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Phoenix Storm - Tumultus Ruina

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:56 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

has the GSC fixtures been released yet?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:57 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
precision vs askingfan (FBL -- 9us)

5-1 to precision

Gg's mate

Should have been 6-0 PS but snookered myself on the black in the 5th frame and that left askingfan an easy last 2 pots. But 5-1 isn't too bad, its a win atleast

Quality result mate, just felt like giving you another game type. Well done.

Cheers mate, my 9us game is fairly good so I don't mind playing it lol i know other players hate the game type so if there's ever any issues, just whack me in it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:58 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

has the GSC fixtures been released yet?

Not yet mate, we have disclosed our team list after all the crap in the past 24 hours.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:02 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

has the GSC fixtures been released yet?

Not yet mate, we have disclosed our team list after all the crap in the past 24 hours.

I personally wouldn't have done that but I'm not the captain of PS lol so fair enough, drop me a message or something when they are released cheers
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:57 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It was my idea. Phoenix are constantly being bullied and ridiculed for tactical play when nothing could be further from the truth. If posting the team backfires on us I take full responsibility. We have just as many quality players as they have so it will come down to whomever plays better on the day, as usual.

Good luck team!

Edited at 16:07 Wed 30/04/14 (BST)
Posts: 10,109
19:00 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
All our players are in the same game types they was initially selected in. No new players have been subbed in.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:29 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It was my idea. Phoenix are constantly being bullied and ridiculed for tactical play when nothing could be further from the truth. If posting the team backfires on us I take full responsibility. We have just as many quality players as they have so it will come down to whomever plays better on the day, as usual.

Good luck team!

Edited at 16:07 Wed 30/04/14 (BST)
bullied? Who's fault is it that this is even an issue? Did any of the other teams ask to change their line up when their oppositions line up was on the site or was it just you guys? Always with the feeling hard done by when you cause yourselves nothing but problems. If you have a team equally as good why try bend the rules to suit you if you feel anyone could play anyone?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:31 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
onevisit mind your own business, you are not in either side. Once again mr know it knows naff all.

Don't bother posting, you'll be wasting your time.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:33 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Why not answer any of the questions posed?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:44 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It was my idea. Phoenix are constantly being bullied and ridiculed for tactical play when nothing could be further from the truth. If posting the team backfires on us I take full responsibility. We have just as many quality players as they have so it will come down to whomever plays better on the day, as usual.

Good luck team!

Edited at 16:07 Wed 30/04/14 (BST)
bullied? Who's fault is it that this is even an issue? Did any of the other teams ask to change their line up when their oppositions line up was on the site or was it just you guys? Always with the feeling hard done by when you cause yourselves nothing but problems. If you have a team equally as good why try bend the rules to suit you if you feel anyone could play anyone?

As stated, we didn't try to bend the rules.

From reading your many posts and your views on everyone and his dog, I have decided that you are a windup merchant and I shall not be goaded into replying from this moment on.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:50 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
So both folk bleeding about being bullied unable to answer simple questions about why this all came about. Tells the story really.

As for not bending the rule, had the deadline for team sheets passed and did you try to change the libe up after said deadline? Rule bending definitely was sought.

Perhaps if you just followed the example set by all other captains instead of claiming bullying and all comments being unprovoked, you would get on better. Again no coincidence when the mutings happened there were no arguments. Perhaps look closer to home why you get all the grief?

My posts both nicely put and constructive. I look forward to them being dismissed as they are correct.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:55 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Who's fault is it that this is even an issue?

As I have said to both teams involved, it is my fault that the two teams were even showing on the website before release tonight.

I have no idea whether they were seen at all by anybody, however I raised the issue out of fairness to everyone involved along with an apology. That really ought to be the end of it now.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:57 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Who's fault is it that this is even an issue?

As I have said to both teams involved, it is my fault that the two teams were even showing on the website before release tonight.

