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Deleted User
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11:35 Fri 21 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
can adidas still play our games?
Posts: 4,447
12:37 Fri 21 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
sambamss4 said:
when does the next season start?


Do you want to be a reserve?

It might be a long time before you can play because we already have another reserve.

But I can put your name down if you want
Posts: 4,447
12:38 Fri 21 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
pool_king420 said:
can adidas still play our games?

You still can for fun, but the idea of a limit means that you have to play the game within that limit for the results to count.

You can still play it, but the results will not count
Posts: 4,447
17:40 Fri 21 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Hmm... Game week 2 not going well...

Games still to be played:

Cityfan84 vs __anaconda__
Madmiketyson vs Micky07

Stew_pufc vs Adidas

Nathyboy vs Clooneman

GG_wd_ul vs Yowza

Kaza vs M_v_p

These games have to be played by Monday!

Anybody that doesnt play their games will have -3 frame difference put against them

You have been warned!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:56 Fri 21 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
yeh well....yeh i would! put me on as reserve and i'll be up to play if there is availabilty!
Posts: 31,220
23:15 Fri 21 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Nathy and I are doing our best to be online at the same time; my work schedule this week plus my possible unavailability from tomorrow till it's too late is a thing of worry. But we're in constant contact with one another in an attempt to resolve this temporal impasse.

And yes, I'm completely serious!!!
Posts: 4,447
04:12 Sat 22 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
Nathy and I are doing our best to be online at the same time; my work schedule this week plus my possible unavailability from tomorrow till it's too late is a thing of worry. But we're in constant contact with one another in an attempt to resolve this temporal impasse.

And yes, I'm completely serious!!!

Thats good to see.

Everyone follow clooney's example and get your games played!
Posts: 10,415
05:27 Sat 22 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
micky ill be on bits of today and most of tommorrow. giz a shout when ur about
Posts: 89
05:45 Sat 22 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
yowza never on
Posts: 4,447
09:30 Sat 22 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Your problem not mine.

The idea of this league is to play to a deadline. You are meant to fix a time by messaging your opponent.

Still 7 games!

(I feel a few limits coming on)

Oh yeah, welcome sambamss4, you are our 2nd reserve
Posts: 89
10:37 Sat 22 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
omg hes only ever on at midnights
Posts: 4,447
11:04 Sat 22 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Negotiate a time then!

Honestly, do some bargaining and some trading or whatever.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:33 Sat 22 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
madmiketyson -vs- micky07

Game 1 - madmiketyson wins (2 balls remaining)

Game 2 - madmiketyson wins (1 ball remaining)

Game 3 - micky07 wins (2 balls remaining)

Game 4 - micky07 wins (2 balls remaining)

Game 5 - micky07 wins (7 balls remaining)

Final score micky07 3 - 2 madmiketyson
Posts: 89
15:48 Sat 22 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
yowza won 3-2
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:50 Sat 22 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
yowza beats gg_wd_ul 3-2 ggs m8
Posts: 4,447
02:41 Sun 23 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]

This is getting better ppl!

You have till Monday the rest of you!
Posts: 4,447
02:43 Sun 23 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Cityfan84 vs __anaconda__

Stew_pufc vs Adidas

Nathyboy vs Clooneman

Kaza vs M_v_p

4 Games sorry, these are the ones
Posts: 561
04:19 Sun 23 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
can u make it until tuesday instead? coz me and cloon r tryin to sort our game out were close
Posts: 4,447
04:53 Sun 23 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry mate, rules are rules

I have spoken to Clooney and he feels the same way as me, and he says he's sorry nathy if he can't get on
Posts: 4,447
01:56 Mon 24 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
sm_rat said:
Cityfan84 vs __anaconda__

Stew_pufc vs Adidas

Nathyboy vs Clooneman

Kaza vs M_v_p

4 Games sorry, these are the ones

14 hours and nothing has changed!!

4 games, likely to be 4 limits.

If this keeps up, a few DQ's will have to be handed out. There are people on the reserve list PM-ing me to ask when they start. It may be next Monday!
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