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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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Posts: 14,736
23:10 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Season 16 Final Table

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Congratulations to Phoenix Reapers A for winning
Congratulations to Phoenix Reapers B for coming 3rd too

AWESOME Stuff guys...Thank you and Well Done.

Posts: 38,097
23:13 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done on the FBL Win
Posts: 184
23:13 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Wow what can I say?

Full credit to the slave master, the runner the one and only captain fantastic. Well done Ash.

We all done this just fir you pal.

Just so you didn't have to do any hard work playing yourself mate. We're all so much indebted to you for giving us your time.

Posts: 14,736
23:25 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks mate - The pleasure's been all mine...what can i say..this is for all those who said we are just a team never going to amount to anything and just watch another one win everything....i salute you for your words of wisdom. (Cheers)

Not only did my excellent (if I do say so myself) motivational skills work wonders but their steel and even more dedication to succeed became even more increased thanks do the doubters.

Also like to dedicate this TITLE to the fantastic team we have on and off the tables. It's been a fun season and thanks for being truly considerate and not expecting me to bend down and arch my back over a pool cue any longer than necessary. My back owes you...oh so much gratitude.

Top stuff guys....a real pleasure to be the Co Captain here and we still have the Playoffs and GSC to fight for.

C'mon Phoenix. 1st & 3rd - AWESOME!!!
Posts: 1,617
23:43 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
does it go by points or frames won to do the standings of the tables
Posts: 2,588
23:48 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I know how Ash is feeling right now, It's like playing football manager and you've just won the League Cup with Stoke ..

Gratz tho guys, well played .
Posts: 14,736
23:49 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Not a bad Prediction 3 months ago:

Posts: 13,576
Online 3 months ago
FCL WINNER: Uprising
RUNNER UP: Phoenix Reapers
RACE FOR THIRD: DFE vs Black Scorpions

FBL WINNER: Phoenix Reapers
RACE FOR THIRD: Uprising vs FPD's

SL WINNER: Uprising Originals

GSC: Phoenix Reapers
RUNNER UP: Uprising

GOLDEN CUE (FCL, FBL): legend_pot, dv8


TEAMS TO FOLD: None - IF 1 goes - we all go.

TWO PLAYERS TO GET BANNED: None, a few muted instead.

WILL THE SITE STILL BE HERE IN 2017 YES/NO: Yes - but members below 10 unfortunately.

COMMENTS: I think Uprising will be very selective and strategic with their FCL lineups and will ultimately win the FCL from doing so, the FBL I think Phoenix Reapers IF all our players stay interested and active have the more varied & versatile squad to mount a serious title challenge. DFE will be the dark horses but any team with Harry and dvz at their disposal plus some decent acquisitions have the potential to cause many upsets. legend_pot will be too strong in the FCL and dv8 will be awesome in the FBL - all in all though I hope for a good season, hopefully a completed one with less disagreements throughout. The best of luck to us ALL and let's try to savour what we have....whilst we have it.
Posts: 9,926
23:50 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
does it go by points or frames won to do the standings of the tables

FBL has always been each individual game so it is the frames.

I always do points at the end for a comparison, Phoenix reapers A would have won both formats, but Phoenix reapers B would have been way down from third.
Posts: 38,097
23:51 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
does it go by points or frames won to do the standings of the tables


Points then Frame Difference.

Each match you win = 2
Each match you draw = 1

so each match counts even if the overall fixture is decided.
Posts: 2,588
23:52 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
does it go by points or frames won to do the standings of the tables

FBL has always been each individual game so it is the frames.

I always do points at the end for a comparison, Phoenix reapers A would have won both formats, but Phoenix reapers B would have been way down from third.

Well its not really frames considering its individual games 2 - 0 and 1 - 1 are the only scores available.
Posts: 38,097
23:52 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
^ Keith is too quick
Posts: 1,617
23:52 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
does it go by points or frames won to do the standings of the tables

FBL has always been each individual game so it is the frames.

I always do points at the end for a comparison, Phoenix reapers A would have won both formats, but Phoenix reapers B would have been way down from third.

ok thanks for explaining horse
Posts: 9,926
23:54 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
does it go by points or frames won to do the standings of the tables

FBL has always been each individual game so it is the frames.

I always do points at the end for a comparison, Phoenix reapers A would have won both formats, but Phoenix reapers B would have been way down from third.

Well its not really frames considering its individual games 2 - 0 and 1 - 1 are the only scores available.

Yes totally agree but the table says frames, so it is easier to call it frames as opposed to individual matches.
Posts: 38,097
23:58 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If it needs to be changed, if their is a new season, i can code to fixture wins/losses or something? Individual matches may not work unless you include every frame score.
Posts: 53
00:34 Tue 4 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL has it's own thread for these sort off discussions guys ;)..

Thanks for the season, it's been a great one.. Always nice to win something so thanks Ash for carrying this team to be champions.. Cheers lads!
Posts: 14,736
00:55 Tue 4 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks mate...You're welcome.
Posts: 1,617
01:27 Tue 4 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL has it's own thread for these sort off discussions guys ;)..

Thanks for the season, it's been a great one.. Always nice to win something so thanks Ash for carrying this team to be champions.. Cheers lads!

was just asking a question as i was unsure
Posts: 2,062
19:44 Tue 4 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice win in Fbl.
Posts: 14,736
20:05 Tue 4 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks mate, appreciated.
Posts: 6,417
00:14 Wed 5 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Golden Cue

These are the final standings of the Golden Cue. Players must have played at least 5 games to qualify for it.

Congratulations to legend_pot for winning it!

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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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