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Posts: 2,737
11:10 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok not sure if this should be in queries or here but anyway

What do you think is the greatest achievement that has been done? this can be single such as pagulayan's 951 in uk, or cumulative such as quick_pot's 500+ tourneys. This is your own personal opinion so no one is wrong.

Also damee on snooker hit a 147 recently and this to me is an amazing achievement, but it got me thinking; what do you think is the greatest achievement that could be achieved on pool?
And please do not say 1000 rank as this will lead to arguements as to wheather or not it can be achieved!

Thanks guys!!
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11:14 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'd say quick_pot's 500+ tournament wins.

Still think Damee's 147 over-shadows anything that has already been done in pool.
Posts: 2,939
11:16 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
on both games would have to be 147 on snooker amazing on pool though

the one the one that dazzled me is cityfans overall rank first to hit 900 which is great to break that barrier and then others followed

a bit like roger bannister first person to break 4 minute mile but then theres smith that stunned us all with 920 overall rank that sets an extreme standard
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12:04 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Smithy ,, a bit privalidged you mentioned my acheivement in there :P

ermm the 147 is such a great acheivement from damee , 500 tournys is a good acheivement, but in todays play theres how many tournys a day ??? some1 with such a good overall play like quick pot .. could easily win 5+ tournys a day and the amount. when he reaches the 1000 mark i'll say thats a gr8 acheivement, for example look at the pure amount onua has acheived only doing UK tournys over the last 2-3 months .. now if he had done US and was as good as quick pot at us .. i feel he wud have hit 500 tourny wins basically by now :D

also i dont mean to demeaner the fact quick pot has hit 500 tournys .. its still a gr8 statistic .. i just feel that it isnt as good as what it should be because of the amount of tournaments a day on pool now.
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13:06 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
You say others can hit that many easily when no-one else is even close to the figure, even 2nd place, cityfan84, isn't even half way there.

How many folk play even have the time to play 5+ games a day?
Posts: 31,220
13:11 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
onua0767's spree of marathon wins, deffo
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13:11 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
id say Damee's 147 though its tough to choose

quite a few good players play more than 5 a day. cityfan84 hasnt really been on otherwise he would have slightly caught up to quickpot in my opinion
Posts: 2,737
13:17 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
For 5 tourney would could need to play upto a possible 20 games per tourney, times 5 is 100 games, thats for standard tourneys. 100 games in a day is quite a bit.... and of course one must wins these... so 5 in a day is quite difficult to do at any stage let alone consistently and is also very time consuming which is why it's one of the great achievements
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13:21 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
difficult but not impossible though i was on about playing 5 tournaments lol

Edited at 19:22 Sat 26/01/08 (GMT)
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13:47 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I say _nick87_ four touny wins ina row
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13:48 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Prob Danny...

Edited at 19:49 Sat 26/01/08 (GMT)
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14:19 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
ryanparton said:
I say _nick87_ four touny wins ina row

I had 5 a few days ago. However not a great achievement as it's over a few days where I played my best pool I have.

smithbit said:
For 5 tourney would could need to play upto a possible 20 games per tourney, times 5 is 100 games, thats for standard tourneys. 100 games in a day is quite a bit.... and of course one must wins these... so 5 in a day is quite difficult to do at any stage let alone consistently and is also very time consuming which is why it's one of the great achievements.

My reasoning exactly.
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15:14 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well as an avid snook id say damees 147 is unbeatable

but smithbits overall virt staus is a tough one too!
Posts: 7,940
18:48 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
quick_pot reaching 500 tourney wins is brilliant, but damee getting a 147 at original snooker is amazing, I enjoy playing the snooker and i've done century breaks in arcade snooker but struggle to get 20 or 30 in original,
some of you will reach 500 tourney wins eventually but how many of you will get a 147 at original snooker ?
I know I won't.

Edited at 00:49 Sun 27/01/08 (GMT)
Posts: 2,737
18:59 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for the input guys, but I'd also like to hear you express what you think would be the equivelent on pool or as near an an achievement can come to it, cheers
Posts: 31,220
19:13 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Marathon tournaments, lots of, end of!!!
Posts: 7,940
21:38 Sat 26 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
well as i rate ppl on tourney wins because the rank system is a joke, It has to be quick_pot and his 500+ tourney wins, great achievement
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06:10 Sun 27 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why's the ranking system a joke?

For those people of REAL achievements, I'd say cityfan and his first to Virt status.

Quick_pot and his 500 tourny wins is very impressive.

6pack_jay keeping top spot for something like 8 months was it? Was really good by any standard.

Squeezy and his ratio is amazing too. I don't know why I'm the first to metion this, as I think his win to loss ratio over them years is outstanding!

I think in a few years time we'll be speaking of some other players like this too.
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06:38 Sun 27 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Gerry getting 920 overall and constantly being virt in one or two or all three disciplines!

Also lordpool on 46 run outs, thats class! I rate a 8 US run out over a tourney any day!

Edited at 12:39 Sun 27/01/08 (GMT)

Edited at 12:59 Sun 27/01/08 (GMT)
Posts: 2,737
06:50 Sun 27 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
__talented__ said:
Gerry getting 820 overall and constantly being virt in one or two or all three disciplines!

Also lordpool on 46 run outs, thats class! I rate a 8 US run out over a tourney any day!

Edited at 12:39 Sun 27/01/08 (GMT)
Couldnt agree more, run outs are very highly rated in my opinion.

P.S it was 920

Thanks btw
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Greatest achievement?

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