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XVth Man: Luck Takes No Prisoners!!!

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17:17 Sat 25 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
good luck with this clan Ash

same old on your thread I see, guess that was the real reason the clan folded, don't bow down and allow it to happen again

I've read through the thread, wonder if all the players posting want to sign, instead of twisting
all this and your not even in the leagues yet
looks like you have a lot to look forward too

have fun, I'm sure if you get your team together, MBz will look forward to playing

again good luck
to you and your team
Deleted User
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17:45 Sat 25 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
good luck with this clan Ash

same old on your thread I see, guess that was the real reason the clan folded, don't bow down and allow it to happen again

I've read through the thread, wonder if all the players posting want to sign, instead of twisting
all this and your not even in the leagues yet
looks like you have a lot to look forward too

have fun, I'm sure if you get your team together, MBz will look forward to playing

again good luck
to you and your team

Thanks Craig, guess no point having a thread without the needle, so expected nothing less. Hopefully we can all move on now and me and Alex (Co Captain) can try and implement what we set out to do.
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23:08 Sat 25 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
XIIth (13th) Man - Luck Takes No Prisoners!!!

1. krazyash_07 (Co-Capt)
2. friendyboy (Co-Capt)
3. __emz__
4. emerged
5. lfc12
6. _astonished_
7. TBA
8. TBA
9. TBA
10. TBA
11. TBA
12. TBA

Edited at 21:26 Sat 25/10/14 (BST)
Posts: 1,029
09:58 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
He ran a clan last year with more than 16 players in it with unlimited swaps and subs and still had defaults and didn't finish the season. So he was muting the idea of less players and zero subs, what exactly did we need to wait for as he had already proved with more he couldn't do it. As it directly affected everyone who had to play them, ergo everyone in the league, then of course we should have a say. Of your saying leave it to Chris's judgement he deems 16 players and unlimited subs the correct way, should we only listen to him sometimes?

I think you need to re-read the phoenix thread. Clearly nothing to do with swaps and if you see the last three seasons or so, we did massively better than pds and defaults were few and far between. It's jumped up Lil ppl saying "we won't play your team" bla bla that makes it fp so pathetic as everyone follows the crowd of "legends" who most to me have a bigger ego than Ronaldo. We had a team that tested the best, especially lsst season where we could have ended in top 2/3. I also remember the bigger teams making pointless subs, luckily backfiring (Upr if I recall). But ofc, if ash does it, let's bully him.Point being, ash is already a proven captain having a great team playing loyally for him.
If anyone should be having doubters, it's myself as I have never been involved in captaincy.

So in conclusion, get the hell off our back and give us a chance. Thanks for all support priest and hippesville!
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10:08 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
* 12 Players ONLY
* No Subs nor Swaps after fixtures release
* Will Reverse Swaps should they be deemed unnecessary
* Players have entire...

I've highlighted the part. Perhaps YOU should go back and read what your Co-captain wrote.
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10:11 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
As for 'getting off your back's' if you and others read, we were going to refuse to play a team that refused to make swaps or subs. Ash backed down from thay position and I stopped posting. Its all the folk telling people to stop posting that are making people post. Yet we are the idiots haha.
Posts: 6,417
10:27 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
friendyboy can u remind us some of the pointless subs we made as i cant think of any?
Posts: 10,109
10:52 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

I think you need to re-read the phoenix thread. Clearly nothing to do with swaps and if you see the last three seasons or so, we did massively better than pds and defaults were few and far between. It's jumped up Lil ppl saying "we won't play your team" bla bla that makes it fp so pathetic as everyone follows the crowd of "legends" who most to me have a bigger ego than Ronaldo. We had a team that tested the best, especially lsst season where we could have ended in top 2/3. I also remember the bigger teams making pointless subs, luckily backfiring (Upr if I recall). But ofc, if ash does it, let's bully him.Point being, ash is already a proven captain having a great team playing loyally for him.
If anyone should be having doubters, it's myself as I have never been involved in captaincy.

