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Black Scorpions - New Exciting Clan

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01:56 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 7,297
11:05 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (12) vs (4) Baize Burners - completed

8US: lfc12 (2) vs (0) kris (5-2)
8US: mikeybboy (1) vs (1) todd2000 (4-4)
9US: silenthill (1) vs (1) pocket_power (4-4)
9US: triple_b (1) vs (1) veyron (4-4)
8UK: w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) biffyfan (5-1)
8UK: shadwell17 (2) vs (0) jimmyd_86(5-1)
STR: 2awesome2win (1) vs (1) who_me
STR: raker (2) vs (0) pointless

Black Scorpions (9) vs (3) Wolf Pack

8US : _huts24_ vs alex_lewis
8US :lfc12 (2) vs (0) kaperisk (5-2)
9US: raker (2) vs (0) gfgfdsg (5-1)
9US: triple_b (0) vs (2) brooksy1986 (3-5)
8UK: w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) egghead (7-1)
8UK: shadwell17 (1) vs (1) deano1888 (4-4)
STR: silenthill (2) vs (0) x_connor (2-0)
STR: walktall vs emmajackson

Format : 8 racks of either 8US , 9US , 8UK
2 racks of straight

Please note guys : First to 5 wins. At that point there is no requirement to complete any remaining unplayed racks. A game finishing 4-4 is a draw.

Please message your opponants and Good Luck guys !

(14/9/14 to 28/9/14)
Posts: 7,297
11:08 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions A (29) vs (17) Unbeatables A

w_hoolahan (7) vs (5) lateo1993
silenthill (8) vs (4) poolbiird
shadwell17 (8) vs (4) joeyy
2awesome2win (6) vs (4) hippesville TBC

Black Scorpions A (17) vs (23) Uprising Ultras

_huts24_ vs dv8
w_hoolahan (8) vs (6) r1p0m4n_v2
raker (6) vs (8) clifton188
shadwell17 (3) vs (9) ritcho

Black Scorpions B (7) vs (18) Unbeatables B

triple_b (3) vs (10) turtle1560
mikeybboy vs _marc_
lfc12 (4) vs (8) franer_
2pac_rulez vs braveheart

Black Scorpions B (21) vs (16) Monkey Business

mirrr (7) vs (5) jittzdulay
mikeybboy (6) v (7) trats
walktall (8) vs (4) the__priest
lfc12 vs keep4erlit

Format: 4 x 8us, 9us, 8uk (plus bonuses for events) run out's and Golden break counts as bonus .

(21/9/14 to 5/10/14)

Good Luck guys !
Posts: 7,297
11:10 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (40) vs (50) The Professionals

_huts24_ vs dvz
shadwell17 (7) vs (8) m0nster
2awesome2win (10) vs (5) barkley20
w_hoolahan (5) vs (10) beenjammin
raker (5) vs(10) miss_harriet
silenthill (8) vs (7) the_only_ego
lfc12 vs scott7a
mikeybboy (5) vs (10) trickster

Format : 5x8us, 5x9us , 5x8uk

(21/9/14 to 5/10/14)

Good Luck guys !
Posts: 7,297
17:04 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Plate

Black Scorpions (8) v (2) Wolf Pack

FCL w_hoolahan (2) v (0) alex_lewis (8-7)
FCL mikeybboy (0) v (2) kaperisk (4-11)
SL silenthill (2) v (0) thegreatone7 (7-5)
SL raker (2) v (0) brooksy1986 (10-2)
8US _huts24_ v psych_pro
9US triple_b v deano1888
8UK shadwell17 (2) v (0) x_connor (6-2)
STR 2awesome2win v emmajackson

Deadline 28th September

FCL and SL normal format applies
10 racks of US8, 12 Racks of US9, 10 Racks of UK8 and 4 Racks of Straight

Good Luck guys ! Lets get to this final !