I have no idea whether they were seen at all by anybody, however I raised the issue out of fairness to everyone involved along with an apology. That really ought to be the end of it now.
regardless if it was on the website they shouldn't have sought the rules to be bent and change their line up. They have brought on this themselves by even asking. I can see you are trying to deflate any arguments but I'm simply pointing out rather than labelling everyone a bully, if they didn't ask for something no one else would dream of asking for there would be zero conversations about this.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:05 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It's a fact that most clans submit lists then make changes before the games are actually released.

On this occasion I realised the games were already visible so decided to, in effect, start over again out of fairness to Uprising.

I am not trying to deflate an argument for the sake of it, I am just trying to give a reasoned explanation.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:48 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
shadwell17 vs aces_back

8us 2 - 3
9us 5 - 0
9uk 3 - 2

Total shadwell17 (10) - (5) aces_back

Good luck in the rest.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:49 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
*** GSC - Semi Final ***

Phoenix Storm (0) vs (0) Uprising

FCL : thegame26 vs derik_dalton
FCL : tactics vs cgibson92
SL: w_hoolahan vs lethal_lures
SL: davybaumers vs r1p0m4n_v2
8 US: thanatos vs fuunky
9 US: poolh8r vs zantetsukenz
8 UK: joeyy vs pirate_steve
STR: precision vs clifton188

Deadline: 14th May 2014.

Good Luck, Semi Final let's try win this.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:50 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
shadwell17 vs aces_back

8us 2 - 3
9us 5 - 0
9uk 3 - 2

Total shadwell17 (10) - (5) aces_back

Good luck in the rest.

Nice result mate, another double figure scoreline - luvly jubbly.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:53 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix 5
Deadline: 4th May 2014

Phoenix Inferno (31) vs (46) Pros B - Complete

precision (7) vs (6) diamond_v2
w_hoolahan (9) vs (4) _redherring_
shadwell17 (6) vs (7) dvz
davybaumers (5) vs (8) onevisit
thanatos (4) vs (9) scott7a

Killer 1: (0) vs (6)
Killer 2: (0) vs (6)

We lost by 15 Team: 12 of them were from KILLER some great achievement there despite the loss.

Ragin' Phoenix (29) vs (12) Underdogs (INC TBC)

(swp) joeyy (9) vs (4) puddling
thegame26 vs aaron1973
(s) breksis (7) vs (5) aces_back
(s) krazyash_07 (9) vs (3) mardu0o (s)
(swp) friendyboy (4) vs (0) cke1982 TBC

Killer 1: (0) vs (0)
Killer 2: (0) vs (0)

Good Luck to ALL & let's try get these killers played asap.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:55 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks buddy.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:57 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 6 *** NEW***

Phoenix Storm (71) vs (17) Underdogs (INC TBC)

precision (11) vs (4) ichigo
(s) funky_foo vs mrfent (s) (s)
w_hoolahan (12) vs (3) puddling
shadwell17 (10) vs (5) aces_back
x_connor (12) vs (3) tombstone_74
thanatos (11) vs (2) mardu0o (TBC)
davybaumers (15) vs (0) hardy202
thegame26 vs chalky79 (s)

Deadline: 4th May 2014

Good Luck and let's score as many points as possible, EVERY frame counts.

FBL Fix 6

Phoenix Storm (2) vs (0) Pocket Dynamos

8us: thanatos vs jasonb
8us: shadwell17 vs long_pot
9us: precision (2) vs (0) askingfan (5-1)
9us: thegame26 vs tpan13 (s)
8uk: bigcjl2 vs blueberry
8uk: friendyboy vs walktall
Straight: w_hoolahan vs marksmith (playing shortly)
Straight: davybaumers vs fastboysam

Deadline: 12th May 2014

Format: 6 frames of game type and 2 ONLY in Straight

Good Luck Team: Let's finish this FBL Season with a WIN - Well done to you ALL, EVERY frame counts remember.
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Phoenix Storm - Tumultus Ruina

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