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Uprising Xl - Super League Champions

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Posts: 19,967
23:18 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
You said it might be going ahead not that it definitely was, I said we'd have guys available in the evening. You went offline before 6 and didn't show till after 7. That is evening, and a good peak time of the evening but you disappeared. How can we know that you're coming back when you reappear with less than an hour to go before 8.

You asked about other players and I have you a rough time and you were offline for the majority of that time including when Chris was due back which you were aware of.

I don't care who plays the game, I'm happier for anyone to play it rather than a default but you've just attacked us when you can
Posts: 19,967
23:24 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think zante is in just a moody mood today for some reason as he seems usaully nice when i read his posts

No mood at all, but when someone makes disrespectful comments about Uprising and for no reason accuses us of playing for defaults then I will stand up to them even if they are supposed to be a decent person.

your making disgraceful comments about shadwell , im standing up for shadwell like you are with uprising , you have accused him of a lier , defaults and doing disappearing acts

your turning his posts into negatives , if you see it in a positive way you will see he wants to play the games vs anyone

not having a go , just my thoughts

Show me these disgraceful posts (and with him being more insulting in his remarks I am intrigued).

I have showed several times he was not available to pay in the timeframe he stated. My comments on him playing for defaults were in response to his baseless accusations of us playing for default when there is no evidence to suggest that. The disappearing I mentioned was him going offline without warning around the time I said we would have players on.
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23:27 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
dalton 5 hulahoops 8

us 3 1
9 ball 2 3
uk 1 3

Played well in 8 ball, and won it 3 1 deservedley, first 9 ball he ran out second 9 ball the most bizzare thing happened, i was on to clear 6,7,8,9, id previously told harry id lost remote, and timer came on middle of telly saying shut down yes no, i could only see half of the 9 cos of it and couldnt see the 7 as it was in middle er table, i ran into other room to get living toom remote but it wunt work, so i came off bottom cuh and 6 fluked , i then told harry i couldnt see the balls and explained and potted the white straight in corner, expecting him to restart after, he cleared then claimed and said, well u should have remote at side of you, i had an easy 7 8 9, and he said well wheres evidence, well what more do u need than a message b4 hand, coming offf a cush to hit aball thats potable and then potting white, anyhow he claimed it, i wasnt happy, after that i won a 9 aball, first uk i 7 balled him but soured the white on 8, then he took next 2, not happy at all abouut sportsmanship, however i think results enough to knock em out anyhow so scallops to it

Yeah It's the last thing you'd expect after telling him what was going on before hand, no excuses at all imo. It's sad the things people will result 2 to win an online game of pool
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23:31 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
You went offline before 6 and didn't show till after 7

It is also tea time as my daughter comes home late on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Normal tea time is from half 5 usually. You keep saying after 7 but I am sure it was sometime before. I may have posted on this thread at or around 7, that does not mean that I was not online until the moment I posted.
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23:31 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
As you can see I have answered everything as honestly as I can.
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23:39 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Shadwell, you started it all off by taking offence to something that was completely innocent.

It's clear the two of you aren't going to agree so save everybody the bother of reading through pages of dross and leave it there.

Nice result Joe, shame about the circumstances, I would have refused to continue. Nevertheless great result and all but gets us over the line (presuming Chris doesn't capitulate)!
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23:49 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I get on with Joe and Harry. I have a wireless logitech mouse, mid game it ran out of charge and the charging cable was nowhere to be seen, resulting in me not being able to pot anything and having a random shot. I stated my mouse had ran out of charge and the opponent carried on, made a friendly joke about my mouse and by the time I managed to get the cable into my mouse to charge another random shot had happened and I had lost the frame. I cant remember whom it was against but they claimed the frame knowing full well I couldn't move my mouse. I would have offered to replay, he didn't and although I didn't think much of his principles I accepted it. I had already won the match so wasn't concerned to a great degree. I can see where both are coming from but cannot side with either.
Posts: 3,846
23:51 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I get on with Joe and Harry. I have a wireless logitech mouse, mid game it ran out of charge and the charging cable was nowhere to be seen, resulting in me not being able to pot anything and having a random shot. I stated my mouse had ran out of charge and the opponent carried on, made a friendly joke about my mouse and by the time I managed to get the cable into my mouse to charge another random shot had happened and I had lost the frame. I cant remember whom it was against but they claimed the frame knowing full well I couldn't move my mouse. I would have offered to replay, he didn't and although I didn't think much of his principles I accepted it. I had already won the match so wasn't concerned to a great degree. I can see where both are coming from but cannot side with either.

