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Uprising Xl - Super League Champions

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Posts: 1,617
22:21 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
shadwell is a day time player , everyone active on this site knows this , hes going to come online at in the evening time to play this game , what more you want the poor lad to do

just cause his a day time player doesnt give him any less rights than a evening player
Posts: 19,967
22:23 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well for starters you posted after 12 and said you could play in half an hour. So even by your rules that's less than 8 hours. I did tell you out guys are in work/uni all day so your best bet is later on so I don't know why you waited around, especially considering Chris told you from 6:30 onwards. You actually made yourself unavailable at the time Chris said. Eve if it is a aldi reason, there is nothing stopping you saying you are going off for a bit so we could've lined something up for you instead of guessing at your next login.
Posts: 19,967
22:26 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
shadwell is a day time player , everyone active on this site knows this , hes going to come online at in the evening time to play this game , what more you want the poor lad to do

just cause his a day time player doesnt give him any less rights than a evening player

No where have we said that, he was the one trying to force a sub. We don't have anyone to play in the day, we have players available for the sites peak times. Unfortunately 2 of the available players were on when shadwell had logged out, without warning at a time we had said we should have people about. Those two have seen him log out early and presumed he isn't coming back because it was close to the time he said he couldn't play anymore.
Posts: 3,846
22:27 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
dalton 5 hulahoops 8

us 3 1
9 ball 2 3
uk 1 3

Played well in 8 ball, and won it 3 1 deservedley, first 9 ball he ran out second 9 ball the most bizzare thing happened, i was on to clear 6,7,8,9, id previously told harry id lost remote, and timer came on middle of telly saying shut down yes no, i could only see half of the 9 cos of it and couldnt see the 7 as it was in middle er table, i ran into other room to get living toom remote but it wunt work, so i came off bottom cuh and 6 fluked , i then told harry i couldnt see the balls and explained and potted the white straight in corner, expecting him to restart after, he cleared then claimed and said, well u should have remote at side of you, i had an easy 7 8 9, and he said well wheres evidence, well what more do u need than a message b4 hand, coming offf a cush to hit aball thats potable and then potting white, anyhow he claimed it, i wasnt happy, after that i won a 9 aball, first uk i 7 balled him but soured the white on 8, then he took next 2, not happy at all abouut sportsmanship, however i think results enough to knock em out anyhow so scallops to it
Posts: 6,417
22:29 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
ThAts 6-7 but still a very good result Joe
Posts: 19,967
22:30 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
7-6 not 8-5, we have a 10 point lead. Shame about the sportsmanship but still a great result. Just got to try and sort out this last game.
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22:35 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well for starters you posted after 12 and said you could play in half an hour. So even by your rules that's less than 8 hours. I did tell you out guys are in work/uni all day so your best bet is later on so I don't know why you waited around, especially considering Chris told you from 6:30 onwards. You actually made yourself unavailable at the time Chris said. Eve if it is a aldi reason, there is nothing stopping you saying you are going off for a bit so we could've lined something up for you instead of guessing at your next login.

Lol, I didn't realise I had to get permission to leave. There was nothing wrong with you saying one of your players would be online at a certain time and getting it all arranged. I said I would be online in half an hour just as a matter of actual fact and a courtesy. I said about the time I would be picking my kids up if it was raining as it was hammering down and wanted to be as transparent as I could be, I didn't want anyone accusing me of trying to dodge a game. Even after all my honesty and transparency I still get accused of being a liar. It seems it's a case of damned if I do and damned if I don't.
Posts: 1,617
22:37 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think zante is in just a moody mood today for some reason as he seems usaully nice when i read his posts
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22:38 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
shadwell is a day time player , everyone active on this site knows this , hes going to come online at in the evening time to play this game , what more you want the poor lad to do

just cause his a day time player doesnt give him any less rights than a evening player

No where have we said that, he was the one trying to force a sub. We don't have anyone to play in the day, we have players available for the sites peak times. Unfortunately 2 of the available players were on when shadwell had logged out, without warning at a time we had said we should have people about. Those two have seen him log out early and presumed he isn't coming back because it was close to the time he said he couldn't play anymore.

Not once have I asked for a sub as I would rather play Chris as arranged. Uprising was the one to mention subs. I didn't log in any earlier as I had no reason to as no game was arranged for that time. I did however log on to check messages of which there was none from anyone until later in the day.
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22:40 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think zante is in just a moody mood today for some reason as he seems usaully nice when i read his posts

I am a little taken aback myself as I have had no reason to argue with him before and considered him a friend of sorts.
Posts: 3,846
22:41 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
ThAts 6-7 but still a very good result Joe

a well, it would have been other way round if not for that blatant cheating, and it threw me off a bit after, very dissapointed 99 percent of site know i wouldnt do that other way round
Posts: 6,417
22:44 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
ThAts 6-7 but still a very good result Joe

a well, it would have been other way round if not for that blatant cheating, and it threw me off a bit after, very dissapointed 99 percent of site know i wouldnt do that other way round
Not much u can do Joe. I usually repeat frames when those things happen, and my opponents always repeat when those things happened to me.
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22:44 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
dalton 5 hulahoops 8

us 3 1
9 ball 2 3
uk 1 3

Played well in 8 ball, and won it 3 1 deservedley, first 9 ball he ran out second 9 ball the most bizzare thing happened, i was on to clear 6,7,8,9, id previously told harry id lost remote, and timer came on middle of telly saying shut down yes no, i could only see half of the 9 cos of it and couldnt see the 7 as it was in middle er table, i ran into other room to get living toom remote but it wunt work, so i came off bottom cuh and 6 fluked , i then told harry i couldnt see the balls and explained and potted the white straight in corner, expecting him to restart after, he cleared then claimed and said, well u should have remote at side of you, i had an easy 7 8 9, and he said well wheres evidence, well what more do u need than a message b4 hand, coming offf a cush to hit aball thats potable and then potting white, anyhow he claimed it, i wasnt happy, after that i won a 9 aball, first uk i 7 balled him but soured the white on 8, then he took next 2, not happy at all abouut sportsmanship, however i think results enough to knock em out anyhow so scallops to it

