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Dragon Flame Eminence

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Posts: 2,588
01:41 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
why don't you sign one for once instead, makes a change, now let this be dfe clan as it should be, thanks.


We signed blackcabman7

All players nobody else wanted, we actually have over 16 players because we believe everyone should be able to participate in clans if they wanted.

We signed free agents like count_raven and triple_b...

How DONT we sign players?!?! Are you off your head?!
Posts: 1,169
02:19 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lateo1993 vs cgibson92

8US: 2 - 3
9US: 2 - 3 2 run outs by them
8UK: 1 - 4 run out by them in last frame

Overall 5 - 10

felt bit hard done in 8us, 9us, handed them first frame then he got a runout in 2nd and 4th (both his breaks), yet another result thats gotten away, not pleased but luck deserted me again through out, although there a top player who played well, definately could of won, but not much you can do when they get 3 run outs, two losses in a row of 10-5 that i could of won, poor results on my part

good laugh and good guy to chat with, good luck with rest of the season cgibson92
Posts: 5,821
02:37 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
]why don't you sign one for once instead, makes a change, now let this be dfe clan as it should be, thanks

We signed blackcabman7

All players nobody else wanted, we actually have over 16 players because we believe everyone should be able to participate in clans if they wanted.

We signed free agents like count_raven and triple_b...

How DONT we sign players?!?! Are you off your head]when i ran a clan i took any body they got to start some where that why kien a buckjam are doing the same thing on here they the only clan that does it on here i was with this clan last season but left then buckjam ask me back when no other clan offered me a place
Posts: 1,169
02:51 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
exactly the same when i ran my own clan years back, when this site was busy and worth the time of day
Posts: 5,821
02:53 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
yp total agree with u they where the best days on here
Posts: 2,327
03:17 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
We signed thegreatone, g_h_o_s_t and currently cuester that nobody else wanted either.

Klien told me I was free to approach fpd's "c team" since they want more games than they are currently getting. I wonder why that was?

And we aren't struggling since we signed allypunk (and currently waiting on a reply from cuester so he gets first refusal) as all new signings would be to replace inactivity.

And just a FYI triple_b was originally meant to be with this team, and count_raven was asked.
Posts: 2,588
03:20 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
We signed thegreatone, g_h_o_s_t and currently cuester that nobody else wanted either.

Klien told me I was free to approach fpd's "c team" since they want more games than they are currently getting. I wonder why that was?

And we aren't struggling since we signed allypunk (and currently waiting on a reply from cuester so he gets first refusal) as all new signings would be to replace inactivity.

And just a FYI triple_b was originally meant to be with this team, and count_raven was asked.

Count Raven was asked after we signed him.. Wonder why...

Triple b would for very good reasons never join you... I wouldn't either after last season...

And team c are now off limits as every one of them is needed. I only offered at the time as we were in a good state and you were apparently desperate.. But I doubt any of them would want to leave FPD anyway, and I wouldn't want any of them too leave either.
Posts: 2,327
03:23 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well you would say that now wouldn't you. Because bucky has always had the motto he will sign weaker players and you wanted rid of them without anybody being able to say that you pushed them out to bring in stronger players. Otherwise they'd be as important as anyone else and you'd have said "feel free to approach anyone" rather than just your c team.

And no count_raven was not asked after you signed him at all, because James asked him as soon as he came over from snooker.
Posts: 2,588
03:26 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Are you being serious.. I don't know how you dare accuse me of that. At the time FPD c had 7 players and FPD a has 5 active players and B had 6 active players. Hence why I said you could try and see if anyone in c wanted more games ... I did also state that I would prefer to keep them but wouldn't begrudge them leaving for more games...

Way to try and twist my words. If I was lying I would deny it all, but I'm not. But I definitely never meant it to try and get rid of anyone. In fact I consider watch (a team c player) one of my best friends on here and ever since I rejoined this site me and him have been in the same clan.

