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13:17 Thu 18 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer has my been a hassle at all, in fact it gets played quicker than most games mikee.
Posts: 6,417
13:51 Thu 18 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
can a indivudual knock out cup be included for the next season?
it would be better than making Golden Cue cause with the current system straight players are always more favourable to win it.

the format i suggest:
2 games of 8US
2 games of 9US
2games of 8UK
1 game of STRAIGHT

Edited at 11:02 Thu 18/07/13 (BST)
Posts: 11,489
13:59 Thu 18 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
if u get withhin 6-10 points of a teams score u should get a point
Deleted User
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14:10 Thu 18 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
We'll consider it Eri, but wouldn't want to overshadow a return of the Players Championship. I get that it can 'favour' the straight players, but we almost definitely won't scrap it, but we'll give it a think!

And cke, I'm not sure about that one - You don't currently get points for winning a match so I don't see why you should for losing by a certain amount
Posts: 19,967
14:41 Thu 18 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Potentially you could split the golden cue into a golden cue for each game type. Then there is no advantage of being in a particular game type, and players can appear in more than one table.

Need any help with the website let me know
Posts: 22,512
16:19 Thu 18 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Would only need the straight split from it though as it is the same people in straight most of the time. The rest are evenly balanced out i think as we have seen 9US winners and 8UK winners (I mean that by who plays in that game type more)

Looks to much like players championship and that is something Chris would need to be asked if they can use it. Knock out just takes longer and this was tried by Jema and even less games got played. Was tried in the FCL to and we had less defaults in the season but more individual games unplayed.
Deleted User
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16:47 Thu 18 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It's an overall golden cue so we'll probably keep that, but going to consider inputting straight scores as they actually are, as at the moment %'s are fabricated and it's a measure of points won against points played instead of frames won against frames played.

Exactly that, I doubt we'll incorporate an individual competition - Just keep it simple with a league and a cup
Posts: 7,940
23:25 Thu 18 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Lose the bonus points, keep it simple, the idea of bonus points for each game type was obviously copied from the TCL and that was knocked by quite a few, so why it was brought in here I've no idea.

Edited at 20:28 Thu 18/07/13 (BST)
Posts: 22,512
23:31 Thu 18 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nothing was copied from the TCL in regards to the bonus point. It was actually a topic that Jema was messaged about quite a bit (this was after the TCL though, so yes its possible it was a rough idea from that league)

There is nothing wrong with a game win bonus point. TCL had mixed feelings because of the quantity of the bonuses you got or could get. If it was lowered then it would have been good i feel personally.

Also don't see anything wrong with the current format, seven game - six games is fine i think.
Deleted User
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03:14 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Lose the bonus points, keep it simple, the idea of bonus points for each game type was obviously copied from the TCL and that was knocked by quite a few, so why it was brought in here I've no idea.

Edited at 20:28 Thu 18/07/13 (BST)

I copied nothing from the TCL, I gave the members a bunch of options and let them vote on their preferred system.

I don't know what "" is all about, but I don't like what it implies.
Posts: 7,940
06:55 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
As for the scoring, I have no more to say, Jay already replied to that, but please feel free to explain what you think the implies because to me its just a wink and a smiley face.

Edited at 05:47 Fri 19/07/13 (BST)
Posts: 19,967
11:15 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You can't say it was copied from TCL, bonus points were in leagues before that and aren't an original idea. To be fair to Jema she did let the members decide via a vote. So she's hardly copied the TCL there as that didn't have a vote.
Posts: 7,940
11:32 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I've no idea what votes has to do with both leagues having bonus points for each game type and no one said everything was copied, maybe that was the wrong word to use, maybe I should've said very similar.
Posts: 11,489
13:46 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
We'll consider it Eri, but wouldn't want to overshadow a return of the Players Championship. I get that it can 'favour' the straight players, but we almost definitely won't scrap it, but we'll give it a think!

And cke, I'm not sure about that one - You don't currently get points for winning a match so I don't see why you should for losing by a certain amount

because if ur getting destroyed uve got nothing to fight for match is over but if u know u get a bp or 2 bps for getting withhin 10 points itll make for a better game than just getting destroyed
Posts: 11,489
13:48 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
if u sub a player out of a game they should be able to sub back in to what ever game type u need playing i sub a guy out of 9us and then 9us gets played ive got a sub that i cant sub back in as he can only play game type he was subbed out of stupid rule when games go to defaults because uve got subs u cant use
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:32 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If you're losing you still have points to play for as all frames count towards the table....? With the way the league is set up (and how we are looking to carry it on) the match result is cosmetic (i.e. win/loss) as you play for each point.

And (just in my opinion) that would be you're fault for a careless and unnecessary sub. One thing I'l let on now is that we are looking for a way to sort out the subbing system and resolve the tactical sub problem that's arisen.
Deleted User
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15:33 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i don't think there is a guaranteed way to sort tactical subbing, people are going to find a way to do it regardless of the rules set in place, unless you do it the way punkpoet keeps preaching about submitting a sub to a league runner for approval. this however removes the control from a captain, you cannot enforce too many rules about it as its just not good league running.

you have to remember that this is a league and subs can and will be made to better a clan as we are all fighting for the most points. if you take away the tactical subbing then whats the point in playing if you cant play to win?

its something that i have been struggling with and there really is no happy medium.
Deleted User
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16:01 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You're right in some respects.

But, what's the point in submitting team sheets if tactical subs can be made?

You're right that clans should strive to win. But you try to put out your best team on the team sheets and the fixtures should (in my opinion) stay as true to these team sheets as possible. It's a team game.

For that reason, subs should only be made for one of three reasons;

- Player inactivity
- Time clashes (i.e. timezone clashes, or one player only being able to play when another can't)
- Expressed request from one of the involved players to be subbed out (i.e. they may know that they will be inactive for the majority of the fixture set)

Any sub that is made for a different reason is purposefully going around the rules to gain points.

Black Magic have the chance to cause an upset against Professionals. For arguments sake, say fuunky hadn't already appeared in that fixture. You're saying that you'd be entirely happy if Professionals subbed out one of their players for fuunky for no reason other than to give them a better chance of winning? (No disrespect meant to the other players, purely looked at the FCL stats).

However, myself and Matty are more than happy to consider a different viewpoint/idea if there is unanimous support!
Posts: 6,417
16:39 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You're right in some respects.

For that reason, subs should only be made for one of three reasons;
- Expressed request from one of the involved players to be subbed out (i.e. they may know that they will be inactive for the majority of the fixture set)

with this can be abused too, i know a case that happened the previous season when the captain ordered his player to say that he wouldnt play due to being away for some days and than he subbed a better player instead of him. the player who was subbed out was active during the fixture time so he would have played that game without problems.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:50 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah right

It's one of those things that's always going to be open to subjectivity and as Jema said you're always going to get those isolated cases.

The first thing that needs to be decided is whether tactical subbing should be allowed or whether it should be banned...

There's no ruling on it at the moment but with all the arguments that have gone on it seems to be against the spirit of the game.

We want to ban it, but I can understand those arguments to allow it - i.e. Why shouldn't a clan be able to sub in their best players to turn around a match?

Not 100% how we will implement this yet, but if anyone has any proper ideas with regards to the sub/swap system (either side of the argument) let us know!
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