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The Revolution - Let The Revolution Begin

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Posts: 10,109
14:24 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

drewdt3 v funk_is_bk
is now
drewdt3 v davybaumers
Posts: 998
14:46 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Uprising (45) v (20) The Revolution

erigert (10) v (5) jampot
zantetsukenz () v () kris(s)
derik_dalton (6) v (9) vlad_putin
r1p0m4n_v2 (9) v (6) marblewood

clifton188 (11) v (4) drewdt3
corsair (9) v (6) veyron
cgibson92 (s) () v () buzzboxxuk
_niall_ () v () _equality_ (s)

Game Format- 5 racks / games of 8us, 9us and 8uk
Deadline- 4th January, Sunday, Midnight UK time

Everyone please message your opponent and arrange a time to play your match.

Good Luck everyone!!!

Edited at 15:09 Fri 02/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 998
15:09 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture 2

The Revolution (1) v (5) Uprising

8Ball: myrddin () v () cgibson92
8Ball: drewdt3 (0) v (2) davybaumers(s)
9Ball: vlad_putin (1) v (1) clifton188
9Ball: who_me () v () derik_dalton (s)
8UK : ld1987 () v () zantetsukenz
8UK : buzzboxxuk () v () _naill_
strght: jampot () v () corsair
strght: marblewood (0) v (2) erigert

The Revolution (0) v (2) Unbeatables

8Ball: sillybilly () v () lateo1993
8Ball: veyron () v () raker
9Ball: communist () v () t1pster
9Ball: vlad_putin () v () _huts24_
8UK : myrddin () v () poolbiird
8UK : kris () v () x_connor
strght:marblewood (0) v (2) turtle1560
strght: jampot () v () deejay

Game Format: 8 racks or 1st to 5 racks / Straight 2 racks

Deadline: January 11th, Sunday. midnight UK time

Please message your opponent and arrange a time to play your match.

Go Revolution Go !!

Edited at 13:38 Fri 02/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 998
15:23 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture 2 - Group B

Seven n Deadly () v () The Revolution

friendyboy () v () sillybilly
trats () v () marblewood
gillings (s) () v () vlad_putin
hippieville () v () communist
dgeneratio (s) () v () veyron

Uprising (5) v (7) The Revolution

r1p0m4n_v2 () v () buzzboxxuk
clifton188 (1) v (5) drewdt3
zantetsukenz () v () ld1987
lll1lll1lll (4) v (2) who_me
dv8 () v () nathyboy

Game Format : 6 racks (games) 2 each- 8Ball, 9Ball, and 8UK
1 extra point for each RunOut and Golden Break

Deadline : January 11th, Sunday. midnight UK time

Please message your opponent and schedule a time to play your match and have fun !!!

Go Revolution Go !!

Edited at 15:06 Fri 02/01/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:29 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Result 8 ball

davy 6 - 2 drewdt3

I want to say that drew was not bad, but i had some luck in the 4th and 6th game

In the 4th game, i was snookered and i aimed for 2 cushions, hit my ball and it was going right into a pocket. I aimed for 2 cushions, but the pot i made was luck. sorry

In the 6th game, he snookered himself at the end of the game for a finish

With a bit more luck for drew, he was good enough to reach a draw

Anyways, good games and good luck drew
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:39 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL vs Revolution
Was: trats vs marblewood & dgeneratio vs veyron
Is Now: dgeneratio vs marblewood & trats vs veyron

* both online - none played so far.

sillybilly offline 4 days too - better things to do than chase up your players - let me guess we have to wait - Alex is waiting!

Edited at 14:58 Fri 02/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
16:54 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks to drewdt3 for playing all 3 of his clan games back to back. He lost the first two and then got revenge beating Cliffy in the 3rd. Cheers mate!

clifton188 (11) v (4) drewdt3

drewdt3 (2) v (6) davybaumers

clifton188 (1) v (5) drewdt3
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:07 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL vs Revolution
Was: trats vs marblewood & dgeneratio vs veyron
Is Now: dgeneratio vs marblewood & trats vs veyron

* both online - none played so far.

sillybilly offline 4 days too - better things to do than chase up your players - let me guess we have to wait - Alex is waiting!

Edited at 14:58 Fri 02/01/15 (GMT)

Think you have to be a bit realistic and realise some players might be offline longer than usual around Xmas/new year period. Like you said some have better things to do!

I can reassure you that my game will be played before the deadline!
Posts: 998
17:12 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL vs Revolution
Was: trats vs marblewood & dgeneratio vs veyron
Is Now: dgeneratio vs marblewood & trats vs veyron

* both online - none played so far.

sillybilly offline 4 days too - better things to do than chase up your players - let me guess we have to wait - Alex is waiting!

Edited at 14:58 Fri 02/01/15 (GMT)

Think you have to be a bit realistic and realise some players might be offline longer than usual around Xmas/new year period. Like you said some have better things to do!

I can reassure you that my game will be played before the deadline!

