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Tips on how to get golden breaks/run-outs for 9 ball US and 8 ball US

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14:48 Wed 20 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
souljah said:
Popularity position? I come on this site to play games and enjoy myself also at the same time try and help others, not to argue with anyone, say what you like words do not offend me, you carry on I have a future ahead of me you can be stuck here arguing!

Do not offend you???
You get offended easier than anyone i have ever met.
You fail to grasp the concept of two points of view instead dismissing everyone elses with a sarky comment that you will undoubtedly say is not.
Edit: before a mod does it. But grow up man listen to other methods that have a proven success rate. maybe that way you might do some golden breaks in uk?

Edited at 20:09 Wed 20/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 26
14:49 Wed 20 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:

my points are pointless how? You say you like other peoples opinions but as just pointed out by the previous post you dismiss them.
And if you came up with the way of doing them by yourself
a) why is your 9ball gb the same as everyone elses
b) that is why you have no uk gbs and just 2 8ball gb's

There is a particular way to do golden breaks that means you will do one every once in a while.
How can you say the uk gb works when you have never done one

Posts: 1,473
17:57 Wed 20 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
id like to remind everyone this thread has being created to help users,we dont need arguments or bad remarks on it,thank you.
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18:03 Wed 20 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you topshot, it's here to help out users, could we please leave arguments out of this!
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18:36 Wed 20 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
nice one topshot.
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04:36 Thu 21 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
souljah, unfortunately you do not have the required stats to back up your theories.

if you wish to advise people how to get a uk 8 ball golden break, i advise you actually pull one off first or atleast at someone who knows.

you may have good intentions but i think if a thread has been made to give hints and tips, those hints should be made and then the thread is over. so i think 3 posts should have been made by souljah showing the 3 ways he believes golden breaks can be achieved and then future enquires need to be addressed in the form of pm's.
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07:59 Thu 21 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
dark_cloud-if you wish to advise people how to get a uk 8 ball golden break

Why don't you understand? It's tips mate, tips!! It doesn't mean they're going to get a Golden Break, it's tips! Tips, tips, tips! Why don't you understand the word Tips, it specifically says tips to help users out, doesn't say anything like View this thread and I guarantee you a Golden Break or a Run Out, also if you believe this thread is over, you shouldn't be viewing it and secondly thanks for stating my profile and no Golden Breaks in 8 ball UK but I've had many Golden Breaks for 8 ball UK in Practise table and so has someone I taught, can you just stop posting on this thread there's no point! Thank you!
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09:08 Thu 21 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by forum moderator
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15:31 Thu 21 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
hey, just want to say that since souljah has been giving me tips i have hit numerous GOLDEN BREAKS and runouts in 9ball, and i have hit 1 GOLDEN BREAK and 1 Runout in 8ball. THIS ADVICE IS GREAT, ALL U PEOPLE THAT ARE AGAINST THIS SHOULD TAKE A LOOK AT THE RESULTS!!!!!
Posts: 2,056
15:39 Thu 21 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
dark_cloud said:
souljah, unfortunately you do not have the required stats to back up your theories.

if you wish to advise people how to get a uk 8 ball golden break, i advise you actually pull one off first or atleast at someone who knows.

you may have good intentions but i think if a thread has been made to give hints and tips, those hints should be made and then the thread is over. so i think 3 posts should have been made by souljah showing the 3 ways he believes golden breaks can be achieved and then future enquires need to be addressed in the form of pm's.

come on guys just get along and thank or help each other
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15:59 Thu 21 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
aarond said:
hey, just want to say that since souljah has been giving me tips i have hit numerous GOLDEN BREAKS and runouts in 9ball, and i have hit 1 GOLDEN BREAK and 1 Runout in 8ball. THIS ADVICE IS GREAT, ALL U PEOPLE THAT ARE AGAINST THIS SHOULD TAKE A LOOK AT THE RESULTS!!!!!

Thanks for that, glad my advice is working! Good luck hope you get many more Golden Breaks and Run-Outs


Thanks cityfan84, quite right, we need some peace and friendliness in this thread! Let's all calm down you know, Calm down just leave this thread to me, I'm the one helping there is no need for comments against what I'm doing, so let's all stop

Edited at 21:01 Thu 21/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 367
16:24 Thu 21 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
If you want help with golden breaks ask me, and everyone stop yapping
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16:28 Thu 21 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
nick87 said:
If you want help with golden breaks ask me, and everyone stop yapping

Good luck mate just pray you don't get yelled at and discriminated against like me! lol
Posts: 26
22:04 Thu 21 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
souljah said:

Good luck mate just pray you don't get yelled at and discriminated against like me! lol

Excuse me?? An example?
Very harsh..

Edited at 03:06 Fri 22/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 37
07:06 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not saying i agree with anyone here, i just think that some people might have a point when it comes to your stats souljah. could you explain why you have so few gbs?

Lets face it too, when it comes to gb's there was no one better than ffcmike or whatever his name was. He was the one who really started the craze in my opinion and was amazing at them. He had something like 200 of them. Regardless of the fact he may have just been in a room with a mate doing it over and over to get his stats up, his theory would have worked. I just think that this is peoples point souljah, your stats dont back it up so if yo could explain why?.....
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07:19 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok thanks for asking so politely, surely I'll answer your question

Basically, what people don't get is the fact that these are only my tips and I've never actually said my way of breaking is the best way ever, surely there are loads of many people much better such as rangers_fc who had 256 9 ball US golden breaks, he's no longer with us now from what I know.

Also, my tips don't help everyone but it has helped many people regardless of my stats, the reason I created this thread was just to help out, give little tips, that's absolutely all.

I've never said im the best at golden breaks, or I give best tips and no-else is better than me, there are many great people at golden breaks but they just never chose to create a thread helping out whereas I just chose to do that, thats all
Posts: 37
07:27 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats what i thought but sometimes people just got caught up in arguments and it takes a simple explanation without sarcasm to get back to the point. Which is your just trying to help people!
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07:50 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok thank you, yes I know people just get caught up into silly little arguments that are very pointless and do get off the point of this thread! Let's all keep arguments aside now, please
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13:02 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
No one is debating that they are your tips or you ever claimed to be the best at anything. Everyone is just saying your tips are completely unfounded. If they 'help' so many people why can't they help you?
Secondly don't accuse anyone of going 'off topic.' This thread is called tips on golden breaks/run outs for 9 ball US and 8 ball US then you yourself post the wrong way of doing 8 ball UK. bit hypocritical?

Edited at 18:28 Sat 23/06/07 (BST)
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14:43 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
ground_break said:
No one is debating that they are your tips or you ever claimed to be the best at anything. Everyone is just saying your tips are completely unfounded. If they 'help' so many people why can't they help you?
Secondly don't accuse anyone of going 'off topic.' This thread is called tips on golden breaks/run outs for 9 ball US and 8 ball US then you yourself post the wrong way of doing 8 ball UK. bit hypocritical?

Ok thanks for telling me everyone is saying my tips are unfounded, although thats false but hey never mind tell me what you like I posted the wrong way of doing GB's for 8 ball UK? Ok, thanks for telling me, im a hypocrite? Thanks for telling me that too, anything else?

Edited at 19:50 Sat 23/06/07 (BST)
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Tips on how to get golden breaks/run-outs for 9 ball US and 8 ball US

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