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The Cues Brothers - "We're On A Mission From God"

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Deleted User
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9 years ago  [Link]  
Cues Bro's B v Uprising Originals
beemerken v w_hoolahan
blueberry v w_hoolahan

Edited at 19:47 Fri 18/03/16 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
9 years ago  [Link]  
FBL: Cues Brothers B v Phoenix Revenge A
SUB 9us
Was: fastboysam vs shadows
Now: hippesville vs shadows
Posts: 37
9 years ago  [Link]  
uk 8 ball
scarlets2k15 1 - 2 dgeneratio
ran the rack
us 8 ball
scarlets2k15 0 - 2 dgeneratio

us 9 ball
scarlets2k15 0 - 2 dgeneratio

final score
scarlets2k15 1 - 6 dgeneratio
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
9 years ago  [Link]  
ul scarlets,,thanks for playing
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
9 years ago  [Link]  
_egley_ out of the team his wish as he wasnt happy,,,wish granted

_takeiteasy_ thanks for leaving it for me again
Posts: 6,262
9 years ago  [Link]  
I have PM'd you Colin.

UMM, no you haven't matey x
Posts: 7,297
9 years ago  [Link]  
_egley_ out of the team his wish as he wasnt happy,,,wish granted

_takeiteasy_ thanks for leaving it for me again

Can we have a sub for _egley_ in SL cheers.

Also spoke to _talkiteasy_ earlier and we arranged to play tonight but he message me back saying he was unable too due to personal issue. I'm free tomorrow night only so if he can't play then I will need a sub cheers. I have another match arranged sunday night so tomorrow night I would prefer at 10pm.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
9 years ago  [Link]  
_egley_ out of the team his wish as he wasnt happy,,,wish granted,,after he plays his last game for us v bigcj12

_takeiteasy_ thanks for leaving it for me again

Can we have a sub for _egley_ in SL cheers.

Also spoke to _talkiteasy_ earlier and we arranged to play tonight but he message me back saying he was unable too due to personal issue. I'm free tomorrow night only so if he can't play then I will need a sub cheers. I have another match arranged sunday night so tomorrow night I would prefer at 10pm.

both of yas will need subbing if you can only play tomoz night ,,as sunday is still a day ,,you have 1 match,,,wow m8 ,,,well if connor cant make it sunday neither can you alternative subs from both sides will have to be arranged ,,,no dictating your preference 10 leaves 2 hours for a deadline match ,,best way is both of yas sub out lee,

Edited at 23:10 Fri 18/03/16 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
9 years ago  [Link]  
_egley_ out of the team his wish as he wasnt happy,,,wish granted

_takeiteasy_ thanks for leaving it for me again

Edited at 23:24 Fri 18/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 7,297
9 years ago  [Link]  
_egley_ out of the team his wish as he wasnt happy,,,wish granted,,after he plays his last game for us v bigcj12

_takeiteasy_ thanks for leaving it for me again

Can we have a sub for _egley_ in SL cheers.

Also spoke to _talkiteasy_ earlier and we arranged to play tonight but he message me back saying he was unable too due to personal issue. I'm free tomorrow night only so if he can't play then I will need a sub cheers. I have another match arranged sunday night so tomorrow night I would prefer at 10pm.

both of yas will need subbing if you can only play tomoz night ,,as sunday is still a day ,,you have 1 match,,,wow m8 ,,,well if connor cant make it sunday neither can you alternative subs from both sides will have to be arranged ,,,no dictating your preference 10 leaves 2 hours for a deadline match ,,best way is both of yas sub out lee,

Edited at 23:10 Fri 18/03/16 (GMT)

I can play both nights but would prefer tomorrow night as I do have another clan match arranged sunday night. IF connor can't make it I would like a sub please ty
Posts: 13,570
9 years ago  [Link]  
How long does a match take????.....mehhh anyways

FBL 9US hippes 3 - 5 shadows
should of at least drawn as underhit a 3 to foul and give 1 rack away, but hey ho, good player and sound as a pound ggs
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
9 years ago  [Link]  
ul m8 cheers for getting it done so fast
Posts: 13,570
9 years ago  [Link]  
ul m8 cheers for getting it done so fast

Posts: 13,570
9 years ago  [Link]  
Playing phil tonight at 11ish
Posts: 13,570
9 years ago  [Link]  
FBL hippes 4 - 4 silent_phil

v ggs and quite a high standard in quite a few.
always a pleasure and enjoy playin him. best of luck
Posts: 10,109
9 years ago  [Link]  
cgibson92 v sarahh
is now
ritcho v sarahh

Need a sub for Sarah guys
Posts: 10,109
9 years ago  [Link]  
SL Sub

w_hoolahan v blueberry
is now
clifton188 v blueberry
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
Hi. scottyjr wont be able to get this one against _wales_lad_. Seb said he will be on tonight. Can we try and set up someone to play him if Aled's not about? Let me know when you can. Cheers
Posts: 7,297
9 years ago  [Link]  
sub please for _takeiteasy_ - hes messed me about enough cheers. He also said he would let me know last night at 6pm then i will get a sub , sub please ! Deadline tonight .
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
i rarely see Ang on during the day and i know Sam/Ally are day players so going to swap to accommodate timezones here.

I have Sam on Facebook too and i think he gets notifications so will do swap now.


poolbiird vs fastboysam
allypunk vs blueberry


poolbiird vs blueberry
allypunk vs fastboysam

* Blue Ang is free after 9 pm most evenings, Cheers

Sorry if any arrangements are made, trying to suit both
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The Cues Brothers - "We're On A Mission From God"

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