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Deleted User
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14:40 Sun 3 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
<<<<<<<<<Loves marshmellows!

I think it's good to be nice, after all it's just a game. Don't listen to all these no nonsese hard talking 'men' and carry on being nice, when people aren't nice back, you automatically have the moral high ground and are therefore better than them. So there's no need to be mad at their less superior attitude and you can trump at your high morals and ethics without even having to bother to type anything. Life is so easy!
Deleted User
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16:10 Sun 3 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I refuse to be nice on a game, I wouldn't say good game in real life nor would I say nice shot or well played.

Its just living in each other pockets, I'll be myself thank you very much.

Its rewarding when you bash somebody and after your winning 7/8-0 and leave the game they pm you Ahh thats like the finest hour.

Makes me giggle that theres actually a thread about this, its a game get a grip.
Deleted User
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16:34 Sun 3 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
dont forget people this is funky pool not the real world! though when i have been playing pool in pub etc ive tapped table for a good shot and when i have fluked i have said sorry. so there

its called good sportsmanship

Sportsmanship expresses an aspiration or ethos that the activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors
Deleted User
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17:28 Sun 3 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ban everyone who doesn't say gg
Deleted User
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17:33 Sun 3 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
People don't need to say gg...

I know it's polite to do so but it's not essential. If people don't want to do it then fair enough.

We come online to play pool, not to say gg.
Posts: 112
17:50 Sun 3 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Okay, might be going a bit deep here but...
say in actual fact the game was not good...then you would be lying, and its even worse to lie to someone rather than not say gg
Deleted User
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23:16 Sun 3 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
im over it now....can we get back to suggest how we can make the game better...not just talk about gg all day long??
Posts: 1,190
23:40 Sun 3 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
no one said u had to read or reply to this afl, this is just a forum topic like all of yours, its for discussion. people will talk about what they please, it might not be your suggestions but oh well..

Deleted User
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01:27 Mon 4 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
good manners doesnt cost a penny, if players are rude on here how rude are they on real life matters .
well said john { 1_eye} nice post
Posts: 9,456
01:46 Mon 4 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have to agree, how difficult is it to say gg win or lose, you dont see Tiger Woods walking away after winning or losing, they shake hands say well played, and if someone hits a good shot they say 'good shot' after all this is a game!!!If any off the people that came to my pub and didnt say gg after a real game they would be booted out made to drink mild down the old duel and crown (what a dump)

"Respect is being Kind you see People should be nice to you and me. You should treat others in a way that you would like to be treated today. Caring means being nice like helping others, and helping is the way you should be. Trustworthiness is telling the truth and you should do that in your youth. You should be honest all the time, don?t lie, have courage, and you will be just fine"

Posts: 112
02:03 Mon 4 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Okay, didnt want to raise a new thread because it kinda lis in this one...

Why do people still go so mad and abuse you when you win by 3 foul rule on 9 ball, and call you a cheat and say you play dirty?

What i think is if you can do the snookers quite good then why not win by using it to your advantage and be a bit tactical, no at all cheating or playing dirty, if someone does it to me i congratulate them on snookering me 3 times because i know its not the easiest thing to do.

When will people start learning to accept that its all part of the game and all perfectly well playing that way and winning that way?

I also noticed the way if any of the players who lose like this, if they win this way they dont count it as cheating or being dirty they think its a perfectly ok win so why is it they cant be beat in the same way?!
Posts: 381
02:22 Mon 4 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
_inspiration said:
Okay, didnt want to raise a new thread because it kinda lis in this one...

Why do people still go so mad and abuse you when you win by 3 foul rule on 9 ball, and call you a cheat and say you play dirty?

What i think is if you can do the snookers quite good then why not win by using it to your advantage and be a bit tactical, no at all cheating or playing dirty, if someone does it to me i congratulate them on snookering me 3 times because i know its not the easiest thing to do.

When will people start learning to accept that its all part of the game and all perfectly well playing that way and winning that way?

I also noticed the way if any of the players who lose like this, if they win this way they dont count it as cheating or being dirty they think its a perfectly ok win so why is it they cant be beat in the same way?!

when they say stuff like that i just put them on ignore lol works for me.
Posts: 38,214
09:27 Mon 4 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm with all those who said theres no harm in saying gg, costs nothing after all.

Saying that tho i do pmsl when ppl say it to me AFTER they have whacked my (_x_) cos am so crap and havent even had one shot haha.

Those who have that fortune, feel free to say CG to me from now on

Deleted User
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11:59 Mon 4 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
_inspiration said:
if someone does it to me i congratulate them on snookering me 3 times because i know its not the easiest thing to do

if its not the easiest thing to do then pot the balls

yeah its in the rules but personally i dont like it. just means thats the only way they can win but whatever floats your boat

but the point of this thread was about having an option of knowing if the player your playing against doesnt say gg, ns etc so you dont waste your time saying all that when your just being polite
Deleted User
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13:01 Mon 4 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im all for ethics. Being polite is against the norm in today's society so why deny it.

I am tired of the degenerates who come on here and abuse you if you beat them...just shows their maturity..

However, I'm not a Mr. Happy all the time and say gg after every frame, for one simple reason, if it wasnt a good game.

If its a loss by 3 fouls, snookers or not, or a flukey shot or something....ITS NOT A GOOD GAME! So why say it?
Posts: 10,415
13:14 Mon 4 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
the 3 foul rule breaks me
Posts: 112
02:03 Tue 5 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I love the 3 foul rule because i am good at snookering and good at getting out of snookers. Plus its all part of the rules, learn to snooker/ get out of snookers better and you shall have no problems, however my problem isnt winning by this way its very tactical, my problem is the way people act when you win this way, i seem to get more abuse than ever winning like this. Most the time i snooker people because they are abusive in games or arent a nice person towards me, but i dont see whats wrong with it anyway. A snooker is still a good shot, and if it makes the game close then why cant it be a GG?
Posts: 10,415
05:22 Tue 5 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah i have no problems with people using the rule- i do it very occassionaly- i just prefer to pot the balls and win a game that way- i can snoker and i can get out of snookers but i just think the 3 fouls fule encourages negative play
Posts: 112
05:49 Tue 5 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's not negative play, i only do it in one or two situations...
1. there is no better shot on or if i can pot then i wont be on for my next ball
2. they have already fouled either once or twice in which cas if i cant se a easy clear up i will go for snookers
Posts: 10,415
05:52 Tue 5 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
if theres no pottable shot then fair enough but plenty of people dont try n pot balls- it aint really aimed at u mich- i know u can pot balls- its the people who snooker or attempt to snooker every shot in 9 ball!
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