lisa, jo, al, gerry, tally, paula, carl, nick87, madmike, james, alex, ryan, keith, davyb1, kim, linz, crazzymadman, ste, ste efc and katie_bug.
all the mods and admin
wooooo well done kev
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