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Game owners have powers?

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:27 Fri 14 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok I know Ive been posting on this all evening but tonight was a perfect example of whats really starting to annoy me:

I set up an 800 plus game, 3 newbies came in... The 2nd insulted me for not playing him, the 3rd decided to follow me around for a quarter of an hour

Im against being able to kick people out of a room but I think the creater should be able to block certain players. Something has to be done
Posts: 272
17:52 Fri 14 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
andrew_uk said:
Im against being able to kick people out of a room but I think the creater should be able to block certain players. Something has to be done

Well, booting a person from your game / banning a user from the room, both 2 good ideas?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:25 Fri 14 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
The thing is if users were granted these powers some would abuse it.

Why not play anyone who joins the room?

I can see your point if the user is a newbie with 90 wins and 1 loss...

Simply leave the room and join another, then again see it as a challenge and play them. If you beat them enough they might leave of their own accord anyway

I personally play any user, makes things more fun. I may suffer by losing 5+ points every now and then... but, I can always win them back.
Posts: 5,223
03:58 Sat 15 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why dont you just look at the name of the game and see if your stats is good enough for that player.
Its as simple as, then we wouldn't have as much carry on as this!

Posts: 8,940
09:52 Sat 15 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well said flapjack! But then, i've been telling people that for years...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:02 Sat 15 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
But why should you have the right to say "you cant play me, your rank isnt good enough"?

Surely its better to play anyone instead of being able to refuse to play others because their rank isnt high enough.

For me this game is fun, if you take it too competitively it ruins it.
Posts: 19,967
12:10 Sat 15 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
but the reason a much lower person would want to play is not for the sake of playing but to get a lot more points
Posts: 272
15:23 Sat 15 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree with people who say they can easily get ranked points back, but what if you just get so annoyed with low levels coming in all the time or something having the option to boot makes it alot easier.
Posts: 1,630
15:28 Sat 15 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just play friendlies Simple
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:49 Sat 15 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
we are all on the topic of booting people. But I like the idea of changing the game type if you accidently created the wrong one.

I have done this many times and even though u can just create another game in 2 secs, I would rather be playing a game of 'aflumpire's game' pr 'tournament warm up' instead of 'aflumpire's game 2' or tournament warm up 2'

I know its just the number 2 but I like playing in my original game room.
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Game owners have powers?

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