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Phoenix Reapers: "Masters of our own Destiny!" (Defending: GSC Champions)

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Posts: 17
18:45 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
cheers mate :) been playing lolumadbro in straight...watching him you will learn how to break build
you keeping ok? Just about to have a beer and watch the GAA myself
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18:47 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
cheers mate :) been playing lolumadbro in straight...watching him you will learn how to break build
you keeping ok? Just about to have a beer and watch the GAA myself

Haha are you having a laugh m8? You taught me a lesson in the last games lol, class player.
Posts: 14,736
18:50 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I know what you mean I learnt from watching shadows tbh, learn the angles etc for the split. (I'm still useless lol)

Yeah I'm okay thanks mate, just over my mum's doing little errands as she cannot do them herself and dad is about as helpful as a millipede with no legs.

Watching the MUFC reserves in the background vs Port Vale, Galatasaray later
Posts: 38,097
18:53 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah me too, i learned from daily 16-1 defeats vs destiny for two years in Orig.

Felt like a Zombie watching him clear frame after frame but i got better due to it
Posts: 17
19:03 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah me too, i learned from daily 16-1 defeats vs destiny for two years in Orig.

Felt like a Zombie watching him clear frame after frame but i got better due to it

yeah you can only get better by playing the best. Who taught destiny though haha.
Posts: 38,097
19:04 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah me too, i learned from daily 16-1 defeats vs destiny for two years in Orig.

Felt like a Zombie watching him clear frame after frame but i got better due to it

yeah you can only get better by playing the best. Who taught destiny though haha.

The 22" monitor did He can't play well on lower monitors unlike Damien and Seb
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19:10 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah me too, i learned from daily 16-1 defeats vs destiny for two years in Orig.

Felt like a Zombie watching him clear frame after frame but i got better due to it

yeah you can only get better by playing the best. Who taught destiny though haha.

Have you got any tips for consistently crap players?
Posts: 10,109
19:11 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
So it's now my players fault you can't make a sub due to him being offline...really? You could've easily made a sub at the beginning of week 4 (that's what subs are there for: to assist with completing fixtures) therefore enabling both team' players a full week to arrange and get the fixture played. Now panic stations it's my players fault. You can make subs with opponents offline too, fresh has only got to log on and see who his opponent is and message them. Subs are to benefit both teams not just to be made/played when players are online or when it suits

I trust _fresh_ has made efforts to get this played and will try his utmost to have it completed vs whoever by Sundays Deadline. He even acknowledged the fixture and informed me 19 days ago his efforts and intentions:

_fresh_ _fresh_
Ive spoken with corsair already and will now message kingdadcool and Wales lad to hopefully get them arranged ASAP.

Hope your well matey
Sent 19 days ago

I see you've subbed in vs centralsteel (FCL)I'm sure _fresh_ won't mind the same gesture when he's next online.


We'll see how many messages each player has sent and let the default speak for itself. It's about the communication between players, not how active they are.
Posts: 14,736
19:13 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Surely playing on a wider screen makes it more difficult too? With the pockets being in different hemispheres lol. I much prefer to play on a 15"6 or maximum 17"3 screen. I tried my 42" TV via hdmi and couldn't see the far right side pockets when lining up my shots.

Lost my meter ruler stick
Posts: 14,736
19:16 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree faust, I'm sure they will both try to complete it by Midnight tomorrow.
Posts: 10,109
19:16 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  

I see you've subbed in vs centralsteel (FCL)I'm sure _fresh_ won't mind the same gesture when he's next online.

Yes I have, you should try it sometime. I'm off work tomorrow if you fancy growing a pair?
Posts: 14,736
19:20 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll check my diary and get back to you with that, sounds like a good challenge though.

It will also depend upon fresh' efforts too (vs corsair) though as my players efforts are never just dismissed

Edited at 16:23 Sat 30/07/16 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
19:21 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Surely playing on a wider screen makes it more difficult too? With the pockets being in different hemispheres lol. I much prefer to play on a 15"6 or maximum 17"3 screen. I tried my 42" TV via hdmi and couldn't see the far right side pockets when lining up my shots.

Lost my meter ruler stick

I heard after 24" table angles get smaller.
Posts: 14,736
19:25 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
They might but if you cannot see the pockets peripherally then what use are angles?
Posts: 17
19:51 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
They might but if you cannot see the pockets peripherally then what use are angles?

to be fair I don't think the game was designed to run on a 42" TV
Posts: 14,736
19:54 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Fair point, very true. It did look and appear very strange tbh, especially using a black cloth and being able to see the circular ringed effect from the center of the screen. Felt like playing on a football pitch lol.

Quite off putting.
Posts: 38,097
19:58 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Think its designed for a 24" monitor maximum, thats what palosalama had and he was decent at orig.
Posts: 17
20:11 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
why is their no original sized table/balls on pool? I think an original version of straight would be decent.
Posts: 14,736
20:12 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay fair enough, never heard of that player. I'm going to repost my teams fixtures now.

Posts: 38,097
20:15 Sat 30 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
why is their no original sized table/balls on pool? I think an original version of straight would be decent.

Always wanted an Orig Table on Pool but never happened
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Phoenix Reapers: "Masters of our own Destiny!" (Defending: GSC Champions)

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