Edited at 14:34 Sat 27/09/14 (BST)
Posts: 4,971
17:27 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
plate: Black Scorpions v Wolf Pack

w_hoolahan 8 - 7 alex_lewis

8us: 3-2
9us: 3-2
8uk: 2-3

began in 8us where it was mostly attacking stuff, i got better as it went on, then came 9us where again it went on to be all me, weird 5-9 didnt go in last so was 3-2 instead of 4-1. then 8uk began both werent good, it took tactical thinking but generally pots and all werent great. came down to 7-7, he broke i saw the clear and took it, no error. I could of got 1 or 2 more, but with all that was going on during the match and it being GSC as long as i won i was fine. ggs... finally got this done.
Posts: 7,297
17:32 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Great win Harry ! up the scorps ! final here we come guys !
Posts: 7,297
18:39 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand slam plate :

8US : _huts24_ (6) vs (2) psych_pro

ggs mate , i played well and didnt give him many chances . Nice guy . he wasnt botherd playing all 10 racks as i had won .

we are now in the final guys so well done !
i dont think we need to play the other matches in this as we are through .
Posts: 7,297
18:45 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Plate

Black Scorpions (10) v (2) Wolf Pack

FCL w_hoolahan (2) v (0) alex_lewis (8-7)
FCL mikeybboy (0) v (2) kaperisk (4-11)
SL silenthill (2) v (0) thegreatone7 (7-5)
SL raker (2) v (0) brooksy1986 (10-2)
8US _huts24_ (2) v (0) psych_pro (6-2)
9US triple_b v deano1888 (Not needed to play)
8UK shadwell17 (2) v (0) x_connor (6-2)
STR 2awesome2win v emmajackson (Not needed to play)

We are now in Final guys , well done Lets Win it !

Edited at 16:06 Sat 27/09/14 (BST)
Deleted User
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18:52 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done all. Who have we got in the final?
Posts: 7,297
19:02 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done all. Who have we got in the final?

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:10 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
just received a message of andy (keep4erlit) hes a daytime playa sp im gunna struggle geting it done have you anyone who can possibly sub in to play him hes free wednesday day onwards so due to my work wednesday is the only time i could possibly play him but if i dont see him that day then it wont get played thanks,,,,wd for reaching the final in the plate lets kick some butt

Edited at 17:13 Sat 27/09/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:18 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't know if I can but if you need me to sub in against Andy I will as I play in the daytime mostly.
Posts: 7,297
22:06 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't know if I can but if you need me to sub in against Andy I will as I play in the daytime mostly.

Your in team A shad so u wouldn't be able to sub in but thanks matey, will sort something out for team B in SL.
Posts: 13,570
01:57 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
2Pac offline 10 days

Posts: 2,717
Posts: 7,297
02:59 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (12) vs (4) Baize Burners - completed

8US: lfc12 (2) vs (0) kris (5-2)
8US: mikeybboy (1) vs (1) todd2000 (4-4)
9US: silenthill (1) vs (1) pocket_power (4-4)
9US: triple_b (1) vs (1) veyron (4-4)
8UK: w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) biffyfan (5-1)
8UK: shadwell17 (2) vs (0) jimmyd_86(5-1)
STR: 2awesome2win (1) vs (1) who_me
STR: raker (2) vs (0) pointless

Black Scorpions (9) vs (5) Wolf Pack

8US : _huts24_ (0) vs (2) alex_lewis (0-6)
8US :lfc12 (2) vs (0) kaperisk (5-2)
9US: raker (2) vs (0) gfgfdsg (5-1)
9US: triple_b (0) vs (2) brooksy1986 (3-5)
8UK: w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) egghead (7-1)
8UK: shadwell17 (1) vs (1) deano1888 (4-4)
STR: silenthill (2) vs (0) x_connor (2-0)
STR: walktall vs emmajackson

Format : 8 racks of either 8US , 9US , 8UK
2 racks of straight

Please note guys : First to 5 wins. At that point there is no requirement to complete any remaining unplayed racks. A game finishing 4-4 is a draw.

Please message your opponants and Good Luck guys !

(14/9/14 to 28/9/14)
Posts: 7,297
03:02 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL :

_huts24_ vs dv8

8us: 2-3 (_huts24_ run out)
9us: 2-2
8uk: 2-2

overall 7-6 dv8

ggs mate , came down to the last match 6-6 and could of gone either way , was enjoyable games and a close match !
Posts: 6,417
03:02 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
2Pac offline 10 days


he called me incompetent for putting lethal_ lures in my team who were offline for 7 days, still he puts in someone whos off more than 10 days lol
Posts: 7,297
03:05 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
2Pac offline 10 days


he called me incompetent for putting lethal_ lures in my team who were offline for 7 days, still he puts in someone whos off more than 10 days lol

if u look 2pac was online today and ive spoken to him about this game .
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