having played u numerous times shady pal, do u think i would have claimed
Posts: 19,967
23:58 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
You went offline before 6 and didn't show till after 7

It is also tea time as my daughter comes home late on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Normal tea time is from half 5 usually. You keep saying after 7 but I am sure it was sometime before. I may have posted on this thread at or around 7, that does not mean that I was not online until the moment I posted.

We had sharky online at 7 and posted he could play you if you came back online.

I'll leave it there, it has gone beyond repetitive and serves no purpose now. Apologies to Uprising for the disruption.

Back to sorting our this last game
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00:01 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Technically Hoolahan has done nothing wrong but that doesn't excuse the circumstances - Joe absolutely has a right to feel aggrieved.

I would hope that any of the respected clan players (those that have been around a long time) would be perfectly understanding.

I couldn't imagine any of the other "top players" being unsporting.
Posts: 19,967
00:05 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

Uprising (24) v (14) Black Scorpions A

pirate_steve (8) v (5) raker
cgibson92 v shadwell17
davybaumers (10) v (2) silenthill
derik_dalton (6) v (7) w_hoolahan

Deadline: 5/11/14

Deadline is tomorrow. If you see a Scorpion online, swap your game and get it played!
Deleted User
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00:09 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
having played u numerous times shady pal, do u think i would have claimed

I would have to say that, although my notion of Uprising players has been shaken today, I believe you would not have claimed the frame.
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00:13 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
We had sharky online at 7 and posted he could play you if you came back online.

Again, from the quick look I just did, it looks like more fiction. Where is this said post from sharky? Or are you talking about the post faust put up when I wasn't online or was online but didn't see? I can't be sure about the time as it states about 4 hours ago. If I was online, why didn't sharky arrange to play me as I would have accepted. If I wasn't online then the point is moot as I obviously didn't see it.

Edited at 22:20 Tue 04/11/14 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
02:54 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Missed all this due to being at pool, but all I can say is that so far we have offered 3 people to get this played. I'll add another - slimeball should be on in the daytime tomorrow to play this game. If you guys (scorpions) can put half the effort in we have to get this played - there won't be a default.

Regarding sharky's post - it was on facebook. Shadwell was browsing as I left and here is my and Dale's posts....

"I gotta go to real pool now anyway. If you see this, log in and play shadwell please, if not - all cool! "

"I went on he weren't there. Waited half hour and logged out"
Posts: 367
03:49 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
can be on if needed
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12:04 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL6 - Round 3 Play-Offs

I definitely need an Ultras team for tonight please - and, just based on current scores, probably an Uprising team too.
Posts: 10,109
12:13 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
can be on if needed

That would be cool mate then we'll have day and night covered!

Can you let Shadwell know please?
Deleted User
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12:27 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have seen that slimeball can play. I have initiated messaging. I have suggested a time. I am waiting on his response.
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12:35 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Its amazing how many people logged in at the exact same time i went for something to eat. 3 or 1000 is irrelevant if I am not here to see it. If a time was arranged I would have been online to play it. Out of the 3 players only pirate steve sent me a message asking to play. When I came back online he was already in a game.
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12:53 Wed 5 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not sure if I'm eligible to play it but If I am then I can be on for half 4 If it still hasn't been played.
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Uprising Xl - Super League Champions

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