So in conclusion, get the hell off our back and give us a chance. Thanks for all support priest and hippesville!

Never has so much boIIocks been spouted in one post!! I have even posted on this thread that Uprising wouldn't boycott this clan! Also, how dare you lie through your teeth and suggest Uprising made a tactical sub v Phoenix? We NEVER did such a thing, we in fact did the very opposite.

If you're going to make such an incendiary post, try and at least make one factual point!
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11:29 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
What a load of crock, Firstly it was Ash that made all the tactical subs against both uprising and Pros Not the other way around. Secondly yes i have said if these pathetic so called " one clan rules" are allowed i may boycott the games against you. Thirdly crowd of legends ? ill take that as a compliment :) but i don't see anyone following my opinion if have my own opinion and that is that. Ash is a proven captain ? how so ? he folded a clan mid season .. does that make him a proven captain ? or a failed captain ..... ENOUGH SAID.
Posts: 7,974
11:46 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I truly think you guys need to get on your own threads let this clan get on with its own business

its a new clan a new day

questioning peoples captaining abilities lmao

one of you was banned mid way through a season
for cheating and then muted

one went absent

there are x banned players posting giving advice

2 ex muted players posting

your definitely qualified to slate Ash and this NEW clan that hasn't even formed yet, laughable at best

the above are facts
chucking dirt around look in the mirror guys

I folded a clan because of blatant cheating and much the same as what Ash and his fellow captain are enduring now

yes I've been banned a long while ago now, who cares

let these guys get on with it

look at yourselves first, definitely the best people to give advice, really ?

good luck again Ash maybe you can get on with this now

if they don't stop posting unnecessary posts and making this thread an uncomfortable place to be

its easy trust me it works
Deleted User
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12:07 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right everyone's had their say, opinions are simply that, opinions. I don't and we don't need to prove anything to anyone, all we want to do is try compete whilst having some fun just like the rest of you. Well that's what you say you want.

As for me being judged by the high and almighty for folding Phoenix Storm, I will not justify nor mention that again as it's old news. Teams did profit from it with the strengthening to their teams. So would appreciate if can move on and not dwell in the past.

Present is now and future looks promising, all we are doing is signing quality players, adding to the entry list in numbers of teams. Which a few have said they want, now when the cat fits etc etc.

Opinions will be rife as im not the easiest person to get along with, I won't apologize for it, just try my best to work on it. Whether teams boycott us that's their prerogative but be sure Rules and Regulations apply to everyone, don't go throwing the imaginary book at us one minute then breach a rule yourselves the next. Rules are simply rules to encourage fairness, flow and consistency for all.

Said my piece, let's leave it at that.
Posts: 10,109
12:11 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hahaha, such utter drivel. Craig's become funkypools equivalent of Vito Mannone!

I agree with one thing this manchild says. If you're not big enough, adult enough, or clever enough to fight your own battles, you should definitely run to admin!
Posts: 6,417
12:12 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I truly think you guys need to get on your own threads let this clan get on with its own business

its a new clan a new day

questioning peoples captaining abilities lmao

one of you was banned mid way through a season
for cheating and then muted

one went absent

there are x banned players posting giving advice

2 ex muted players posting

your definitely qualified to slate Ash and this NEW clan that hasn't even formed yet, laughable at best

the above are facts
chucking dirt around look in the mirror guys

I folded a clan because of blatant cheating and much the same as what Ash and his fellow captain are enduring now

yes I've been banned a long while ago now, who cares

let these guys get on with it

look at yourselves first, definitely the best people to give advice, really ?

