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800 and still newbie

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Posts: 8,940
19:52 Sat 1 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah, i think you mis-read..

I know some like to build on multiple acc's etc, and do so in peace (as pool_life, and myself, wrote), but my intrest is in trying to understand the thought process in those individuals who want to "shout it out", and thus render what appears on the face of it to be a worthy achievement, as nothing but farce.

Wish Funkypool had been around when i did my psychology doctorate! LOL!
Deleted User
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13:29 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Multi-Using Explained. (The five step method)

1. First pick a silly name, something like the one I’ve chosen here as an example. Its all the better if its got some kind of mystical ring to it. If not then something along the lines of _look_at_me_ will suffice. (The naffer the better)

2. Play people who are kind enough to give you a game, even though it's a coward’s way to obtain points. You will even find some high ranked players who can tell your true ability, yet they are still kind enough to play you and risk their rank. (Still a coward’s way to obtain points in my opinion)

3. Reach professional status within 100 games, just like I’ve done here (although i have a rank of 828.0, which should have been 850.0 minimum in my opinion)

4. Apply for posting abilities and then proceed to explain to everybody how you're the best player who ever walked the face of the earth. (Forgetting to mention points are easy to obtain with newbie status)
Deleted User
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13:29 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
5. Lose a few games, then delete the name in a sulk using the same method as the person who created this thread. (To me this is the biggest crime of all, and leaves the forum looking a state)

Here comes my point, and I’ll use a quote from Michael Caine to push it:

"It's not big and it's not cleaver!"

Thanks to anyone who was kind enough to play me, and for making it possible for me to highlight the absurdity of multi-using.

One name, one game!
Deleted User
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13:37 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
well said
Posts: 8,940
13:59 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
We are not worthy....

That was the best post ever, on any site let alone this one!

One name, one game.. I'll remember that..

Deleted User
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15:42 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
OMG, what is it with people and multi-using, for once can't you stick to the right topic and not go off topic and start moaning about multi-using, it is getting really boring now!!

Just be quiet about multi-using and stick to the topic!!
If you have a problem with it then make a thread about it!

If people have more than 1 account and get found out then that is there problem, not any of yours!!
Deleted User
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15:50 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
All your recent posts seem to say the same thing guess_who!

If anything you should stop putting the boot into other people, and think about a more constructive way to present your point instead of repeating the same thing over and over again. (Not just on this thread)

Different people have different opinions, try to respect that a little more and we might all be a bit happier with the content of the forum. Besides, who are you to judge if a person’s opinion is of any value?

Speak for yourself.
Deleted User
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15:54 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I say the same thing as im replying to what spinner constantly says, if he was to read my posts and understand them then we wouldn't be having this pointless argument, im sure you are a nice multi-user yourself, but i don't care!

Im trying to tell spinner WHY some people like more than 1 account, i've told him countless time but he doesn't seem to understand.

I don't respect anyone who hides behind a new name and attacks people(you!).

Also i speak for more than myself, i speak for a lot of people, look through the threads and you will see.
Deleted User
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15:56 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
One name, one game.. I'll remember that..

3 games actually spinner, UK 8 ball, US 8 ball and 9 ball.
Deleted User
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16:03 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok, I’ll make this my last post if this is an argument like you say it is. Personally i thought it was conversation between adults, how wrong i was.

My previous posts made some very good points, and the replies it got seem to prove that. But you seem to have taken it on your shoulders to make a post disregarding what was said, and instead splurt out the same thing you have been doing for days.

Spinner at least can construct an intelligent post, you on the other hand like to repeat the rules, or tell people when they are wrong about something. This seems to have intensified in the last 2 weeks, strange.

As for the multi-using, i don't do it. 'prophecy' was made to make a very good point, but it’s obvious this has gone over your head. Maybe you should read back?

You really need to relax a bit more, because you come across as pretty overbearing and a man with little patience.

Edited at 21:32 Wed 5/07/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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16:08 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
*yawns* Are we done?

you on the other hand like to repeat the rules
hahaha, you must mean spinner there, all he does is go on about multi-using, you can't even get your facts straight, how cool!

You really need to relax a bit more, because you come across as pretty overbearing and a man with little patients

Oh im relaxed, trust me.

I found a new argumentative member, cool!

spinner was boring me.

EDIT: Did you have an old name? If you did could you tell me it please, i wouldn't mind knowing, but if you want to stay hiden then thats fine by me.

Edited at 21:10 Wed 5/07/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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16:26 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok, I’ll slow this down just for you...

I created the name to highlight the absurdity of multi-using, reaching 828.0 in 100 games. I then proceeded to explain why this is a trend that's becoming a nuisance, my main reason being the 'deleted user' appearing all over the forums when somebody decides to delete because they dropped by 1%.

Of course i have another name, and i play on it all the time. If i told you that name it would be defeating the purpose of what i set out to do in the first place, which is obvious if you read my post…

Maybe you never picked up on the irony?

One small tip, never yawn at another persons opinion, because it just backs up what i posted about you being overbearing. You've made your point, not just on this thread, but a handful of others. So how about changing the record and posting something new?

Edited at 21:28 Wed 5/07/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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16:44 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll change the record if spinner does

Or are you spinner in disguise?

Like i said before, i don't listen to people who like to hide behind names, if i know who it is then i will listen, if not i just usually ignore them, but my arguments with spinner are boring my now.

Next time he posts about multi-using, i'll just divert it back to the topic at hand and ignore him.

Also, from the things you have said, try telling spinner that, So how about changing the record and posting something new?

It's not just me who keeps saying the same thing you know, im saying it because spinner keeps repeating himself, so im telling him over and over again, but he can't seem to understand it....
Deleted User
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16:46 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Post too long...1st for everything!

Why don't you make your own little thread, that way every thread i look at it wont be about multi-using.

I wasn't yawning at your opinion, im simply tired and expressing myself.
Deleted User
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16:47 Wed 5 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Back to the original topic, who ever got to 800 and was still a newbie, well done!

No one else has done this yet as US 9 ball, i don't think they have anyway.
Posts: 8,940
08:22 Thu 6 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Guess - this topic IS about multi using. Try reading it.

I'm not asking anymore because prophecy did what no one else has done. Answered the question I asked. Guess - you only answered a question you were making up in your own head.

As a member of admin pointed out last night, its just like vandalism. It will always happen and there's no point in trying to understand it because normal people cant stoop to that level of stupidity.

And finally, Guess, please read before posting. The user in question admitted they weren't a newbie in the fourth post.....
Posts: 73
09:00 Thu 6 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
im almost 800 on all 3 games...

im 780 on all3 games now...

hopin to get 800 on them all soon...

Posts: 8,940
13:38 Thu 6 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done Kal_el!

Keep at it dude..
Deleted User
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15:18 Thu 6 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Read the topic title spinner, then read the 1st post, this wasn't about mutli-using!!

Also, i would prefer it if you called me Ollie, that is my name and being called guess doesn't feel right.

Good job kal_el, keep it up!
Posts: 8,940
16:44 Thu 6 Jul 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Well, er, Ollie, i know you are desperately trying to justify this but the fact is thet the thread is about amone proclaiming to have reached 800 whilst a newbie, when in fact they were a type 2 multi-user (someone who only has one account at a time, but keeps changing), but i digress.. Diverse interpetation has kept the Bible alive till now so why knock it!

However i simply cant help but wonder why, off topic i know, if you want be called Ollie, you name yourself guess_who????
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