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Players leaving the game early.

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Deleted User
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01:04 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im playing a friendly against another member, and just as im about to sink the 8 ball (we were playing UK), this player just leaves the room. What the hell??

I know that you still get your win and it still goes onto your profile, but I see this happen everyday and its starting to peeve me off.

It is simple manners to just take the loss and say 'gg'.

So my new idea is to not allow players to leave the playing room until the match is completed.

It's irritating and its plain rude.

Oh, and this person also thinks that my forum posts are crap. I know they are a bit corny at times....but are ALL of my ideas a load of crap??

Yes, I know this has been mentioned before, but not for a while.
Posts: 338
02:30 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
its impossible to stop people from leaving the game, if they wanted to leave that bad they can just turn of their comp or ctrl alt del. idk why people get worked up off of simple things like a person leaving or not saying gg. you still get the win. i could understand if you were about to run the rack or 7 ball and continued runs after the person leaves has been mentioned before as for myself im too lazy to find the thread but im sure MMT or Dark cloud.. or one of those guys will soon post a link to a forum topic much like this one. in summary.. people just need to stop complaining about things they cannot control. ESPECIALLY if its not going to make a differnce over a simple pool game with 3-4 points in the line.. (end rant)
Deleted User
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02:47 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
No, I TOTALLY disagree with you, this is a first for me to totally disagree with someone on Funkypool in forum.

I see it as just a babies way to get out of things. 'Oh, if I leave, I didnt lose!'.

It is plain rude. Weather someone is about to win a tournament legitimatly, weather its a 7 balling or even just a friendly game, I SAY NO. It is rude.

You dont go to a pub in town, play a game and just before you lose, just walk away as the other guy is sinking the last 2 or 3 balls.

Its just ettiquite. Sure, if there was a ligit reason like someone had earlier, glare on the computer, fine.

But to just leave because you are going to lose COME ON.

I dont care if it only makes a tini tiiiiny little difference or not. It is ettiquite and being polite. I dont care about the 'gg', I leave when im peeved off without saying it.

So like I have been saying since the start, COMMON COURTESY!

end of bigger rant

Edited at 08:47 Fri 23/11/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
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04:49 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
You cannot stop this happening. You know that.

Its up to the user whether they stay and be sporting, they retain the right to leave when they like.
Posts: 4,347
04:55 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
dr_fedx said:
its impossible to stop people from leaving the game, if they wanted to leave that bad they can just turn of their comp or ctrl alt del.

That simple truth ends any debate on this aflumpire. What you're asking isn't possible.

I agree that leaving early isn't great manners, but unfortunately you get people like that in every walk of life.

What I would like to see is players being allowed to finish their turn when their opponent leaves, as on Snooker.
Posts: 272
05:00 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
dark_cloud said:
You cannot stop this happening. You know that.

Its up to the user whether they stay and be sporting, they retain the right to leave when they like.

me and dark dont get on but im agreeing with him here, people may have leve for reason such as tournaments..
Deleted User
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05:10 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
kwan said:
me and dark dont get on

Thought we were best mates!

Deleted User
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07:00 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
There are 2 sides to this.

1. If it's say...a carry on the black, the chances of them winning are very low, so they leave.

2. There could be a runout on the table, and they leave just before it, basically spoiling your chances.

What we need is something like snooker, where you can continue potting on your break even if the player has left. It has been discussed though, and all in time i imagine.

Posts: 19,967
09:39 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
should have a announcement of shame
Posts: 8,940
11:04 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
As already mentioned on previous threads, locking a player in a room can be done, however the decision was taken to go down the route taken with snooker, where the game continues as long as the player at the table is playing, thus allowing people to leave for tournaments etc.

It has already been said this will be introduced here in due course, so just be patient
Posts: 9,456
11:48 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
If they leave the game early and you carry on potting say for a run the rack?

What would happen if you go in off on the black on your own??? Do you still win the game... lol

Posts: 1,630
11:59 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well Yeah You Should Still Get A Default Win, Like On Snooker
Deleted User
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15:21 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah, I would be happy to finish up like on snooker.

Why does snooker get a couple tings more than we do....on the more popular game?
Posts: 1,630
15:22 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol I Guess Theyre Just 'Special'..

Edited at 21:22 Fri 23/11/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
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15:23 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
spinner said:
As already mentioned on previous threads, locking a player in a room can be done

Erm, I dont quite think thats possible... You may be able to lock them in the room while they are logged onto the server but it doesnt stop them exiting the game window through whatever method...
Posts: 10,415
15:27 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
he means locking a player in a room until they exit the server

nick has already said that the "finish your go" rule will come in here soon.

itll be good when it does come in to stop people leaving rooms when on a run out etc.

you should be free to leave when you want but it shouldnt effect the other person getting a game achievement

And flumpy- it isnt nessecarily bad manners to leave a game- you could just have something important to do in the real world

Edited at 21:29 Fri 23/11/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
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15:31 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
Why does snooker get a couple tings more than we do....on the more popular game?

If you look snooker has:
- Fewer game types available
- They also dont have an equivalent to mini golf
- On player profiles the game ranks arent displayed
- Less forum sections

However, they have such extra features as:
- The ability to continue a break after the opponent has left the game room
- They have different smiley's

Generally both sites receive a similar amount of updating but I would make an educated guess that such differences wont be there for long due to upcoming updates
Posts: 8,940
16:32 Fri 23 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
dark_cloud said:
spinner said:
As already mentioned on previous threads, locking a player in a room can be done

Erm, I dont quite think thats possible... You may be able to lock them in the room while they are logged onto the server but it doesnt stop them exiting the game window through whatever method...

Perfectly possible. Even if they switch off their computer and smash it up with a JCB. That account can be kept in that game room until the game is finished.

If they did log off, then try to log on again, they would get the same message you get if you drop connection but remain logged in to the server, namely that you have to wait until you're logged out before you can log in again.

However morally correct this may be towards those who deliberately leave, its unfair on those who are prepared to concede the game to play in a tournament, for example. Hence the decision to opt for the compromise of letting the player at the table continue their break.

In answer to the question of "who gets what first", well snooker got the break continuation (and helped sort bugs in that) while pool got golf, which besides being another game type, is also a trial run for the future doubles system.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:24 Sat 24 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
i've not had an abondoned game yet lol

its only ever happened to me once when they left but i think u should stay in the room because if your expecting a tourny invite don't play or both players have to agree on that person leaving
Posts: 20
12:13 Sat 24 Nov 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
so if we're not aloud to leave then how does this work as people sometimes (like me) leave to go into tornys that would end up meaning you've just stopt people from entering inforcing more people into bye's
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Players leaving the game early.

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