good luck again Ash maybe you can get on with this now

if they don't stop posting unnecessary posts and making this thread an uncomfortable place to be

its easy trust me it works

You should use Winrar to compress your posts Craig Lol
Deleted User
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12:13 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I truly think you guys need to get on your own threads let this clan get on with its own business

its a new clan a new day

questioning peoples captaining abilities lmao

one of you was banned mid way through a season
for cheating and then muted

one went absent

there are x banned players posting giving advice

2 ex muted players posting

your definitely qualified to slate Ash and this NEW clan that hasn't even formed yet, laughable at best

the above are facts
chucking dirt around look in the mirror guys

I folded a clan because of blatant cheating and much the same as what Ash and his fellow captain are enduring now

yes I've been banned a long while ago now, who cares

let these guys get on with it

look at yourselves first, definitely the best people to give advice, really ?

good luck again Ash maybe you can get on with this now

if they don't stop posting unnecessary posts and making this thread an uncomfortable place to be

its easy trust me it works

I went absent ? and what .... i have a personal life ... there is no reason to fold a clan mid season .. did pros fold in my absence ? NO, i had the right people with me to continue it.

As for Stu being banned and muted wow .. did his team fold because of it ? NO. Get off your own high horse and take a look at reality. No wonder you have been banned yourself so many times.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 13:12 Sun 26/10/14 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
12:21 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

I went absent ? and what .... i have a personal life ... there is no reason to fold a clan mid season .. did pros fold in my absence ? NO, i had the right people with me to continue it.

As for Stu being banned and muted wow .. did his team fold because of it ? NO. Get off your own high horse and take a look at reality. No wonder you have been banned yourself so many times.

not a very nice response Matty, I stated facts and they are
why do you find it necessary to get personal with your posts

good luck Ash have fun

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 13:13 Sun 26/10/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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12:25 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

I went absent ? and what .... i have a personal life ... there is no reason to fold a clan mid season .. did pros fold in my absence ? NO, i had the right people with me to continue it.

As for Stu being banned and muted wow .. did his team fold because of it ? NO. Get off your own high horse and take a look at reality. No wonder you have been banned yourself so many times.

not a very nice response Matty, I stated facts and they are
why do you find it necessary to get personal with your posts

good luck Ash have fun

Personal ? i thought i was stating facts also.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 13:13 Sun 26/10/14 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
12:28 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hahaha, such utter drivel. Craig's become funkypools equivalent of Vito Mannone!

I agree with one thing this manchild says. If you're not big enough, adult enough, or clever enough to fight your own battles, you should definitely run to admin!

that's what admins there for
don't forget it
Posts: 10,109
12:30 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hahaha, such utter drivel. Craig's become funkypools equivalent of Vito Mannone!

I agree with one thing this manchild says. If you're not big enough, adult enough, or clever enough to fight your own battles, you should definitely run to admin!

that's what admins there for
don't forget it

I don't need to. I'm quite capable of fighting my own battles.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 13:22 Sun 26/10/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:33 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hahaha, such utter drivel. Craig's become funkypools equivalent of Vito Mannone!

I agree with one thing this manchild says. If you're not big enough, adult enough, or clever enough to fight your own battles, you should definitely run to admin!

that's what admins there for
don't forget it

I don't need to. I'm quite capable of fighting my own battles.

Been fishing Stu ?

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 13:23 Sun 26/10/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:33 Sun 26 Oct 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I truly think you guys need to get on your own threads let this clan get on with its own business

its a new clan a new day

questioning peoples captaining abilities lmao

one of you was banned mid way through a season
for cheating and then muted

one went absent

there are x banned players posting giving advice

2 ex muted players posting

your definitely qualified to slate Ash and this NEW clan that hasn't even formed yet, laughable at best

the above are facts
chucking dirt around look in the mirror guys

I folded a clan because of blatant cheating and much the same as what Ash and his fellow captain are enduring now

yes I've been banned a long while ago now, who cares

let these guys get on with it

look at yourselves first, definitely the best people to give advice, really ?

good luck again Ash maybe you can get on with this now

if they don't stop posting unnecessary posts and making this thread an uncomfortable place to be

its easy trust me it works

You should use Winrar to compress your posts Craig Lol

Or English.
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XVth Man: Luck Takes No Prisoners!!!

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