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UK 8 Table - New Look?

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Posts: 8,940
02:20 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
psmon said:
Anybody else think the UK8 table is looking abit out dated compared to the US tables??

Was wondering what you would think about giving the UK8 table abit of a face lift, Nothing would be changed table size pocket size would all stay the same.Just a nice finish to the table like the US tables

Anyone else think this would be nice?

Let me make this extremely clear.


Anyone mentioning any of those points will be completely ignored as they are totally different subjects which have been debated many times before.

Here is the very rough example i posted on the other thread, to help emphasise the kind of thing being suggested;

Posted Image
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03:06 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
i like it
Posts: 121
03:12 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
lol spinner love the pockets.
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06:41 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Its good, except for the pockets lol
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07:03 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
that table is 100 times better than the one we use now, i know id prefer to play on it compared to the one we got, the new one would take more skill and show who the good players are, like spinner said everything will stay the same, just the table would look different in appearance, dont know why people are saying no and going against the idea, are people just affraid that if the table does change to the one shown that they wont win as many or summit ?? lol
Posts: 301
08:25 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I like it!
Posts: 65
08:48 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I have a suggestion for the UK table and i hope everybody will like it.

Maybe we should leave the old table exactly like it is cuz we all like that table, and create a new game called 8 Ball UK Pro with the table that spinner showed but with regular holes like the us games.

What you think?
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08:52 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Its been suggested before but like the 8 ball and 9 ball pro games it would become unpopular and probably end up getting deleted.
Posts: 65
08:56 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Ye probably it would but we can try i mean, it would be very nice to have a new game to play.
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09:00 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
uch! that coulour is is sooooooooooooooooooooooo last year

i think it would be a good trial
Posts: 187
09:24 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
_wolvesdude_ said:
that table is 100 times better than the one we use now, i know id prefer to play on it compared to the one we got, the new one would take more skill and show who the good players are, like spinner said everything will stay the same

ERRR how can it take more skill.. if its the same table.

Just because you paint your Ford red does not mean it turns into a Ferrari ^o)

Edited at 14:27 Sat 4/08/07 (BST)
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09:52 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
emma_jane said:
_wolvesdude_ said:
that table is 100 times better than the one we use now, i know id prefer to play on it compared to the one we got, the new one would take more skill and show who the good players are, like spinner said everything will stay the same

ERRR how can it take more skill.. if its the same table.

Just because you paint your Ford red does not mean it turns into a Ferrari ^o)

Edited at 14:27 Sat 4/08/07 (BST)


wolves, i think you've been beat
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09:54 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
emma_jane said:
_wolvesdude_ said:
that table is 100 times better than the one we use now, i know id prefer to play on it compared to the one we got, the new one would take more skill and show who the good players are, like spinner said everything will stay the same

ERRR how can it take more skill.. if its the same table.

Just because you paint your Ford red does not mean it turns into a Ferrari ^o)

Edited at 14:27 Sat 4/08/07 (BST)

because the jaws would be put onto the table wouldnt it ? which means more skill to pot the ball instead of smashin it around table and fluking it in ? unless ive read it wrong lol, the uk table as it is now is too easy to pot, the people who are complaining abouts it seem to be the ones who are scared to show the true skills on here, uk as it is anyone can beat anyone, add jaws to the pockets and we will see who the better players are, simple
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09:54 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
there are jaws, but the pockets still come half way out lol. so i dont think that makes much of a difference.
Posts: 187
09:56 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
nah look at his picture... the jaws dont matter the loveble 4 feet into the table pockets are still there the pockets just look nicer now. They don't want to change the shape of the table! Thats why Spinners created this thread, I presume, he wants to show that the game play will not be altered!
spinner said:
Let me make this extremely clear.


Edited at 14:58 Sat 4/08/07 (BST)
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09:58 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
matty12 said:
there are jaws, but the pockets still come half way out lol. so i dont think that makes much of a difference.

if you make the table for uk the same way that spinner has made it in his picture, then it will be harder to pot, ive played on the arcade snooker table, the one which spinner used for the pic, and it is a better table than the uk one now, the pockets aint out half as much, and jaws have more of an impact on game as people wouldnt smash n hope wins, the us 8 ball table dont have pockets out hlaf a mile so why should uk ?
Posts: 187
10:00 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Different game different set up different rule....

(Am assuming that Spinner did not want to spend 20 hours making sure every pocket was the same to the exact half millimetre as it is on the uk table as he has a life to live?)
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10:02 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
us 9 ball, different game, different rules, yet same table type, hmmmmmm interestin, uk has more similarities with us 8 ball than us 9 ball does, yet it on a different table, and us 9 ball is one same table ?

Edited at 15:03 Sat 4/08/07 (BST)
Posts: 187
10:03 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
No it isn't though!! Have you played on a uk table against a us one recently?

You know what I give up you wanna continue this convo lets have it in a diff thread because this is going completely off the point

Edited at 15:05 Sat 4/08/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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10:06 Sat 4 Aug 07 (BST)  [Link]  
thats not arcade snooker because you can still pot a ball into middle pocket, by rolling it alonmg the cushion.

this is a reply to psmon asking if it needs a make-over not a new table! it exactly the same as uk now, just had a face lift. thats what this thread is about, not about how easy or hard it is just about the face lift that psmon asked for which was the original thread, which got taken over by this talk. so maybe thats why spinner has made this thread, to show what the uk table will look like with a MAKE-OVER not a new table which will make the game harde!, its exactly the same just had a bit of spinner surgery lol

knackerd after that

Edited at 15:07 Sat 4/08/07 (BST)

Edited at 15:07 Sat 4/08/07 (BST)
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UK 8 Table - New Look?

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