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Tips on how to get golden breaks/run-outs for 9 ball US and 8 ball US

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18 years ago  [Link]  
thanks alot m8.

your a legend it should help me alot now
Posts: 142
18 years ago  [Link]  
Yes!!! I just hit a golden break on the practice table justnow!!!! Thanls Souljah great help
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18 years ago  [Link]  
steven_afc said:
I play 9 ball usually and ive tried the break. At best i get 1 ball in and usually get snookered on the next ball.

steven_afc said:
Yes!!! I just hit a golden break on the practice table justnow!!!! Thanls Souljah great help


well done keep it up
Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
i don't mean to be rude but this guy has 2 golden breaks and 2 runouts for 8 ball US in over 4000 games and 12 run outs and 16 golden breaks in 3000 games. it just seems like golden breaks are pure luck, and i doubt there really is a special trick to it that 'guarentees extreme chances' of either.
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18 years ago  [Link]  
ground_break said:
i don't mean to be rude but this guy has 2 golden breaks and 2 runouts for 8 ball US in over 4000 games and 12 run outs and 16 golden breaks in 3000 games. it just seems like golden breaks are pure luck, and i doubt there really is a special trick to it that 'guarentees extreme chances' of either.

Well to be honest I never said golden breaks are not luck, I have a theory on golden breaks and I like to teach people and and if you read the comments above you'll most probably realise it's quite successful, forget my stats big deal, i've helped others get golden breaks and run-outs
Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
So help yourself m8!!! Your 'theory' has been deemed false!

Groundbreak you robbed my point!

Edited at 16:34 Mon 11/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 4,762
18 years ago  [Link]  
his point works amazing! in two week i ran rack 4 times with it and 5 golden breaks. and i have ran it about 3 times on practice table. its a very good break once you get hang of it.
Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
Thank you!

ground_break what you said was completely off the thread topic, this thread is called 'tips on how to get golden breaks/run-outs on 9 ball US and 8 ball US', not 'Lets remind other people of their stats and how many GB's they've achieved'

Thanks for pointing out my stats though there was no need for a pointless thread comment Cheers!
Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
haha sorry i didnt realise what i said was 'off topic.' firstly most threads end up off topic, and nothing i said was off topic. im just looking at stats, and the stats prove there is no trick thats all im saying.
Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
That's very truely said, there is no trick, but there is a way to get extremely close to golden breaks/run-outs

Yes most threads do go off topic, that's why im preventing this one

Edited at 17:03 Mon 11/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 10,415
18 years ago  [Link]  
there is a way to do golden breaks. used to be possible every time and people were doing loads every day.
so the rack got changed. if u r on the prractice table click the rerack button a few times in a row without playing a shot and youll see what i mean.
thats so noone can do em all the time. and while souljah may not have the best stats in the world at it his methods work (tho i still dont agree wiv ya 8ball one) and if he wants to show people how to do it he dont need telling hes done 1 every so many games. he probably knows how many hes done as im guessing he can read.
and if you want more proof it works look how many people on this thread now have golden breaks at 9ball
Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
even if he just figured out how to do it he would still have higher golden break stats. look at the events page. he hasnt had one in 6 days in 9 ball and before that he had 2 in a 2 days. the inconsistency proves its luck. he can show people his methods all he likes but nobody can lay claim to knowing how to do golden breaks in 8 or 9 ball US, although everyone knows about 8 ball UK
Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
ground_break said:
even if he just figured out how to do it he would still have higher golden break stats. look at the events page. he hasnt had one in 6 days in 9 ball and before that he had 2 in a 2 days. the inconsistency proves its luck. he can show people his methods all he likes but nobody can lay claim to knowing how to do golden breaks in 8 or 9 ball US, although everyone knows about 8 ball UK

This thread is called 'Tips on how to get golden breaks/run-outs for 9 ball US and 8 ball US' what your posting is useless and not many people would actually consider reading it, I personally didn't read it all because it's absoulutely off the thread point mate.
Posts: 4,762
18 years ago  [Link]  
aw lets just shut up about this. souljah is just shwoing a way that helps him ok. END OF!!