Disgraceful sportsmanship but take it as a compliment m8 if that's what he had to do to beat you, nice result still regardless
Posts: 19,967
22:47 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chris has given me today and tomorrow, I could have played earlier dates also. I wont be around tomorrow evening as I have a family and I will be doing something for bonfire night.

I can play in half hour onward if you can get someone on. I may not be able to play from 2:50 - 4 if it's raining as i pick the kids up. I don't care who I play and I don't want it going to default if at all possible.

You know Chris can't play till after 6:30pm, so asking for this before 1pm would be asking for a sub wouldn't it?

Explain how it isn't
Posts: 19,967
22:50 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think zante is in just a moody mood today for some reason as he seems usaully nice when i read his posts

No mood at all, but when someone makes disrespectful comments about Uprising and for no reason accuses us of playing for defaults then I will stand up to them even if they are supposed to be a decent person.

I'm perfectly pleasant to anyone and I can separate personal feelings from those generated through clan arrangements. But I'm not one to back down.
Posts: 3,846
22:50 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
dalton 5 hulahoops 8

us 3 1
9 ball 2 3
uk 1 3

Played well in 8 ball, and won it 3 1 deservedley, first 9 ball he ran out second 9 ball the most bizzare thing happened, i was on to clear 6,7,8,9, id previously told harry id lost remote, and timer came on middle of telly saying shut down yes no, i could only see half of the 9 cos of it and couldnt see the 7 as it was in middle er table, i ran into other room to get living toom remote but it wunt work, so i came off bottom cuh and 6 fluked , i then told harry i couldnt see the balls and explained and potted the white straight in corner, expecting him to restart after, he cleared then claimed and said, well u should have remote at side of you, i had an easy 7 8 9, and he said well wheres evidence, well what more do u need than a message b4 hand, coming offf a cush to hit aball thats potable and then potting white, anyhow he claimed it, i wasnt happy, after that i won a 9 aball, first uk i 7 balled him but soured the white on 8, then he took next 2, not happy at all abouut sportsmanship, however i think results enough to knock em out anyhow so scallops to it

Disgraceful sportsmanship but take it as a compliment m8 if that's what he had to do to beat you, nice result still regardless

i were gobsmacked mate, i couldnt believe it, ive struggled al season, then played this game with no practice,deserved to win it and summet like that happens
Posts: 1,617
22:55 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think zante is in just a moody mood today for some reason as he seems usaully nice when i read his posts

No mood at all, but when someone makes disrespectful comments about Uprising and for no reason accuses us of playing for defaults then I will stand up to them even if they are supposed to be a decent person.

your making disgraceful comments about shadwell , im standing up for shadwell like you are with uprising , you have accused him of a lier , defaults and doing disappearing acts

your turning his posts into negatives , if you see it in a positive way you will see he wants to play the games vs anyone

not having a go , just my thoughts
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:07 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Scorpions thread
zantetsukenz - Any news about these games from this end? Both sides seem quiet on the forum.

shad - I've been messaging Chris and may be playing tonight if he can get on in time. I always message my player as soon as i see i have a game :)

Uprising thread
shad - Chris has given me today and tomorrow, I could have played earlier dates also. I wont be around tomorrow evening as I have a family and I will be doing something for bonfire night.

I can play in half hour onward if you can get someone on. I may not be able to play from 2:50 - 4 if it's raining as i pick the kids up. I don't care who I play and I don't want it going to default if at all possible.

zantetsukenz - I think our guys all work in the day, if there's one about then feel free to swap around. But evenings are usually peak time for our lot, so I would say layer on is your best bet.

As you can see from the above, the game with Chris was going ahead tonight as far as I was concerned. You posted up fiction and I replied to say the games was arranged to a degree. I also said that I would be online and could play if you had any other players online as a way to help out and get the game played as you had posted up about games not being arranged. I have no issue with Chris and I am sure I would have enjoyed the games win, lose or draw.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:09 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
It is bonfire night tomorrow, I have a family which includes 3 daughters who very much like fireworks and I must confess to being quite partial to them myself. That is where I shall be at 7pm tomorrow evening, setting off at 6pm to woefully wait in line.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:12 Tue 4 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chris has given me today and tomorrow, I could have played earlier dates also. I wont be around tomorrow evening as I have a family and I will be doing something for bonfire night.

I can play in half hour onward if you can get someone on. I may not be able to play from 2:50 - 4 if it's raining as i pick the kids up. I don't care who I play and I don't want it going to default if at all possible.

You know Chris can't play till after 6:30pm, so asking for this before 1pm would be asking for a sub wouldn't it?

Explain how it isn't

It was an offer of willingness on my part to play someone from uprising if there was a player online at an earlier time. Due to the souring of my offer, none will be extended next time.
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Uprising Xl - Super League Champions

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