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Trickshot Tournament

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13:31 Wed 30 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
why?, it's called introducing 'fun' to the games, the pro games was a little to serious i prefer to see a golf and a trickshot table rather that the two pro tables and im sure others would to.

i like the idea i think it would be better over on snooker though, or maybe both?, have it on both, but with different lay outs ( obviously as they are different tables) instead of having the same trickshots have completely different, make snooker ones harder
Deleted User
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14:09 Wed 30 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
myfriendfats said:
1_eye said:
Ignore him, he don't know how to be constructive!

You've admitted it before but this is proof that you don't read my posts!

As far as I'm concerned, getting rid of pro tables in favour of golf and trickshots is pretty much the worst possible direction this site could have gone in!


No i read your post, i didn't find it constructive, the later post was a little more constructive, however i still get the impression that you've spat your dummy out. I could be wrong!

I'm still upset that the pro games have gone, yet accept it, as i didn't really get time to play them.

I think the golf game is great for killing time with friends. And i do really like the idea of a trickshot game. I think we need to remember that this game is for fun, for leisure, it's not life!

*Gives myfriendfats his dummy back and awaits the angry mob to tell him it's more than that*
Deleted User
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16:39 Wed 30 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
OK well the thread title is "Trickshot Tournament" and the author was asking over and over again what people thought of the idea. Saying it's a bad idea is clearly not 'constructive' and the only 'constructive' arguement is to agree otherwise its 'destructive' surely?!

How could it work as a tournament? What are the tactics? Obviously getting shots judged is out of the question so how else can you beat someone? By learning the same shot over and over which has been pre-designed by someone else? Where's the fun in that?!

I'm all for being able to freely place balls on the practice table but that's where it ends. Someone please explain in detail how a trickshot tournament could work.... see, you can't, end of arguement!

Posts: 8,940
16:46 Wed 30 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
myfriendfats said:
Someone please explain in detail how a trickshot tournament could work.... see, you can't, end of arguement!

I have done, twice, on this thread.

As you know i loved the pro games too, but the success of the golf game is undeniable. All you have to do is compare how easy it is to get 4 players for golf (a much longer game) than to find one player for pro pool!

More fun = more players.
Deleted User
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16:57 Wed 30 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Why is everyone going on about pro tables here?!

Sorry spinner but your explanations on page 1 read more like ideas bouncing around your head (possibly a few thought patterns prior to realising that it's actually not possible) rather than a finished article solution! Remember the key word here is tournament and not trick shot.

I think things like straight pool, caramboulage/billiards, killer, longer tournaments and cloth colours should come before trick shots but hey, I'm a mere minnow who doesn't know what he's talking about and who should really be doing something more constructive with his time than being addicted to a bloody pool game.
Deleted User
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01:00 Thu 31 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Myfriendsfat, why do you find it so difficult to be nice when posting, you are condescending and (I'll say it again) obtuse. You actually really get my back up, but then i realsie i'm coming down to your sad level, please if you have nothing constructive to say, don't post.

This is a thread for ideas, hence spinner 'bouncing' ideas around, most of the new features have come from ideas made by members on the forum. Maybe if you found it within yourself to be a little nicer when posting you wouldn't cause these kind of threads to descend into argument. Or maybe people like me should just totally ignore you? I dunno.
Deleted User
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01:58 Thu 31 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
lol john, anyways back to thread, nice idea maybe have once a night?
Deleted User
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03:53 Thu 31 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
1_eye - I wish you would stop reading and commenting on my posts because you don't know me, you don't understand where I'm coming from and you seem to misunderstand everything I say.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:08 Thu 31 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I wonder if i'm the only one? I'm betting not!

I think it could be turned into a game to play Jon. More or less like golf, but a tournement a night would be fun for those who have time to enter. I would like to see it different from golf, so it's not same shots everytime, but a random selecter, although i understand that this could take alot of time to do. And i would also appreciate other games suggested by members to be implemented before this, but still a great idea!
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