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ps3 vs xbox 360

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Posts: 681
07:16 Mon 7 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
No chance of it coming to 360, It wouldn't be able to handle the size of the game anyway.
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16:18 Tue 8 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
poolcue2k6 said:
12th june and no it doesn't

i don't think they can cause it needed a 50GB disc to fit the whole game onto

plus it comes with another disc with metal gear online

damm!! i think al be buyin a ps3 then cos thats my fav game series!!
Posts: 681
17:23 Tue 8 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Buy one and you will never go out again!!! just like madmiketyson
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06:51 Wed 6 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Right I've decided to splash the cash on a ps3 (well my mam has for my birthday) I've picked this out of the pile of possible presents because from looking on sites for games, quite a few games are very appealing to me, espeically formula 1, which looks amazing and call of duty 4,because of the online play.
My main worry is I won't have a clue what to do when I get it as it seems so complex
What is the big deal with all this blu-ray? The mam has spent so much money on little accessories to come with it and I don't even know what they do?!?
So, does anyone have any tips on games to get, I get resistance and ghost reacon 2 with the whole set up thing, are they any good?
And even without a HD t.v is it a massive leap forward from tHe ps2?

Edited at 11:52 Wed 6/08/08 (BST)
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08:23 Wed 6 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
What like is the online multiplayer of the ps3? I didn't think it was even comparable to that of the XBox 360.

I'm currently deciding between both the now also.
Posts: 10,415
08:29 Wed 6 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Banned User said:
Buy one and you will never go out again!!! just like madmiketyson

who was that banned user be honest since i got my ps3 and gta 4, i have turned it on 4 times......holds no intrest for me whatsoever.....i though san andreas was a better game and until i can be bothered to go into town and swap the games that came with the ps3 for pro evo i dont think ill turn it on again.

My advice- dont buy either
Posts: 1,102
11:04 Wed 6 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Mike... Pro evo terrible on ps3 hurts me to say that because it was my favourite game... i do however reccomend the olympics to anyone out there! It's amazing.
Posts: 2,683
12:46 Thu 7 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
ps3 or is it xbox hmmmm
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15:02 Fri 15 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
ive gone back to x box 1 coz my 360 is red lightin again...
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15:35 Fri 15 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
ouch ! never had a the red lights of doom as people call it...

But people will obivously say the ps3 is better and the price will say its ''better'' becuase of the free online blah blah

But it doesn't hurt to have a good old 360 its just the ''red lights of doom'' thats scares me lol..
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20:21 Fri 15 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I just bought a 360 the other day. Got to say it's a pretty loud machine.
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20:26 Fri 15 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  

its like sitting next to a bee hive.
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07:36 Sat 16 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
The sound doesn't really bother me since the fan faces the opposite way of where i sit so don't hear it as bad.

Plus my TV is right next to the machine and is usually turned up, so virtually no sound from the machine.
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07:54 Sat 16 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Same dave buy a soround system and thats your problem solved what great advice lol...
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08:28 Sat 16 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Who needs surround when you can have a louder telly?

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08:52 Sat 16 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
pro_i_am said:
...a soround system...

I just bought a 360, barely struggling to live off Corn Flakes for breakfast, dinner and tea now!! Not going to afford surround sound!!
Posts: 10,415
09:17 Sat 16 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
steal one colin.

If your confident enough just walk into asda, pick a box up and walk out without looking back. Worked for a guy i worked with before for a big TV.
Posts: 1,630
09:50 Sat 16 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
steal one colin.

If your confident enough just walk into asda, pick a box up and walk out without looking back. Worked for a guy i worked with before for a big TV.

Haha one of my mates walked straight outta woolworths with a mini fridge and a tent

They make it toooo easy..
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07:03 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol stueyy, sounds easy

Xbox 360:
I hate it, iv used it twice and now wish i never wasted my money.

Yeh they are very loud, could'nt believe it when i heard it. lol
Posts: 1,630
08:37 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
It is

I agree the xbox is loud, but it's bareable :S Just turn your tv up if its that bad :S and I hardly hear it in the day time anyway if theres enough going on

It's a good console, I don't like the fact the controllers break so easily though
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ps3 vs xbox 360

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