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New rules needed for 8 ball UK

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12:13 Tue 3 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Im getting tired of being snookered unsportingly, I only do it when i have to and know thats how most of the decent players play. I know its part of the game. but the rules should be updated to the new uk rules. which are when you touch a ball the white should hit a cushion unless you pot. so theres no more sneaking behind balls ! ... wat yall reckon :D
Deleted User
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13:06 Tue 3 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep, fanstastic, I'd agree as a real pool player and I'm sure all the other ones on here will too. But the others wouldn't have I'd have thought.

Wouldn't think it would get enough support for it to be even considered unfortunately.
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17:33 Tue 3 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
colins said:
Yep, fanstastic, I'd agree as a real pool player and I'm sure all the other ones on here will too. But the others wouldn't have I'd have thought.

Wouldn't think it would get enough support for it to be even considered unfortunately.

I'm pants in real life but I agree that this would be fantastic. would go a long way to calming people down and probably make the game more enjoyable

Edited at 22:40 Tue 3/06/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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17:38 Tue 3 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree v v gd idea when ur snookered behind ball its v v hard to hit ur own ball
Posts: 2,056
17:45 Tue 3 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I disagree, yeah it might not be the real rules but thats why this is funkypool it adds something different from the real game.
Deleted User
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17:50 Tue 3 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you think it is possible for this game to be 'funky' with the real game rules? I mean the middle pockets make it funky, as do golden breaks. This rule would make the game more enjoyable for many people. I find the frustration can be unbearable

But I see your point, and I'm sure many people, myself included, like this site to be funky. But this rule, imo will not change the funkyness
Deleted User
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19:54 Tue 3 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
how about adding it as an extra option when creating a game?

ie having an extra tickbox below "{ } private"
but have it off by default?

that way, it doesnt annoy the newer players / weaker players and the older players can have that challenge if/when they want it
Deleted User
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20:04 Tue 3 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it's a good idea in theory, but personally I'd be very disappointed if anything was to change about my beloved game
Deleted User
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17:06 Wed 4 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
lol u love funky pool
Deleted User
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11:00 Fri 6 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
well. good feedback guyz.... guess u all know wat im talkin bout
Deleted User
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11:30 Fri 6 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the real rules separate the wheat from the chaff. Waiting til your opponent has a few balls or even one ball left and tap tap tapping behind balls doesnt in my view require the same skill as it would if you have to touch a cushion afterwards.

Don't shoot the messenger just my view!
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21:15 Fri 6 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
caylan said:
Im getting tired of being snookered unsportingly, I only do it when i have to and know thats how most of the decent players play. I know its part of the game. but the rules should be updated to the new uk rules. which are when you touch a ball the white should hit a cushion unless you pot. so theres no more sneaking behind balls ! ... wat yall reckon :D
Deleted User
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21:56 Fri 6 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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17:34 Sun 8 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
cityfan84 said:
I disagree, yeah it might not be the real rules but thats why this is funkypool it adds something different from the real game.

spot on.

and then you might as well make the table blue and number the balls as would be the same as 8 ball US in many ways.

keep it the same....'the original and the best' (its a saying from a chip company here in aus.)
Posts: 4,447
01:57 Mon 9 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I disagree with this idea.

That rule is what separates the best from the rest you might say.

If you dont have the ability to recover yourself from snookers easily, then learn how to do it, or go play US8.

It requires much less skill to snooker than it does to un-snooker, so play more snookers yourself!

In 8UK, snookering at every possible chance is a game tactic for most people, including myself.

The feeling of the carry is always a good one to have, giving you more freedom and less pressure around the table.

I would be very dissappointed if I couldnt snooker anymore, as it would be too much like 8US, and doesnt offer the challenge of recovery.

8UK suits my game style. I can snooker easily, and I am great at recovery shots. I would say that recovery shots is my strong point, so it does not bother me that people are constantly snookering.

I must say, I quite enjoy it
Deleted User
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05:23 Mon 9 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Uk is arcade, it won't change its the 1st game invented and the best in my opinion.
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07:21 Mon 9 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
sm_rat said:
I disagree with this idea.

That rule is what separates the best from the rest you might say.

If you dont have the ability to recover yourself from snookers easily, then learn how to do it, or go play US8.

It requires much less skill to snooker than it does to un-snooker, so play more snookers yourself!

In 8UK, snookering at every possible chance is a game tactic for most people, including myself.

The feeling of the carry is always a good one to have, giving you more freedom and less pressure around the table.

I would be very dissappointed if I couldnt snooker anymore, as it would be too much like 8US, and doesnt offer the challenge of recovery.

8UK suits my game style. I can snooker easily, and I am great at recovery shots. I would say that recovery shots is my strong point, so it does not bother me that people are constantly snookering.

I must say, I quite enjoy it

^^^^ agreed
Deleted User
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09:05 Mon 9 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
sm_rat said:

It requires much less skill to snooker than it does to un-snooker, so play more snookers yourself!

In 8UK, snookering at every possible chance is a game tactic for most people, including myself.

8UK suits my game style. I can snooker easily, and I am great at recovery shots. I would say that recovery shots is my strong point, so it does not bother me that people are constantly snookering.

I must say, I quite enjoy it

What a contradiction.. u refer to it being easy to snooker... hence making you play the white ball off a cushion after striking the object ball makes snookering harder and thus only available to those with more ability.

This is a definite improvement cause you need to think your shots out more.... no one is suggesting that snookers aren't allowed, just an increase in how difficult it is to lay one!
Deleted User
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11:51 Mon 9 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree with war criminal. Snookering is too easy as it is and makes for a boring game often. Make it harder and the game livens up.

Snookering using a cushion isn't as hard as it sounds.
Deleted User
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12:09 Mon 9 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
snookering in uk 8 ball is part of the game, if you cant get out of snookers that is your weakness, people who can get out of the snookers you will find are in the top 50 rankings, which makes them the best uk players around, dont change anything about the game, taking easy snookers out of uk is like taking easy combonations out of us 9 ball, spoils the game
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New rules needed for 8 ball UK

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