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DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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Posts: 1,357
23:44 Sat 15 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Relax on James man ,, Everything is peaches n cream :) No need .. gl klien and fpd !

Sorry mate, but annoyed that i'm being put down for being an idiot basically.

I know i said relax klien :P not you lol .. But now we all need to relax .. End of season.. New players logging and new season starting
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23:45 Sat 15 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
SL vs Phil

8us asd(2) phil(0). 9ball asd(1) phil(1). 8uk asd(2) phil(0)

v ul early on, with some scrappy games of 8uk. ggs wp gl.
Posts: 38,097
23:46 Sat 15 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Relax on James man ,, Everything is peaches n cream :) No need .. gl klien and fpd !

Sorry mate, but annoyed that i'm being put down for being an idiot basically.

I know i said relax klien :P not you lol .. But now we all need to relax .. End of season.. New players logging and new season starting

Glad i won't be in it as sad as it sounds
Posts: 2,327
23:46 Sat 15 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
What's the problem? We queried whether a player was eligible since he's clearly listed as team a on the team changes thread, incase a game was played and made void.

It's not like it's some kind of personal matter that should be avoided being spoken of on the threads, as James said, we aren't mind readers and only have the information on team changes thread to go by, which still says team a.

I don't care who plays what and which changes occur where, all I care about is that asdfghjk doesn't play a void game, not entirely sure where "tactics" come into that at all.
Posts: 2,588
23:47 Sat 15 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I hope your teammate enjoys the victory you've put a shadow on for him. I'm sure it's a memorable one. Keep playing those mind games against us. Ask ash for tips dgen he might help you in the last two games
Posts: 38,097
23:47 Sat 15 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
SL vs Phil

8us asd(2) phil(0). 9ball asd(1) phil(1). 8uk asd(2) phil(0)

v ul early on, with some scrappy games of 8uk. ggs wp gl.

Very nice mate and thanks for avenging my loss
Posts: 38,097
23:48 Sat 15 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I hope your teammate enjoys the victory you've put a shadow on for him. I'm sure it's a memorable one. Keep playing those mind games against us. Ask ash for tips dgen he might help you in the last two games

lol now its my fault Phil lost...
Posts: 38,097
23:49 Sat 15 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
What's the problem? We queried whether a player was eligible since he's clearly listed as team a on the team changes thread, incase a game was played and made void.

It's not like it's some kind of personal matter that should be avoided being spoken of on the threads, as James said, we aren't mind readers and only have the information on team changes thread to go by, which still says team a.

I don't care who plays what and which changes occur where, all I care about is that asdfghjk doesn't play a void game, not entirely sure where "tactics" come into that at all.

Simple logic, my only purpose is to screw FPD or that's what it sounds like.
Posts: 38,097
23:50 Sat 15 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season XI
2 of each (Bonus for GB/RO)

Dragon Flame A vs Phoenix A
allypunk vs legend_pot
lolumadbro vs snowden
dvz vs rapid_pot
__start__ vs mich (Sub awaiting to be approved by Keith)

Dragon Flame B 7 vs 5 Funky Pool Devils B
dgeneratio 2 vs 4 ric_flair
asdfghjk 5 vs 1 silent_phil
vixen_xox vs _stellafella (Heard Tom is Muted)
northman vs naaaaaaaaath

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 23rd October 2016
Posts: 2,327
23:51 Sat 15 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I hope your teammate enjoys the victory you've put a shadow on for him. I'm sure it's a memorable one. Keep playing those mind games against us. Ask ash for tips dgen he might help you in the last two games

Omg are you for real lol.. Phil took it personally when it wasn't, as I previously said me and James didn't even notice!I asked because Phil was still listed as team a and I didn't want asd to play a void game, as I said wayyy earlier asd is a very capable player and it's kind of insulting that his win is being put down to a "cast shadow" and manipulaion that any teams captain including yourself would have checked up on!
Posts: 2,327
00:00 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I hope your teammate enjoys the victory you've put a shadow on for him. I'm sure it's a memorable one. Keep playing those mind games against us. Ask ash for tips dgen he might help you in the last two games

lol now its my fault Phil lost...

Yes it's our fault, it was totally manipulative of us to ask if a player listed in team a was eligible to play in team b before both players wasted time playing.. Naughty us.
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00:00 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Stirring the pot again ashgeneratio?

Posts: 38,097
00:01 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Omg is he for real lol.. Phil took it personally when it wasn't, as I previously said me and James didn't even notice!I asked because Phil was still listed as team a and I didn't want asd to play a void game, as I said wayyy earlier asd is a very capable player and it's kind of insulting that his win is being put down to a "cast shadow" and manipulaion that any teams captain including yourself would have checked up on!

Simple really, even though Phil posted and i responded, i posted so negatively that i put Phil in a negative mindset which then turned into bad luck for him all due to my posting then our player won heavily.

Not much about ability but it is about me and me alone caused Phil to lose.

Least that is what Klien is suggesting.

I know me and Phil had disagreements today but my opinion hasn't changed and still my friend.
Posts: 2,327
00:03 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
On a brighter note, very well played asd, great result, Phil, like yourself is a very capable player, so thanks for getting it played amidst all this craziness!
Posts: 4,046
00:06 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the whole thing stinks to high heaven. Should be replayed and asdfghk has to play left handed with one eye shut.
Posts: 1,357
00:08 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
asdfghjk YOU ARE A BEAST!!!!!!!! Noob told me a month ago how good you been this season! And buddy he was right !!! Great win lets get the win!
Posts: 4,046
00:11 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
And if there was ever any issue with epicshot and ric flair playing together it has been sorted as ric is playing the kind of pool epic can only dream about. Obviously different players

So that frees you up to play for FPD bud. Great news eh!!
Posts: 1,357
00:12 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
And if there was ever any issue with epicshot and ric flair playing together it has been sorted as ric is playing the kind of pool epic can only dream about. Obviously different players

So that frees you up to play for FPD bud. Great news eh!!

lol This is epicshot imaginary girlfriend! How rude buckjam!
Posts: 2,588
00:13 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
And if there was ever any issue with epicshot and ric flair playing together it has been sorted as ric is playing the kind of pool epic can only dream about. Obviously different players

So that frees you up to play for FPD bud. Great news eh!!

I don't know, I'd have to think about taking any more DFE players considering ashgeneratio likes to play mind games with em before the game starts.

Just wish people would have some common sense, like i'd actually field an ineligible player, i know the rules better than ashgeneratio and know exactly what isn't allowed. Come to me or keith before posting a load of BS before the game has even been played in future.
Posts: 2,327
00:13 Sun 16 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
asdfghjk YOU ARE A BEAST!!!!!!!! Noob told me a month ago how good you been this season! And buddy he was right !!! Great win lets get the win!

He is a great player, and has had excellent results all season especially vs uprising, I never had any doubt he'd get a good result for us which is precisely why I didn't want his game to be void !

I'll see if Tom has time to play tonight otherwise we'll play in the week we see each other often enough so shouldn't be an issue.
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DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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