You really are a word - twisting, manipulative, hateful woman.
Posts: 2,327
03:29 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Omg I'm hateful just because I'm repeating what YOU said to me? And you only said 'you'd prefer to keep them' AFTER I even said to you that that's your way of getting rid of the weaker players without anyone judging you.

And I'm not lying about that either, so you can say whatever you choose, you've had a bee in your bonnet all night.
Posts: 2,588
03:32 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
im sick of you calling them weak players.. Watchinawe and ric_flair could roll over you blindfolded. I don't know how you dare even accuse me of that.. I actually have pms with buckjam about the whole thing that shows in what way I meant the offer.

Just because you only recruit the best and won't accept 'weaker' players doesn't mean that every other captain wants to get rid of weaker players too.
Posts: 2,327
03:37 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I wasn't referring to them as weaker players through personal opinion I was referring to the reason you wanted rid. Hence why it was only your "c team" I was 'allowed' to approach. Because your "c team" in comparison to A and B is your 'weaker' team.

And we only recruit the best is a completely idiotic thing to say after I just pointed out that we've recruited 3 players nobody else wanted either.
Posts: 2,588
03:42 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've already stated that, at the time, the C team had 7 active players whilst the A team was struggling for activity and the B team only had 6. I made the offer out of kindness and did state it would benefit watchinawe and ric who would like more games and definitely get better with more games.

You know what, I don't care. I know watch and ric and co. Know me better than you do and will know what I meant by the offer. Watch just this evening subbed in at the drop of a hat and beat your player 5-1. He is perhaps one of the clans best team players in the sense that he is reliable, active and never complains.

My kindness apparently only gets me so far when it comes to hateful, manipulative people like you. You seriously are a piece of work vixen, won't be happy until you have ruined clans just that little bit more. Putting players off of clans more and more and I'm here persuading those players to come back to clans (triple_b).. So ask yourself.. Who's doing the good work here?
Posts: 2,327
03:47 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
My kindness apparently only gets me so far when it comes to hateful, manipulative people like you. You seriously are a piece of work vixen, won't be happy until you have ruined clans just that little bit more. Putting players off of clans more and more and I'm here persuading those players to come back to clans (triple_b).. So ask yourself.. Who's doing the good work here?

Oh get a life. Manipulative is rich coming from you, if I was this gigantic manipulative mega beast that you try to make me out to be, we wouldn't have been struggling for anything.

You can defend yourself to whichever point you like, your comment about the c team clearly made me think you were trying to get rid of them at the time as I even said it to you in PM, with nobody else there to benefit from it, or was I being 'manipulative, and trying to ruin clans forever'?
Posts: 2,588
03:49 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
And I clearly told you right there in pm that wasn't the case and explained it to you.. Yet you still post it just to get one over on me because of what happened earlier and after cabbie's posts. Anyway that's enough for tonight.. Think we've both done enough damage.
Posts: 4,046
03:49 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jesus..........reign it in for cryin out loud. this should have been over 4 hrs ago.If i was fungy i wouldnt join either clan. Just leave it now cause one of you or both is going to get banned in a minute and what good are you then. Please!!!!!!!
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04:26 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Listen as both of you are in my DREAM TEAM and i am captain i'm demanding you 2 kiss and makeup !!!! We are a team klien and Dee Dee .. When you play for Jack you have class
Posts: 2,327
04:28 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Listen as both of you are in my DREAM TEAM and i am captain i'm demanding you 2 kiss and makeup !!!! We are a team klien and Dee Dee .. When you play for Jack you have class

You know pepsi doesn't taste so good when it shoots out your nose..
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:30 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Listen as both of you are in my DREAM TEAM and i am captain i'm demanding you 2 kiss and makeup !!!! We are a team klien and Dee Dee .. When you play for Jack you have class

You know pepsi doesn't taste so good when it shoots out your nose..

LOL see i'm already pulling us together as a team!!
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(IP Logged)
04:37 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Until you need to replace any inactives
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Dragon Flame Eminence

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