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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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Posts: 38,097
20:17 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys, Dvz and Alex may play from 10 pm after Killer Final but if he isn't around from passing out then Harry has permission to sub in as well but from the same time.

Posts: 14,736
20:30 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Set 2 (28/08/2016 >>> 25/09/2016)
Deadline: 25/09/2016

Subs Permitted: 18/09/2016

Phoenix Reapers A

Phoenix Reapers A (4) vs (2) Black Scorpions B
8us: mich (0) vs (2) veyron (2-5)
9us: (s) versatile (2) vs (0) mufc_man (s) (5-2)
8uk: (s) joeyy/_knightmare_/legend_pot_vs thepoolgod (swp) (s) (Online from 7pm Sun)
Str: rapid_pot (2) vs (0) tonyc455

Phoenix Reapers A (2) vs (4) Goats
8us: (s) rapid_pot (2) vs (0) immortal (s) (5-0)
9us: (s) versatile vs apples_back ?
8uk: (s) mich (0) vs (2) horse10000 (s) (2-5)
Str: legend_pot (0) vs (2) turtle1560

Phoenix Reapers A (5) vs (1) FPD's B
8us: joeyy (1) vs (1) naaaaaaath (4-4)
9us: versatile (2) vs (0) watchinawe (6-2)
8uk: (s) mich/legend_pot vs ferretlady
Str: rapid_pot (2) vs (0) hustler_1987

Phoenix Reapers A (7) vs (1) DFE A - Completed
8us: (s) joeyy (2) vs (0) vixen_xox (s)
9us: 2pac786 (1) vs (1) matttt (4-4)
8uk: versatile (2) vs (0) silent_phil (5-2)
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) dgeneratio
Posts: 14,736
20:32 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Set 2 (28/08/2016 >>> 25/09/2016)
Deadline: 25/09/2016

Subs Permitted: 18/09/2016

Phoenix Reapers B

Phoenix Reapers B (4) vs (4) Goats - Complete
8us: (s) friendyboy (1) vs (1) immortal (s) (4-4)
9us: letsgochamp (0) vs (2) apples_back (3-5)
8uk: andyw1 (2) vs (0) erigert (5-2)
Str: dead_silence (1) vs (1) turtle1560

Phoenix Reapers B (6) vs (2) FPD's B - Complete
8us: friendyboy (2) vs (0) ric_flair (5-1)
9us: _egley_ (1) vs (1) watchinawe (4-4)
8uk: davyb0207 (1) vs (1) _stellafella (4-4)
Str: mr_tumble (2) vs (0) hustler_1987

Phoenix Reapers B (2) vs (2) Ultras
8us: (swp) kirk (2) vs (0) miss_harriet (5-0)
9us: friendyboy (0) vs (2) thegame26 (3-5)
8uk: (swp) mr_tumble/andyw1 vs dark_chocco
Str: (s) davyb0207 vs corsair (s)

Phoenix Reapers B (3) vs (5) FPD's A - Complete
8us: davyb0207 (0) vs (2) crazy_greg (3-5)
9us: letsgochamp (4) vs (4) scottyjr (s)
8uk: kirk (1) vs (1) buckjam (4-4)
Str: dead_silence (1) vs (1) whocares8x8

Phoenix Reapers B (4) vs (2) DFE A
8us: kirk (0) vs (2) lolumadbro (0-5)
9us: davyb0207 (2) vs (0) _epicshot_ (5-3)
8uk: andyw1 (2) vs (0) __start__ (5-0)
Str: (s) friendyboy vs dvz/w_hoolahan (10pm onwards)
Format: 8 Frames of your type given or 2 frames only of Straight.
Posts: 14,736
20:41 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL match

Str: davyb02017 vs corsair - corsair supposedly will be online tonight if not by 730 we'll get a sub.

Hope that helps davyb0207 mate?