Edited by forum moderator nick, at 21:41 Mon 27/02/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
ground_break said:
even if he just figured out how to do it he would still have higher golden break stats. he hasnt had one in 6 days in 9 ball and before that he had 2 in a 2 days. the inconsistency proves its luck.

Well said, too inconsitant to be of any use!

souljah said:

This thread is called 'Tips on how to get golden breaks/run-outs for 9 ball US and 8 ball US' what your posting is useless and not many people would actually consider reading it,

its not useless, i read it and he's got a great point!

souljah said:

I personally didn't read it at all

If you didnt read it, how did you come about responding to it!

souljah said:

That's very truely said, there is no trick, but there is a way to get extremely close to golden breaks/run-outs

Extremely close? is any other break hit at full power!

Edited at 21:49 Wed 13/06/07 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
"I read it and he's got a great point" Well, think mate, you would agree obviously because your taking his side therefore you would agree, you should really stop being biased and consider two points.

"If you didn't read it, how did you come about responding to it" Smart ey? I said I didn't read it all, so why did you add the "...not at all" enough of acting smart because changing what I rit into your words is stupid and you really should stop trying to act smart.

"Extremely close? is any other break hit at full power!" Do you have any fixed techniques?

All I have to say, you know your incorrect firstly because you've altered what i've said so you can reply to it, you have no reply to my origional posts therefore you know you can't argue and have to alter, I guess i'm wasting time aruging with you lol

Edited at 23:54 Thu 14/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
18 years ago  [Link]  
This is a silly agruument.

GB stats are completely irrelevant in regards to whether or not a certain player has developed a successful technique.

I knew exactly how to do the old UK GB shot. I could hit it several times in a row on the practice table (not impressive, it really was that easy) and helped many people learn it even though i didnt necessarily agree with it.

Oh yes - i only have one GB on my stats, and it was an accident, not that shot at all.

The facts are, several people are reporting it helps them.

Therefore, unless you have a more successfully proven technique you can have no argument against this other than petty jealousy that even when taking this advice you still cant do it.


Edited at 22:11 Thu 14/06/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
souljah said:
"I read it and he's got a great point" You would agree obviously because your taking his side therefore you would agree, you should really stop being biased and consider two points.

I did consider the 2 points. i dismissed yours as it was useless to you. Thus its not a method I would consider as one that works, as ive said before a Gb is a lucky shot...

spinner said:

yes i only have one GB on my stats, it was an accident.

Again backing my argument that it is now a lucky shot! NOT necessarily a technique

spinner said:

Therefore, unless you have a more successfully proven technique you can have no argument against this other than petty jealousy that even when taking this advice you still cant do it.

What am i jealous of? I have a better break-GB ratio without even trying, because I DONT try to get GBs. I try to win in a manner I would prefer to be beaten, by good potting and meaningful position play!
Posts: 511
18 years ago  [Link]  
ul_son said:

spinner said:

yes i only have one GB on my stats, it was an accident.

Again backing my argument that it is now a lucky shot! NOT necessarily a technique

right if it is just luck why is it that spinner who has been playing in excess of 3 years only has 1 gb to his name where bunrzybhoy got 4 run outs and 5 gollden breakd in a week?

This proving the break souljah has showed dooes prove to be working amongst the site as proven due to spinner who got 1 gb due to luck in nearly 4 years and bunrzbhoy who got 5 and 4 run outs in 1 week
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18 years ago  [Link]  
Thank you spinner and thank you 30_01_90! Finally really good points made He won't understand though he doesn't seem to, the next post he'll be saying something like "souljah's profile mean his 'theory' is unsuccessful'"

"there is no technique"

"it's fluke and luck" (sure is but no harm in showing your technique that proves successful, I do agree with spinner, this could be a case of jealousy)

ul_son, just take into acount the fact that I've showed a few users my way which has been quite successful, also I understand your view of my technique being 'false', ofcourse, golden breaks can't be done every break but I think we all understand what you mean by now since you keep going on about this golden break theory, leave it out mate, it's over, finished!
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Tips on how to get golden breaks/run-outs for 9 ball US and 8 ball US

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