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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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Posts: 14,736
22:55 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay I'll ask...will let you know.
Posts: 1,111
22:59 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm online now so can either play thepoolgod or ferretlady in the 2 FBL games
Posts: 14,736
23:06 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You play thepoolgod and confirm that overall win mate and I'll play ferretlady when sorted laptop.

Posts: 7,297
23:08 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You play thepoolgod and confirm that overall win mate and I'll play ferretlady when sorted laptop.


HAHA We was all right , Ash subs himself out again !
Posts: 14,736
23:10 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
What are you whinging at now? The match is getting played...that's all you should be concerned about.
Posts: 7,297
23:11 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
tenner says Ash will sub himself out of it tomorrow
Posts: 14,736
23:12 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok, i'll just be doing stuff in the room. Post on here when he comes on and i'll see it if I don't already (and I will log back in if I get logged out before then)

Sure will do and thanks - Karl just replied to fausts post and says he would play but unfortunately he's working tonight now.
Posts: 9,926
23:13 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
GSC Cup - Unplayed Game

allypunk v andyw1

I have looked at information provided by both teams and it would be a close decision for the default.

In the interest of fairness as it is the cup and no one would like to win or draw on a default, both of the players have until next Sunday 2nd October to play the original game.

If the game is not played in those 7 days, i will do a default which will be based entirely on the 7 days nothing that has gone before. Both players are active so if they communicate and agree a time no reason why it should not be completed.

Any issues or questions regarding this please feel free to message me offline.

Posts: 14,736
23:15 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I think that's the fairest decision Keith...thank you and we will try to ensure andyw1 plays this fixture by next Sunday.
Posts: 7,297
23:16 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
What are you whinging at now? The match is getting played...that's all you should be concerned about.

Your shocking Ash , All these messages you ever send are pointless as you always too scared to actually play 1 match and subs out ALWAYS!
Posts: 14,736
23:22 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Why is your player now avoiding legend_pot? He just logged out, i've notified him about the change and he's gone.

Can you send him a message to return or may we have another player...legend_pot's online and ready to play.

Posts: 7,297
23:27 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Why is your player now avoiding legend_pot? He just logged out, i've notified him about the change and he's gone.

Can you send him a message to return or may we have another player...legend_pot's online and ready to play.


thepoolgod has been active throughout so no sub will be made . Hes even played davy tonight in FCL so for you to mess him about serves you right !
Posts: 4,230
23:27 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
tenner says Ash will sub himself out of it tomorrow

ah well nothing new here.

Pathetic, ash
Posts: 7,297
23:30 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
tenner says Ash will sub himself out of it tomorrow

ah well nothing new here.

Pathetic, ash

Hang your head in shame ash. Proved us all right !
Posts: 14,736
23:33 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Sub: Phoenix Reapers B vs Ultras
Now: _egley_ vs zantetsukenz
Prev: mr_tumble/andyw1 vs dark_chocco
Posts: 4,046
23:35 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Hahahahahahaha. So funny, hahahahaha. Clown
Posts: 116
23:42 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Been on for quite a few hours and need to leave in about 10-15 mins if game isn't started sorry. Anyone else available to sub in?
Posts: 14,736
23:46 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll have to play it - not at home and not in silence so this should be fun.

Give me 2 mins

Prev: mich vs ferretlady
Now: _knightmare_ vs ferretlady
Posts: 116
23:47 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks, chances are you'll still win! See you shortly.
Posts: 133
23:49 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Good evening

I'm back
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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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