And there you have your answer _aquarius12_ -
Posts: 10,109
17:14 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL vs Revolution
Was: trats vs marblewood & dgeneratio vs veyron
Is Now: dgeneratio vs marblewood & trats vs veyron

* both online - none played so far.

sillybilly offline 4 days too - better things to do than chase up your players - let me guess we have to wait - Alex is waiting!

Every player of theirs in that fixture has logged in the last day. You however, have trats that has been offline 2 days. Are there any windows left in your glass house?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:15 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL vs Revolution
Was: trats vs marblewood & dgeneratio vs veyron
Is Now: dgeneratio vs marblewood & trats vs veyron

* both online - none played so far.

sillybilly offline 4 days too - better things to do than chase up your players - let me guess we have to wait - Alex is waiting!

Edited at 14:58 Fri 02/01/15 (GMT)

Think you have to be a bit realistic and realise some players might be offline longer than usual around Xmas/new year period. Like you said some have better things to do!

I can reassure you that my game will be played before the deadline!

Much appreciated - (see offline message)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:21 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL vs Revolution
Was: trats vs marblewood & dgeneratio vs veyron
Is Now: dgeneratio vs marblewood & trats vs veyron

* both online - none played so far.

sillybilly offline 4 days too - better things to do than chase up your players - let me guess we have to wait - Alex is waiting!

Every player of theirs in that fixture has logged in the last day. You however, have trats that has been offline 2 days. Are there any windows left in your glass house?

Errm - Every Player yeah okay that's why zantes chasing communist - sillybilly has only just logged on after 4 days. So dont talk crap!

Reading's obviously not your forte just commenting on stuff which is none of your concern is - There you go broke your New Years Resolution already - keep nose out! - Disappointed Stu. Always next year.

IF he's not back by tomorrow evening then we will reassess the situation.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:25 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Situation is easy.. it was Xmas and Newyear..

Dont you think some people have other things to do?
The Deadline is not e...

oh well, just read the above, rest my case

Posts: 19,967
17:48 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Every player of theirs in that fixture has logged in the last day. You however, have trats that has been offline 2 days. Are there any windows left in your glass house?

Errm - Every Player yeah okay that's why zantes chasing communist - sillybilly has only just logged on after 4 days. So dont talk crap!

Reading's obviously not your forte just commenting on stuff which is none of your concern is - There you go broke your New Years Resolution already - keep nose out! - Disappointed Stu. Always next year.

IF he's not back by tomorrow evening then we will reassess the situation.

Zante asked about communist last night, communist was subbed out (but has logged in since). If you are going to suggest someone didn't bother to read the thread, maybe you fits need to actually read through the they'd yourself and avoid looking silly.

It seems like you have no time for players being offline but give your own players all the time in the world. Maybe before you come in all guns blazing, consider a more polite and courteous request rather than suggesting you can't be bothered to make more effort than a simple post despite being a captain.
Posts: 998
18:01 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Posted Image

Faust is free to comment on our thread when ever he see fit you dont have control of the Revolution thread and it seems you are the one creating all the drama here
Posts: 998
18:32 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture 2 - Group B
Seven n Deadly v The Revolution

dgeneratio v marblewood and trats v veyron
trats v marblewood and dgeneratio vs veyron

Ash Only did this for tactical reasons and all The Revolution players are active so no need for the swap.

And you off line messaged marblewood regarding trats status so we will stick with the original scheduled players matches.

Edited at 17:07 Fri 02/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
19:41 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture 2 - Group B
Seven n Deadly v The Revolution

dgeneratio v marblewood and trats v veyron
trats v marblewood and dgeneratio vs veyron

Ash Only did this for tactical reasons and all The Revolution players are active so no need for the swap.

And you off line messaged marblewood regarding trats status so we will stick with the original scheduled players matches.

I'm going to go out of character here Kat - but I believe Ash was making a swap purely because both players was online here. I don't see a distinct tactical advantage to the swap tbh.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:51 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you was purely to get a game played, swap has been cancelled. Fixtures back to their original lineup.

dgeneratio vs veyron & trats vs marblewood (trats is unavailable atm but hopefully will return soon as per prev post)

Posts: 13,570
19:57 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
hate this arguing crap, but I messaged communist and still aint had no reply.

give it a rest, and am sure if u lot n ash stop, then we can all have a happy new year!
Posts: 4,231
20:59 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
played my game vs Zante

Sadly not the greatest of results, but..

8us 3-2 kris
9us 0-5 Zante
8uk 3-2 kris

Overall 9-6 to him.

Id like to say tht he clearly wasnt at his best but that was enough. Very friendly gent, great pleasure to play him.
I killed my chances in 9b, where he was very good, mix it up with few bad shots by me and 5-0 came to b a reality. i was 2-0 up in uk, on a finish in the third frame and messed it up again...
id say the best and friendliest team around here- Uprising.
All the best guys, keep up the excellent work tht u are doing so far!
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The Revolution - Let The Revolution Begin

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