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New chatroom idea ?

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22:52 Tue 15 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
katie_bug said:
But then there's also the "switching" rooms by us mods... There might be a problem in the Members chat room, in which case if there is only one mod, then they'd have to keep switching back and forth between Chat Room and Members room. This has happened to me a few times, even though I am usually lucky that there has been another mod online at the time to help.

thats a very good point, this is a great idea but wont work if there is only one mod online
Deleted User
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06:41 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I Dont mean to sound contradicting here takes a couple of secs to switch rooms lol.
People keep mentioning the bit "Spesh if theres only one mod one"....What about when they are all one? Takes it back to my point.
Deleted User
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06:52 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
100 people in one room for me = to much drama.

to many people would be talking so u cant keep up with the chat. to many people, more bad behaviour in my eyes.

keep it at 50 and i think we should have what i surgested a while ago, an auto bot when no mod is online
Deleted User
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06:54 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
100 people in one room for me = to much drama.

Exactly what i meant
Deleted User
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06:59 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
50 people in the chat room is hard enough to keep up with all the talking!, 100 would just be crazy!
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08:19 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
_psmon_ said:
What if members bar was no more and the chatroom would have a maximum of 100 occupants.

By doing this i think this would benifit the Moderators and Members.but would say mainly Moderators.

How on earth would it benifit us if the majority are abusive???
Would be way too difficult to keep up and would make our jobs a lot tougher.
Deleted User
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08:59 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Has anyone been on those chat sites where there seems to be a limitless amount of people allowed to go in?

Takes about 10secs for the writting you've done to appear, and by the time it does, it's gone before anyone can read it!

I think as the site grows there should be more chat rooms, possibly themed. However there isn't a need for these yet. Bigger chat rooms cause bigger problems.

Also I heard bout a year ago that it would slow the server or something down if the rooms were above 50. It was decided to be the optimum amount. Sure there's some other reasons that haven't been discussed or thought about at least

I'd rather see it stay how it is.
Deleted User
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09:00 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Well it is a lot more difficult to moderate two rooms at once, so it would be easier if they were all in the same room. but I think at peak times the conversation flow and variety would be too much for moderators and members.
I think the current overflow system works perfectly.
Posts: 1,363
09:18 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe 100 was abit optimistic, but still i stand by thinking this is a good idea. at peak times whats the average amount of members online ?
But if the members bar was no more and just had a limit of 75 in the chatroom it must be easier to manage than 100. i know it only takes 2 seconds to swap room to room but having more chatrooms i say would cause problems.
by the time you have moved from room to room sorting out all the problems and you think its all finished and all bad behaviour was dealt with your back to square 1 going from room to room again .
Suo having the big room would eliminate the possibilities of missing the unwanted behaviour.

Must be annoying getting non stop pm's saying there is problems in the chatroom and members bar etc now just think what it would be if there was several more rooms added, be a hell of alot worse and make Moderating not so pleasent

Personally i thought less rooms means more server space to add extra feature's
Deleted User
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10:37 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
good idea i think tht 100 peeps in 1 room would be great fun lol
Posts: 8,939
11:15 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
This is one of those things that comes down to personal preference really. I find it easier to monitor a few rooms with fewer members as its easier to keep track of chat, however i think we should keep moderating issues out of this as those are best dealt with by the moderating and admin team.

From a users point of view, if you get an abusive user they only interrupt one room and a smaller number of people, and you have the option of leaving to another room if you want to.

Squeezy covered the other problems of readability etc, which just makes things generally less enjoyable for all.

After all, if you want to there are plenty of sites out there with many hundreds of people in each room if you really feel the need!

Deleted User
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11:43 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
the_warrior said:
good idea i think tht 100 peeps in 1 room would be great fun lol

Read what spinner said, lol.
Posts: 744
11:56 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
With the channel limit at 50 people only a handful talk the rest pm and some just idle. It's not a case of 50 people talking all ot once or 28 people out of the 50 causing trouble. So having 100 wont cause mayhem.
However, the site has been designed around pool and not chat, so the window is quite small to cope with several different conversations going at once.

I think there seems to be just as many pros as there are cons so it's not worth the extra effort in changing the way things are atm. If there's a mod online but not in the same channel as you it doesnt take 2 seconds to pm and ask them to pop in and settle things down. As we all know, theres usually someone watching anyway even if they aren't visible.
Deleted User
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13:10 Wed 16 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
domin8trix said:
As we all know, theres usually someone watching anyway even if they aren't visible.

That's one of the few fun things to do as a mod lol with one room it ruins it it is at the moment people think they are safe..then...AHA! naughty lingo user is booted for being smelly! mwahahaha! u get the idea....
Deleted User
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19:09 Fri 18 May 07 (BST)  [Link]  
katie_bug said:
However, most of the time there are at least two mods online at a time... and the admin is always reviewing applicants, so I don't think the question of not enough mods will be a problem..


So it wont be a problem for mods. And even 75 would still be to much.

I find it hard enough to keep talking with 50 in the room at times so 100 would just make it worse, even 75 would make it bad.

Its hard to come in on convosations and if 100 people were i the room and 75 of them were activly talking....its just to much for the user at home and as someone else said, on the server.

Not having a go at you...but I just cant see how it would work
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New chatroom idea ?

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