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Posts: 914
00:38 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good stuff Potty mate. Unlucky chalkie but cracking comeback mate. Will update later or get Mich too.

Oh Jimmy, i should have mentioned something to you... just so you're aware of your players' situations. Those times are my ideal times to play. If my opponents, and i'm speaking generally here (not specifically Cam, but any opponent)... If they're not able to play at my ideal times then I can be flexible and re-arrange my day to suit most.

If nothing is pre-arranged then you can can always take it that I'll respond to the needs of the group and play what needs playing. But the later I'm on, the more drunk I am!

Oh, and i play under the same name over on funkysnooker.

That's no problem at all mate, thanks for letting me know. Just give us a message if you struggle to get any played and we'll sort a swap out.
Posts: 914
00:39 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
13 players is plenty, team's looking great and we've got some spaces if more beauties come available

Bet you never thought we'd do it lol.
Deleted User
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00:41 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
1st post in a month...

oh what to say first...

i will think of comments trust me.
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00:44 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
1st post in a month...

oh what to say first...

i will think of comments trust me.

say you never doubted so much that you want a place

and we'll think about it
Deleted User
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00:44 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
13 players is plenty, team's looking great and we've got some spaces if more beauties come available

Bet you never thought we'd do it lol.

wouldn't have joined if I didn't have faith mate
Deleted User
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00:47 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
1st post in a month...

oh what to say first...

i will think of comments trust me.

say you never doubted so much that you want a place

and we'll think about it

i was in this team b4 mate..

id never join now....not a hope ..but like liverpools title challenge!!
Deleted User
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00:48 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
13 players is plenty, team's looking great and we've got some spaces if more beauties come available

Bet you never thought we'd do it lol.

wouldn't have joined if I didn't have faith mate

me neither!
Posts: 914
00:53 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers boys. Welcome back to the forum Franny boy.
Deleted User
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00:56 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers boys. Welcome back to the forum Franny boy.


il be nice i some of you
Posts: 914
01:03 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't hold back, this is Chips n Gravy remember lol
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01:07 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh i wish i could..

i dont want to be reported, or ratted on by folk for saying what i think of them and their way of life.
Deleted User
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01:20 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice one for getting it done early Chalkie mate.

8-2 down going into uk vs a very good player and coming out with 8-7 is a very good score.

Gonna jiggle fixtures around a bit to suit some people (mainly Crazzy and to input the sub which Kris made) so bare with me for a couple mins.tbh i thgought i done good for first fgame back, hiopefull do better

If anyone has any problems getting time arranged let me Liam or Jimmy know and we will sort a swap/sub out.
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01:21 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
hopefully do better when games staret
Posts: 914
01:50 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You'll be fine mate. Its why I wanted to do a friendly, give you some practice.
Posts: 914
01:53 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL friendly

Chips n' Gravy (7) vs (8) revs

jimmy_efc vs pricey2009
slimeball vs _flukez_
chalkie (7) vs (8) magic_smoke
sillybilly vs mighty_zeus
foxhound vs drewdt3
staffordbeer vs cam07
strange_daze vs pointless
mich vs veyron

Deadline 29th March, Sunday at Midnight UK time

Best of luck boys!
Deleted User
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01:53 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You'll be fine mate. Its why I wanted to do a friendly, give you some practice.

Yeah Yeah. It's one thing playing ranked, or friendly, or tourni. And it's a totally other beast; being put under pressure to maintain or better your score out of 15 games.
Posts: 506
02:38 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice one for updating Jimmy.

We look strong lads and even more active (so far) than I thought we would it looks to be an exciting season.

Chalkie just do us one favour remember it's not all about the result but about having a laugh mate even if you lose 15-0 have jokes in the game not that you will like but it's all about having a laugh here and watching Jimmy get stuffed by everyone
Deleted User
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02:43 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
remember it's not all about the result but about having a laugh mate even if you lose 15-0 have jokes in the game not that you will like but it's all about having a laugh here and watching Jimmy get stuffed by everyone

hear hear mr. mich! Big phat 8-ball salute to you sir.

That's a great statement. So good you'll see it quoted on my profile.
Deleted User
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02:45 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
dont fall foul of the reminiscent and his mind games,.,,,u might lose something.!!
Posts: 914
03:14 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
remember it's not all about the result but about having a laugh mate even if you lose 15-0 have jokes in the game not that you will like but it's all about having a laugh here and watching Jimmy get stuffed by everyone

hear hear mr. mich! Big phat 8-ball salute to you sir.

That's a great statement. So good you'll see it quoted on my profile.

That's taken the pressure off me now haha
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