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Double elimination 9 ball tournament

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Posts: 31,220
16 years ago  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
_mnm_ v aflumpire

0-1 (flumps wins)

vul, you played that last shot too safe!!

Emmm... you were meant to play hightops!
Posts: 31,220
16 years ago  [Link]  
the_foxes said:
ye he was 1 up dunno why he left

Have you got that screenshot? Just need to check something, thanks

clooneman said:
On that basis and on that basis alone, I would say that the latest score is 1-1 and the deciding frame has to be played?

This decision isn't final, hence my cautious question mark

Edited at 18:37 Thu 23/04/09 (BST)
Posts: 31,220
16 years ago  [Link]  
Winners' Bracket results!!!
clooneman 2-0 berbatov_9 (1st frame: 2-9 combo)
alexander 2-1 the_foxes
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16 years ago  [Link]  
alexander 1-2 clooneman

ggs wp mate well deserved
Posts: 31,220
16 years ago  [Link]  
Cheers sir

cloone on the 9
alex 4-9
cloone on the 9

ul on that last shot

Winners' Bracket final match result
clooneman 2-1 alexander

Explanation of what happens next to follow...
Posts: 31,220
16 years ago  [Link]  
Winners' Bracket full results

Round 1
alexander 2-0 psyco05
berbatov_9 2-1 familyguy0
aflumpire BYE-DQ __mnm__
hightops BYE-DQ robbean
the_foxes BYE
ronnie_147 BYE
clooneman BYE
king9ball1 BYE

psyco05, familyguy0, __mnm__ and robbean drop into Losers' Bracket round 1

Round 2
alexander 2-0 aflumpire
the_foxes 2-1 hightops
clooneman BYE-DQ king9ball1
berbatov_9 BYE(-DQ ronnie_147 (banned))

aflumpire, hightops and king9ball1 drop into Losers' Bracket round 1; ronnie_147 is out

Round 3
clooneman 2-0 berbatov_9
alexander 2-1 the_foxes

berbatov_9 and the_foxes drop into Losers' Bracket round 3

Round 4/Final Round
clooneman 2-1 alexander

alexander drops into Losers' Bracket final match

clooneman goes unbeaten into tournament play-off against once-beaten winner of Losers' Bracket final match; this player must win two best-of-3 matches against clooneman

Losers' Bracket details coming up........
Posts: 31,220
16 years ago  [Link]  
Loser's Bracket results and explanation

Round 1
king9ball1 vs __mnm__ (first to 2)
familyguy0 1-0 psyco05
hightops 1-0 robbean
aflumpire BYE

psyco05, robbean, and the loser of king9ball1 vs __mnm__ are eliminated

Round 2
familyguy0 vs king9ball1/__mnm__
hightops vs aflumpire

Round 3 will involve four players; the two winners of Round 2, berbatov_9, and the_foxes

Round 4 will involve the two winners of Round 3 in one match

Round 5, the final match of the Losers' Bracket, will involve the winner of Round 4 and alexander.

The winner of Round 5 becomes the last player left in the Losers' Bracket, and, to win the tournament, must win two best-of-3 matches against clooneman, who is unbeaten in the Winners' Bracket and must therefore still lose two matches to be eliminated, just like everybody else.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
when are they going to finish
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
so are these games only first to one now??

This is getting very confusing for everyone but yourself

So first to 1 or 2 now?
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16 years ago  [Link]  
clooneman said:
aflumpire said:
_mnm_ v aflumpire

0-1 (flumps wins)

vul, you played that last shot too safe!!

Emmm... you were meant to play hightops!

I got a message from _mnm_ sayign that we have to play. I dont even check to confrim - i just do it!
Posts: 31,220
16 years ago  [Link]  
familyguy0 said:
when are they going to finish

The deadline for familyguy0 vs king9ball1/__mnm__, as for hightops vs aflumpire, is 4 days after king9ball1/__mnm__ is decided. If king9ball1 has not responded on this thread by tomorrow (Friday) at 5 pm GMT, you can proceed to play __mnm__ in a best of 1 game. (Round 2)

hightops vs aflumpire - best of 1. (Round 2)

Deadlines for all rounds for the time being: 4 days. Not difficult! Exceptions may be made, but they probably won't be.

aflumpire said:
so are these games only first to one now??

This is getting very confusing for everyone but yourself

So first to 1 or 2 now?

First to 1, in order to hurry the rounds along. This can be changed to first to 2 at the agreement of both players, posted here on the forum, before the game(s) are begun. This is a new rule which takes effect from Round 2 onwards. If both players do not agree, best of 1 as usual.

aflumpire said:
I got a message from _mnm_ sayign that we have to play. I dont even check to confrim - i just do it!

B-but... what about my message?

Posted Image
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(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
Flumps also got a message from me

to which i never got a reply
Posts: 31,220
16 years ago  [Link]  
Naughty flumps
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(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
I now understand fully this tournament in all games and everything.

The only thing is why its first to 1 in "losers bracket" but 2 in "winners bracket" in the first place.
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16 years ago  [Link]  
because he thought it would be interesting
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
cloone he is not on wen i am!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
Flumps won 1-0 with a runout wd mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
lol - thanks.

easiest win over hightops i will ever have/
Posts: 31,220
16 years ago  [Link]  
alexander said:
I now understand fully this tournament in all games and everything.

The only thing is why its first to 1 in "losers bracket" but 2 in "winners bracket" in the first place.

clooneman said:
First to 1, in order to hurry the rounds along. This can be changed to first to 2 at the agreement of both players, posted here on the forum, before the game(s) are begun. This is a new rule which takes effect from Round 2 onwards. If both players do not agree, best of 1 as usual.

Posts: 31,220
16 years ago  [Link]  
Hightops, thanks for taking part.

__mnm__ said:
cloone he is not on wen i am!!

Completely true. And he never replied at all to the message I sent him, the same one I sent you. Neither did you but you posted here, and that's why you go through. He's only logged one once since Monday of last week from what I can see.

So, he is disqualified.

Loser's Bracket results

Round 1
__mnm__ BYE-DQ king9ball1
familyguy0 1-0 psyco05
hightops 1-0 robbean
aflumpire BYE

psyco05, robbean, and king9ball1 are eliminated

Round 2
familyguy0 vs __mnm__
aflumpire 1-0 hightops

hightops is eliminated

berbatov_9 and the_foxes enter the Losers' Bracket at Round 3
alexander enters the Losers' Bracket at Round 5

Deadline for the remaining game: Tuesday.

Because the Winners' Bracket has been wrapped up, things are greatly simplified, and everybody is now fighting to remain in the competition. And remember: first to 1, but first to 2 if you both post here to agree to it.
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Double elimination 9 ball tournament

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