Edited at 18:14 Sun 25/09/16 (BST)
Posts: 116
20:47 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm available to play if anyone can sub in? Been on for a few hours but no one has appeared yet x
Posts: 14,736
21:12 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm available to play if anyone can sub in? Been on for a few hours but no one has appeared yet x

Can you be online this evening? IF mich cannot make it...we'll sort you an alternate player.

Posts: 133
21:16 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Results

davy 10 - 5 thepoolgod

8 ball: 3 - 2
9 ball: 3 - 2
8 ball uk: 4 - 1

8 ball and 9 ball: was close and a bit luck pulled me through the deciders. He was a bit unlucky on positions sometimes.
8 ball uk: not sure what is going on. Everything i try is going right here with a run out in the 2nd game and 4th game.
18:59 Sun 25/09/16 8 Ball Pool UK - davyb0207 broke and cleared up!
18:51 Sun 25/09/16 8 Ball Pool UK - davyb0207 broke and cleared up!
3 run outs now in the last 3 break shots i played in this game.

I'm hungry for more

Good games and good luck mate.
Posts: 133
21:28 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi team

I was very active, but i have no problem if the team subs me out against corsair.

I'm not sure if i can stay online the whole evening waiting for corsair. I also don't blame him, because i don't know for which reason he is offline 6 days.

Feel free to sub me out of this game.
Posts: 10,109
21:30 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi team

I was very active, but i have no problem if the team subs me out against corsair.

I'm not sure if i can stay online the whole evening waiting for corsair. I also don't blame him, because i don't know for which reason he is offline 6 days.

Feel free to sub me out of this game.

I'll sub in Zante to play you if you can hang on until 7
Posts: 4,231
21:36 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
tenner says Ash will sub himself out of it tomorrow
Posted Image
Posts: 7,297
21:44 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
8UK: thepoolgod vs joeyy/ legend_pot / _knightmare_

Any updates as thepoolgod was online earlier and played davy .
Posts: 1,142
21:48 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
8UK: thepoolgod vs joeyy/ legend_pot / _knightmare_

Any updates as thepoolgod was online earlier and played davy .

What's the best time for thepoolgod to play? Ash will be on 9/10 this evening, legend_pot is coming online shortly so it depends what's easiest for your guy?
Posts: 116
22:22 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm available to play if anyone can sub in? Been on for a few hours but no one has appeared yet x

Can you be online this evening? IF mich cannot make it...we'll sort you an alternate player.


That's no problem, mich said 6.30 but hasn't turned up. About to have dinner then I'll be on all evening.
Posts: 14,736
22:28 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay fair enough - when you return we'll have you a player.
Posts: 19,967
22:38 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
do you have anybody about now for the other game outstanding in FBL or is it just tumble or andy? I can play now to get it done with, then it's just the davy match which Stu will sort when davy is back
Posts: 14,736
22:46 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
do you have anybody about now for the other game outstanding in FBL or is it just tumble or andy? I can play now to get it done with, then it's just the davy match which Stu will sort when davy is back

I can try and get _egley_ online for you?
Posts: 19,967
22:47 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah, if he can come on soon i'll play him. The sooner the better really but i'd give him til 8:30 at the latest before i'd have to go. But there could be someone else to play him by then
Posts: 14,736
22:48 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Says he can make it for 8:30pm mate IF the fixtures still remaining mate - so keep a look out for andyw1 or mr_tumble too.

I've messaged Karl also for you on FB.
Posts: 10,109
22:54 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Says he can make it for 8:30pm mate IF the fixtures still remaining mate - so keep a look out for andyw1 or mr_tumble too.

I've messaged Karl also for you on FB.

If Karl comes on I'll sub in and play him FBL
Posts: 19,967
22:55 Sun 25 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok, i'll just be doing stuff in the room. Post on here when he comes on and i'll see it if I don't already (and I will log back in if I get logged out before then)
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Phoenix Reapers: Defending GSC & NEW FBL Champions :) - Awesome Since Day #1

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